Data Persistence Sample Clauses

Data Persistence. Choosing and designing the database required a lot of thought in order to support efficient storage and retrieval of many instances of time series data, as well as all generated results. The storage model represents a crucial part of the system and will be described in this section. We found these to be some of the important aspects to consider when choosing a specific database solution for our storage: • we are dealing with large amounts of data with a loose structure, comprised only of a few different entities • there isn’t a need for typical linking and joins found in relational database solutions • majority of data that will be stored are parameter time series with many values which do not fit well with the relational model, where we would be forced to store these values in separate rows and later use joins to retrieve them all • we would benefit from easy horizontal scalability in the case of clients with a lot of data Mentioned aspects and already having experience with successfully storing time series in Xxxxxxxxx guided us towards using it in this system as well. Another solution is HBase, which is the Hadoop database. As so, there is no worries about integration like in case of Xxxxxxxxx. HDP, Cloudera, or PaaS providers like Amazon offer HBase hand in hand with Hadoop. Moreover, it is a practice to run MR jobs with HBase as input/output. It is a mature project, which means solid documentation and has active community, like Xxxxxxxxx. It is column oriented and it is not strange to use it for time-series storage. SQL is an ordinary relational database. In practice this may represent multiple separate databases, or even separate database servers altogether. It should store user account data, project information, project settings, file, model and test metadata.
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Data Persistence. The persistency of data is presented in FIWARE in an almost transparent way for the developer. Three components are in place to achieve data storage: • Orion Context Broker, a service that allows to manage context information to provide information to clients and request information to the devices. • Cygnus is a service that allows the user to persist the data Orion is collecting and notifying into databases. Cygnus is based on Apache Flume. • and of course, the database you choose for your deployment. As depicted in Figure 6 the current platform will provide adapters to MongoDB, CKAN, CrateDB and HDFS. In order to clarify, Xxxxxx obtains data from Orion through an Xxxxx’s subscription. Using the REST API that Xxxxx provides, the developer can create a subscription, when a new value is notified to Orion, it sends this data to Cygnus. Finally, Cygnus will insert this data into the configured databases.
Data Persistence. Cygnus is based on Apache Flume and lets you configure their agents through two files: cygnus_instance.conf which configures its not Flume parameters and is only necessary when Cygnus acts as a service and agent.conf to configure all Flume parameters internal to the Cygnus configuration. The agent.conf configuration file is required. The Cygnus Agent’s parameters can be configured: • using Cygnus’s REST API, methods are provided to retrieve, create, delete and update Flume’s parameters. • through the agent.conf, using this file parameters like the connection with the HTTP source, its handler and its interceptors, the connection with MongoDB and its channel for communication and the connection with STH and the channel for its communication can be configured.
Data Persistence. The data persistence is composed by three components: Orion, Cygnus and a MongoDB instance. Cygnus requires a file as volume of docker, this is “agent.conf”, containing the configuration of database, STH’s sinks, and the port where is notified by Orion subscriptions. When launched a subscription must be created in Orion through its REST API. The request body will contain the URL where Xxxxx will notify the changes of entities values. This URL must contain the IP and port where Cygnus is listening. Cygnus will be in charge of persist data received from Orion in configured databases.

Related to Data Persistence

  • Data Breach Notification Seller will promptly notify Buyer of any actual or potential exposure or misappropriation of Buyer data ("breach") that comes to Seller's attention. Seller will cooperate with Xxxxx and in investigating any such breach, at Xxxxxx's expense. Seller will likewise cooperate with Buyer and, as applicable, with law enforcement agencies in any effort to notify injured or potentially injured parties, and such cooperation will be at Seller's expense, except to the extent that the breach was caused by Xxxxx. The remedies and obligations set forth in this subsection are in addition to any others Buyer may have, including, but not limited to, any requirements in the “Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security” provisions of this Agreement.

  • Abuse and Neglect of Children and Vulnerable Adults: Abuse Registry Party agrees not to employ any individual, to use any volunteer or other service provider, or to otherwise provide reimbursement to any individual who in the performance of services connected with this agreement provides care, custody, treatment, transportation, or supervision to children or to vulnerable adults if there has been a substantiation of abuse or neglect or exploitation involving that individual. Party is responsible for confirming as to each individual having such contact with children or vulnerable adults the non-existence of a substantiated allegation of abuse, neglect or exploitation by verifying that fact though (a) as to vulnerable adults, the Adult Abuse Registry maintained by the Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living and (b) as to children, the Central Child Protection Registry (unless the Party holds a valid child care license or registration from the Division of Child Development, Department for Children and Families). See 33 V.S.A. §4919(a)(3) and 33 V.S.A. §6911(c)(3).

  • Data Breach In the event of an unauthorized release, disclosure or acquisition of Student Data that compromises the security, confidentiality or integrity of the Student Data maintained by the Provider the Provider shall provide notification to LEA within seventy-two (72) hours of confirmation of the incident, unless notification within this time limit would disrupt investigation of the incident by law enforcement. In such an event, notification shall be made within a reasonable time after the incident. Provider shall follow the following process:

  • Personal Data Breach Notification SAP will notify Customer without undue delay after becoming aware of any Personal Data Breach and provide reasonable information in its possession to assist Customer to meet Customer’s obligations to report a Personal Data Breach as required under Data Protection Law. SAP may provide such information in phases as it becomes available. Such notification shall not be interpreted or construed as an admission of fault or liability by SAP.

  • Breach by Authorized User An Authorized User’s breach shall not be deemed a breach of the Centralized Contract; rather, it shall be deemed a breach of the Authorized User’s performance under the terms and conditions of the Centralized Contract.

  • Liability for Failure to Stop Payment of Preauthorized Transfer If you order us to stop one of these payments 3 business days or more before the transfer is scheduled, and we do not do so, we will be liable for your losses or damages.

  • Security Breach Notification In addition to the information enumerated in Article V, Section 4(1) of the DPA Standard Clauses, any Security Breach notification provided by the Provider to the LEA shall include:

  • Opportunity to Remedy Material Breach If an HSP breaches any material provision of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the reporting requirements in Article 8 and the representations and warranties in Article 10 and the breach has not been satisfactorily resolved under Article 7, the Funder will give the HSP Notice of the particulars of the breach and of the period of time within which the HSP is required to remedy the breach. The Notice will advise the HSP that the Funder may terminate this Agreement:

  • Handling Sensitive Personal Information and Breach Notification A. As part of its contract with HHSC Contractor may receive or create sensitive personal information, as section 521.002 of the Business and Commerce Code defines that phrase. Contractor must use appropriate safeguards to protect this sensitive personal information. These safeguards must include maintaining the sensitive personal information in a form that is unusable, unreadable, or indecipherable to unauthorized persons. Contractor may consult the “Guidance to Render Unsecured Protected Health Information Unusable, Unreadable, or Indecipherable to Unauthorized Individuals” issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to determine ways to meet this standard.

  • LIABILITY FOR UNAUTHORIZED USE If any Card is lost or stolen or otherwise may be used without your permission (express or implied), you must immediately notify us orally or in writing at the following phone number or address: 0-000-000-0000 or at TIB, National Association, P.O Box 569120, Dallas, Texas 75356-9120. If unauthorized use of a Card occurs before you notify us of the loss, theft or unauthorized use, you may be liable up to a maximum amount of $50. If unauthorized use of a Credit Device occurs, you may be liable for all of the unauthorized use.

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