Developing Event Sample Clauses

Developing Event. Level Estimates The data in this file can be used to develop national 2007 event level estimates for the U.S. civilian noninstitutionalized population on inpatient hospital stays as well as expenditures, and sources of payment for these stays. Estimates of total stays are the sum of the weight variable (PERWT07F) across relevant event records while estimates of other variables must be weighted by PERWT07F to be nationally representative. The tables below contain event-level estimates for selected variables. Selected Event Level Estimates Hospital Stays Estimate of Interest Variable Name Estimate (SE) Estimate Excluding Zero Payment Events (SE)* Total number of inpatient hospital stays (in millions) PERWT07F 30.3 (1.04) 29.8 (1.04) Total number of nights in hospital across all stays (in millions) NUMNIGHX 155.3 (7.96) 154.0 (7.95) Average number of nights per stay NUMNIGHX 5.1 (0.18) 5.2 (0.19) Hospital Expenditures Estimate of Interest Variable Name Estimate (SE) Estimate Excluding Zero Payment Events (SE)* Mean total payments per stay IPXP07X $11,656 ($426.0) $11,841 ($432.3) Mean out-of-pocket payment per stay IPDSF07X +IPFSF07X $358 ($63.4) $364 ($64.4) Mean proportion of total expenditures per stay paid by private insurance (IPDPV07X+ IPFPV07X) /IPXP07X ---------- 0.346 (0.0128) Estimate of Interest Variable Name Estimate (SE) Estimate Excluding Zero Payment Events (SE)* Mean total payments per night (NUMNIGHX > 0) IPXP07X/ NUMNIGHX $3,634 ($120.3) $3,690 ($121.3) * Zero payment events can occur in MEPS for the following reasons: (1) the stay was covered under a flat fee arrangement (flat fee payments are included only on the first event covered by the arrangement), (2) there was no charge for a follow-up stay, (3) the provider was never paid by an individual, insurance plan, or other source for services provided, (4) charges were included in another bill, or (5) the event was paid for through government or privately-funded research or clinical trials.
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Developing Event. Level Estimates The data in this file can be used to develop national 2010 event level (i.e., monthly) estimates for the U.S. civilian noninstitutionalized population on expenditures and sources of payment for home health care medical provider visits. The weight assigned to each home health care medical provider event reported is the person-level weight of the person who was visited. If a person had several events reported, each event is assigned that individual’s person-level weight. Estimates must be weighted by PERWT10F to be nationally representative. For example, the appropriate estimate for the overall mean out-of-pocket payment per month of care is computed as follows (the subscript ‘j’ identifies each event and represents a numbering of events from 1 through the total number of events in the file): (∑ Wj Xj)/(∑ Wj), where Wj = PERWT10Fj (full year person weight for the person associated with event j) and Xj = HHSF10Xj (amount paid by self/family for event j) Estimates and corresponding standard errors (SE) can be derived using an appropriate computer software package for complex survey analysis such as SAS, Stata, SUDAAN or SPSS ( The tables below contain the correct event-level estimates for several key variables on this file. Informal care (MPCELIG = 3) is not included in the tables because, by definition, there are no payments for those events and, therefore, no expenditure data are collected. Selected Event-Level Estimates Expenditures: Home Health Agency & Paid Independents (MPCELIG = 1, 2): Estimate of Interest Variable Estimate (SE) Estimate Excluding Zero Payment Events (SE) Proportion of events with expenditures>0* HHXP10X 0.980 (0.0050) ----- Mean total payments per month of care HHXP10X $1,196 (80.8000) $1,221 (80.7000) Mean out-of-pocket payments per month of care HHSF10X $47 (12.9000) $48 (13.2000) Mean proportion of total monthly expenditures paid out of pocket HHSF10X/ HHXP10X ----- 0.079 (0.0178) Mean total payments per month where any services provided due to hospitalization (HOSPITAL=1) HHXP10X $1,244 (96.0000) $1,276 (95.0000) Expenditures: Home Health Agency Providers only (MPCELIG=1) Estimate of Interest Variable Estimate (SE) Estimate Excluding Zero Payment Events (SE) Proportion of events with expenditures>0* HHXP10X 0.981 (0.0051) ----- Mean total payments per month HHXP10X $1,258 (86.3000) $1,282 (87.0000) Mean out-of-pocket payments per month HHSF10X $3 (2.1000) $3 (2.2000) Me...
