Errors, Questions, and Complaints a. In case of errors or questions about your transactions, you should as soon as possible contact us as set forth in Section 6 of the General Terms above. b. If you think your periodic statement for your account is incorrect or you need more information about a transaction listed in the periodic statement for your account, we must hear from you no later than sixty (60) days after we send you the applicable periodic statement for your account that identifies the error. You must: 1. Tell us your name; 2. Describe the error or the transaction in question, and explain as clearly as possible why you believe it is an error or why you need more information; and, 3. Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. c. If you tell us orally, we may require that you send your complaint in writing within ten (10) Business Days after your oral notification. Except as described below, we will determine whether an error occurred within ten (10) Business Days after you notify us of the error. We will tell you the results of our investigation within three (3) Business Days after we complete our investigation of the error, and will correct any error promptly. However, if we require more time to confirm the nature of your complaint or question, we reserve the right to take up to forty-five (45) days to complete our investigation. If we decide to do this, we will provisionally credit your Eligible Transaction Account within ten (10) Business Days for the amount you think is in error. If we ask you to submit your complaint or question in writing and we do not receive it within ten (10) Business Days, we may not provisionally credit your Eligible Transaction Account. If it is determined there was no error we will mail you a written explanation within three (3) Business Days after completion of our investigation. You may ask for copies of documents used in our investigation. We may revoke any provisional credit provided to you if we find an error did not occur.
Virginia Tech question Does the vendor acknowledge, agree, and understand that the terms and conditions of the RFP # 952642206 shall govern the contract if a contract is awarded to your company?
Investor Questionnaire The undersigned represents and warrants to the Company that all information that the undersigned has provided to the Company, including, without limitation, the information in the Investor Questionnaire attached hereto or previously provided to the Company (the “Investor Questionnaire”), is correct and complete as of the date hereof.
Interview Questions Explanation Why do you want to be a Board member? What specific skills would you bring to the Board? Please give specific examples of your ability in interpersonal relationships and teamwork. What do you see as the role of a Board member? What have you done to prepare yourself for the challenges of being a Board member? Interview questions are at the Board's sole discretion. This list is not exhaustive, but it may help the Board tailor its questions toward finding a candidate who will approach Board membership with a clear understanding of its demands and expectations along with a constructive attitude toward the challenge. The Board may also want to consider allowing an equal amount of time for each interview. Please describe your previous community or non-profit experiences. What areas in the district would you like to see the Board strengthen? See IASB's Recruiting School Board Candidates, available at: A prospective candidate to fill a vacancy may raise other specific issues that the Board will want to cover during an interview. What is your availability to meet the time, training commitments, and other responsibilities required for Board membership? Describe what legacy you would like to leave behind. In each interview, the Board President will: Introduce Board members to the candidate at the beginning of the interview. Describe the Board's interview process, selection process, and ask the candidate if he or she has questions about the Board's process for filling a vacancy by appointment. Describe the District's philosophy or mission statement. Describe the vacancy for the candidate by reviewing the: (1) qualifications, and (2) general duties and responsibilities of the Board and the Board members, including fiduciary responsibilities, conflict of interest, ethics and gift ban, and general Board member development. Begin asking the interview questions that the Board developed. Ask the candidate whether he or she has any questions for the Board. Thank the candidate and inform the candidate when the Board expects to make a decision and how the candidate will be contacted regarding the Board's decision. The Board President will lead the Board as it interviews prospective candidates. See Board policy 2:110, Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers. The president presides at all meetings. 105 ILCS 5/10-13. The Board may also want to consider allowing an equal amount of time for each interview. Fill vacancy by a vote during an open meeting of the Board before the 60th day (105 ILCS 5/10-10, amended by P.A. 101-67, eff. 1-1-20). Announcement Explanation The Board appointed [appointee's name] to fill the vacancy on the Board. The appointment will be from [date] to [date]. The Board previously established qualifications for the appointee in a careful and thoughtful manner. [Appointee's name] meets these qualifications and has demonstrated the willingness to accept the duties and responsibilities of a Board member. [Appointee's name] brings a clear understanding of the demands and expectations of being a Board member along with a constructive attitude toward the challenge. The contents of the appointment announcement and length of time it is displayed are at the Board's sole discretion. The Board may want to consider announcing the appointment during its meeting and also by posting it in the same places that it posted the vacancy announcement. See Board policy 8:10, Connection with the Community. See Board policy 2:80, Board Member Oath and Conduct. Each individual, before taking his or her seat on the Board, must take an oath in substantially the form given in 105 ILCS 5/10-16.5. See Board policy 2:120, Board Member Development, and 2:120-E, Guidelines for Serving as a Mentor to a NewSchool Board Member. Orientation assists new Board members to learn, understand, and practice effective governance principles. See the IASB Foundational Principles of Effective Governance, available at: DATED : December 16, 2019
PRICE LISTS AND PRODUCT INFORMATION Contractors should provide an electronic version of the proposed price list in an Excel format or pdf on a jump drive. Also provide a dealer list, if applicable in an Excel format with "read and write" capabilities on the same jump drive. No costs or expenses associated with providing this information in the required format shall be charged to the State of Arkansas. At the time of contract renewal contractor will furnish OSP with an updated dealer list and published price list.
Proposed Policies and Procedures Regarding New Online Content and Functionality By October 31, 2017, the School will submit to OCR for its review and approval proposed policies and procedures (“the Plan for New Content”) to ensure that all new, newly-added, or modified online content and functionality will be accessible to people with disabilities as measured by conformance to the Benchmarks for Measuring Accessibility set forth above, except where doing so would impose a fundamental alteration or undue burden. a) When fundamental alteration or undue burden defenses apply, the Plan for New Content will require the School to provide equally effective alternative access. The Plan for New Content will require the School, in providing equally effective alternate access, to take any actions that do not result in a fundamental alteration or undue financial and administrative burdens, but nevertheless ensure that, to the maximum extent possible, individuals with disabilities receive the same benefits or services as their nondisabled peers. To provide equally effective alternate access, alternates are not required to produce the identical result or level of achievement for persons with and without disabilities, but must afford persons with disabilities equal opportunity to obtain the same result, to gain the same benefit, or to reach the same level of achievement, in the most integrated setting appropriate to the person’s needs. b) The Plan for New Content must include sufficient quality assurance procedures, backed by adequate personnel and financial resources, for full implementation. This provision also applies to the School’s online content and functionality developed by, maintained by, or offered through a third-party vendor or by using open sources. c) Within thirty (30) days of receiving OCR’s approval of the Plan for New Content, the School will officially adopt, and fully implement the amended policies and procedures.
Your Billing Rights: Keep this Document for Future Use This notice tells you about your rights and our responsibilities under the Fair Credit Billing Act.
Shareholder Information Services (i) Make information available to shareholder servicing unit and other remote access units regarding trade date, share price, current holdings, yields, and dividend information. (ii) Produce detailed history of transactions through duplicate or special order statements upon request. (iii) Provide mailing labels for distribution of financial reports, prospectuses, proxy statements or marketing material to current shareholders. (iv) Respond as appropriate to all inquiries and communications from shareholders relating to shareholder accounts.
Billing Information 6.1 NLT and the RL shall provide each other with information within their possession that is necessary to allow them to provide accurate and timely billing to each other and to any other relevant third parties.