DEBT PROTECTION PLAN. Your purchase of the Debt Protection Plan (“Plan”) is optional. Whether or not you purchase this protection will not affect your application for credit or the terms of any existing credit agreement you have with PenFed. If you do purchase Debt Protection you may cancel it at any time by notifying us in writing. You understand that you may rescind this plan within 30 days after the date your Debt Protection becomes effective. If you rescind, any premiums you have already paid will be credited to your account. We can terminate this Agreement by giving you notice at least 30 days in advance of the termination. The premium, method of calculation and assessment are subject to change. If these terms change we will provide written notice before the change goes into effect. Premiums will accrue on a daily basis and will be billed to your account monthly. Complete details of this optional Debt Protection are included in The Debt Protection Plan Program Agreement which you will receive upon enrollment.
DEBT PROTECTION PLAN. Your purchase of the Debt Protection Plan (“Plan”) is optional. Whether or not you purchase this protection will not affect your application for credit or the terms of any existing credit agreement you have with PenFed. If you do purchase Debt Protection you may cancel it at any time by notifying us in writing. You understand that you may rescind this plan within 30 days after the date your Debt Protection becomes effective. If you rescind, any premiums you have already paid will be cred- ited to your account. We can terminate this Agreement by giving you notice at least 30 days in advance of the termina- tion. The premium, method of calculation and assessment are subject to change. If these terms change we will provide written notice before the change goes into effect. Premiums will accrue on a daily basis and will be billed to your account
DEBT PROTECTION PLAN. Your purchase of the Debt Protection Plan (“Plan”) is optional. Whether or not you purchase this protection will not affect your application for credit or the terms of any existing credit agreement you have with PenFed. If you do purchase Debt Protection you may cancel it at any time by notifying us in writing. You understand that you may rescind this plan within 30 days after the date your Debt Protection becomes effective. If you rescind, any premiums you have already paid will be
DEBT PROTECTION PLAN. Your purchase of the Debt Pro- tection Plan (“Plan”) is optional. Whether or not you purchase this protection will not affect your application for credit or the terms of any existing credit agreement you have with PenFed. If you do purchase Debt Protection you may cancel it at any time by notifying us in writing. You understand that you may rescind this plan within 30 days after the date your Debt Protec- tion becomes effective. If you rescind, any premiums you have already paid will be credited to your account. We can terminate this Agreement by giving you notice at least 30 days in advance of the termination. The premium, method of calculation and as- sessment are subject to change. If these terms change we will provide written notice before the change goes into effect. Pre- miums will accrue on a daily basis and will be billed to your account monthly. Complete details of this optional Debt Protec- tion are included in The Debt Protection Plan Program Agree- ment which you will receive upon enrollment.
DEBT PROTECTION PLAN. Your purchase of the Debt Pro- tection Plan (“Plan”) is optional. Whether or not you purchase
DEBT PROTECTION PLAN. 2 explained Debt Protection Plan Death Permanent Disability Temporary Disability Retrenchment


  • – DISABILITY INCOME PROTECTION PLAN i) The Disability Income Protection Plan of the designated employer will be in accordance with the collective agreement. ii) There will be no break in coverage and/or waiting period prior to being able to receive the Disability Income Protection Plan so long as the waiting period has already been served.

  • Income Protection All workers will be covered by the extended Incolink Leisure Time Insurance and Income protection Scheme which provides defined weekly payments ($500 per week to workers with dependants, $400 per week to workers without dependants) for up to a maximum 104 weeks in the event of an extended work absence arising from any personal illness or injury (whether or not work related). The costs of this benefit will be shared between Incolink and the company on a 30/70 basis. Agreed premium costs will be: Incolink - $2.10 per week/worker Employer - $4.90 per week/worker It is a condition of the company’s agreement to provide this benefit that premium costs be maintained at not more than the February 1998 equivalent. In the event of premium costs escalating, the parties are agreed that the benefits table will be revised downwards so as to contain premium costs within the agreed limits. To maintain this cover the company agrees to pay the amounts every week for each employee. In the event the company does not maintain the above policy, the company will be liable in full to pay equivalent benefits to an employee who meets eligibility criteria as set out in the policy document.

  • Meadow Protection Reasonable care shall be taken to avoid damage to the cover, soil, and wa- ter in xxxxxxx shown on Sale Area Map. Vehicular or skidding equipment shall not be used on xxxxxxx, ex- cept where roads, landings, and tractor roads are ap- proved under B5.1 or B6.422. Unless otherwise agreed, trees felled into xxxxxxx shall be removed by endlining.

  • Whistle Blowing Protection The Employer agrees to adhere to the whistle blowing protection pursuant to the

  • Federal Water Pollution Control Act The contractor agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders, or regulations issued pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.

  • Lien Protection Lessee shall pay when due all claims for labor or materials furnished or alleged to have been furnished to or for Lessee at or for use on the Premises, which claims are or may be secured by any mechanic's or materialmen's lien against the Premises or any interest therein. Lessee shall give Lessor not less than ten (10) days' notice prior to the commencement of any work in, on, or about the Premises, and Lessor shall have the right to post notices of non-responsibility in or on the Premises as provided by law. If Lessee shall, in good faith, contest the validity of any such lien, claim or demand, then Lessee shall, at its sole expense, defend and protect itself, Lessor and the Premises against the same and shall pay and satisfy any such adverse judgment that may be rendered thereon before the enforcement thereof against the Lessor or the Premises. If Lessor shall require, Lessee shall furnish to Lessor a surety bond satisfactory to Lessor in an amount equal to one and one-half times the amount of such contested lien claim or demand, indemnifying Lessor against liability for the same, as required by law for the holding of the Premises free from the effect of such lien or claim. In addition, Lessor may require Lessee to pay Lessor's attorneys' fees and costs in participating in such action if Lessor shall decide it is to its best interest to do so.

  • Further Assurances and Corrective Instruments Issuer and Company agree that they will, from time to time, execute, acknowledge and deliver, or cause to be executed, acknowledged and delivered, such supplements hereto and such further instruments as may reasonably be required for carrying out the intention of or facilitating the performance of this Agreement.

  • PayPal’s Buyer Protection Program When you buy something from a seller who accepts PayPal, you may be eligible for a refund under PayPal’s Buyer Protection program. When applicable, PayPal’s Buyer Protection program entitles you to reimbursement for the full purchase price of the item plus the original shipping costs you paid, if any. PayPal determines, in its sole discretion, whether your claim is eligible for PayPal’s Buyer Protection program. PayPal’s original determination is considered final, but you may be able to file an appeal of the decision with PayPal if you have new or compelling information not available at the time of the original determination or you believe there was an error in the decision-making process. The program terms and conditions are set out in PayPal’s Buyer Protection program page and form part of this user agreement.

  • Income Protection, Trauma and Journey Insurance The Employer is, and will remain during the life of this Agreement, a participating employer in the Nominated Redundancy Fund and an employer member of IPT Agency Co Ltd. IPT Agency Co Ltd administers the insurance schemes covering income protection, trauma and journey accidents (Income Protection, Trauma and Journey Accidents Insurance Schemes).

  • Virus Protection The Bank is not responsible for any electronic virus or viruses that you may encounter. We suggest that you routinely scan your PC using a virus protection product. An undetected virus may corrupt and destroy your programs, files, and your hardware.