Developing Event. Level Estimates The data in this file can be used to develop national 2009 event level estimates for the U.S. civilian noninstitutionalized population on outpatient visits as well as expenditures, and sources of payment for these visits. Estimates of total visits are the sum of the weight variable (PERWT09F) across relevant event records while estimates of other variables must be weighted by PERWT09F to be nationally representative. The tables below contain event-level estimates for selected variables. Selected Event Level Estimates Outpatient Visits Estimate of Interest Variable Name Estimate (SE) Estimate Excluding Zero Payment Events (SE)** Total number of outpatient visits (including phone call events, in millions)* PERWT09F 131.5 (9.44) 126.7 (9.29) Total number of outpatient visits in person and not by telephone (SEETLKPV=1, in PERWT09F 131.2 (9.44) 126.7 (9.29) millions) Total number of in-person visits to doctor (SEETLKPV=1 & SEEDOC=1, in millions) PERWT09F 53.8 (3.46) 52.0 (3.35) Proportion of outpatient visits with expenditures > 0** OPXP09X 0.964 (0.0054) ------------- Outpatient Expenditures (SEETLKPV = 1) Estimate of Interest Variable Name Estimate (SE) Estimate Excluding Zero Payment Events (SE)** Mean total payments per visit (all sources) OPXP09X $908 ($53.0) $941 ($56.2) Mean out-of-pocket payment per visit OPDSF09X +OPFSF09X $62 ($5.0) $64 ($5.3) Mean proportion of total expenditures paid by private insurance per visit (OPDPV09X +OPFPV09X) /OPXP09X ------------- 0.379 (0.0238) Expenditures: Physician Visits (SEEDOC = 1 & SEETLKPV = 1) Estimate of Interest Variable Name Estimate (SE) Estimate Excluding Zero Payment Events (SE)** Mean total payments per visit where person saw medical doctor OPXP09X $1,490 ($111.0) $1,541 ($114.1) Mean out-of-pocket payment per visit where person saw medical doctor OPDSF09X +OPFSF09X $96 ($9.2) $99 ($9.4) Mean proportion of total expenditures per visit paid by private insurance where person saw medical doctor (OPDPV09X +OPFPV09X) /OPXP09X ------------- 0.372 (0.0238) *OPXP09X=-1 (inapplicable) for all phone call events (SEETLKPV=2). ** Zero payment events can occur in MEPS for the following reasons: (1) the visit was covered under a flat fee arrangement (flat fee payments are included only on the first event covered by the arrangement), (2) there was no charge for a follow-up visit, (3) the provider was never paid directly for services provided by an individual, insurance plan, or other source, (4) charges w...
Developing Event. Level Estimates The data in this file can be used to develop national 2014 event-level estimates for the U.S. civilian noninstitutionalized population on inpatient hospital stays as well as expenditures, and sources of payment for these stays. Estimates of total stays are the sum of the weight variable (PERWT14F) across relevant event records while estimates of other variables must be weighted by PERWT14F to be nationally representative. The tables below contain event-level estimates for selected variables. Selected Event-Level Estimates Hospital Stays Estimate of Interest Variable Name Estimate (SE) Estimate Excluding Zero Payment Events (SE)*
Developing Event. Level Estimates The data in this file can be used to develop national 2016 event-level estimates for the U.S. civilian noninstitutionalized population on prescribed medicine purchases (events) as well as expenditures, and sources of payment for these purchases. Estimates of total number of purchases are the sum of the weight variable (PERWT16F) across relevant event records while estimates of other variables must be weighted by PERWT16F to be nationally representative. The tables below contain event-level estimates for selected variables. Selected Event (Purchase) Level Estimates All Prescribed Medicine Purchases Estimate of Interest Variable Name Estimate (SE) Number of purchases (in millions) PERWT16F 3254.2 (83.98) Mean total payments per purchase RXXP16X $117 (3.1) Mean out-of-pocket payment per purchase RXSF16X $14 (0.5) Mean proportion of expenditures paid by private insurance per purchase RXPV16X /RXXP16X 0.185 (0.0050) Example by Drug Type: Statins (TC1S1_1 = 173 or TC1S1_2 = 173 or TC1S2_1 = 173 or TC1S3_1 = 173 or TC2S1_1 = 173 or TC2S1_2 = 173) Estimate of Interest Variable Name Estimate (SE) Number of purchases (in millions) PERWT16F 218.1 (7.08) Mean total payments per purchase RXXP16X $79 (3.3) Mean annual total payments per person RXXP16X (aggregated across purchases within person) $411 (18.1)
Developing Event. Level Estimates The data in this file can be used to develop national 2009 event-level estimates for the U.S. civilian noninstitutionalized population on prescribed medicine purchases (events) as well as expenditures, and sources of payment for these purchases. Estimates of total number of purchases are the sum of the weight variable (PERWT09F) across relevant event records while estimates of other variables must be weighted by PERWT09F to be nationally representative. The tables below contain event-level estimates for selected variables. Selected Event (Purchase) Level Estimates All Prescribed Medicine Purchases Estimate of Interest Variable Name Estimate (SE) Number of purchases (in millions) PERWT09F 3185.7 (86.56) Mean total payments per purchase RXXP09X $81 (1.5) Mean out-of-pocket payment per purchase RXSF09X $18 (0.4) Mean proportion of expenditures paid by private insurance per purchase RXPV09X /RXXP09X 0.211 (0.0046) Example by Drug Type: Statins (TC1S1_1 = 173 or TC1S1_2 = 173 or TC1S2_1 = 173 or TC1S3_1 = 173 or TC2S1_1 = 173 or TC2S1_2 = 173) Estimate of Interest Variable Name Estimate (SE) Number of purchases (in millions) PERWT09F 210.4 (7.20) Mean total payments per purchase RXXP09X $81 (1.9) Mean annual total payments per person RXXP09X (aggregated across purchases within person) $474 (12.0) Example by Associated Condition: Hypertension (RXICD1X = ”401” or RXICD2X = ”401” or RXICD3X = ”401”) Estimate of Interest Variable Name Estimate (SE) Number of purchases (in millions) PERWT09F 517.6 (15.71) Mean total payments per RXXP09X $41 (1.1) Estimate of Interest Variable Name Estimate (SE) purchase Mean annual total payments per person RXXP09X (aggregated across purchases within person) $398 (11.4)
Developing Event. Level Estimates The data in this file can be used to develop national 2010 event level estimates for the U.S. civilian noninstitutionalized population on office-based medical provider visits as well as expenditures, and sources of payment for these visits. Estimates of total visits are the sum of the weight variable (PERWT10F) across relevant event records while estimates of other variables must be weighted by PERWT10F to be nationally representative. The tables below contain event-level estimates for selected variables. Selected Event-Level Estimates Office-Based Visits Estimate of Interest Variable Name Estimate (SE) Estimate Excluding Zero Payment Events (SE)**
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Developing Event. Level Estimates The data in this file can be used to develop national 2012 event-level estimates for the U.S. civilian noninstitutionalized population on emergency room visits as well as expenditures, and sources of payment for these visits. Estimates of total visits are the sum of the weight variable (PERWT12F) across relevant event records while estimates of other variables must be weighted by PERWT12F to be nationally representative. The tables below contain event-level estimates for selected variables. Selected Event-Level Estimates Emergency Room Visits Estimate of Interest Variable Name Estimate (SE) Estimate Excluding Zero Payment Events (SE) Total number of emergency room visits (in millions) PERWT12F 59.3 (1.96) 55.6 (1.91) Proportion of emergency room visits with expenditures > 0* ERXP12X 0.937 (0.0044) --------------- Emergency Room Expenditures Estimate of Interest Variable Name Estimate (SE) Estimate Excluding Zero Payment Events (SE)* Mean total payments per visit ERXP12X $943 ($29.6) $1,006 ($31.4) Mean out-of-pocket payment per visit ERDSF12X +ERFSF12X $117 ($9.4) $125 ($10.1) Mean proportion of total expenditures paid by private insurance per visit (ERDPV12X +ERFPV12X) /ERXP12X --------------- 0.329 (0.0112) * Zero payment events can occur in MEPS for the following reasons: (1) the stay was covered under a flat fee arrangement (flat fee payments are included only on the first event covered by the arrangement), (2) there was no charge for a follow-up stay, (3) the provider was never paid by an individual, insurance plan, or other source for services provided, or (4) charges were included in the bill for a subsequent hospital admission (emergency room events only), or (5) the event was paid for through government or privately-funded research or clinical trials.
Developing Event. Level Estimates The data in this file can be used to develop national 2007 event level estimates for the U.S. civilian noninstitutionalized population on office-based medical provider visits as well as expenditures, and sources of payment for these visits. Estimates of total visits are the sum of the weight variable (PERWT07F) across relevant event records while estimates of other variables must be weighted by PERWT07F to be nationally representative. The tables below contain event-level estimates for selected variables. Selected Event Level Estimates Office-Based Visits Estimate of Interest Variable Name Estimate (SE) Estimate Excluding Zero Payment Events (SE)** Total number of office-based medical provider visits (including phone call events*, in millions) PERWT07F 1,510.4 (34.68) 1,426.4 (33.03)

Related to Developing Event

  • Dissolution Event If there is a Dissolution Event before the termination of this Safe, the Investor will automatically be entitled (subject to the liquidation priority set forth in Section 1(d) below) to receive a portion of Proceeds equal to the Cash-Out Amount, due and payable to the Investor immediately prior to the consummation of the Dissolution Event.

  • Liquidity Event If there is a Liquidity Event before the termination of this Safe, this Safe will automatically be entitled (subject to the liquidation priority set forth in Section 1(d) below) to receive a portion of Proceeds, due and payable to the Investor immediately prior to, or concurrent with, the consummation of such Liquidity Event, equal to the greater of (i) the Purchase Amount (the “Cash-Out Amount”) or (ii) the amount payable on the number of shares of Common Stock equal to the Purchase Amount divided by the Liquidity Price (the “Conversion Amount”). If any of the Company’s securityholders are given a choice as to the form and amount of Proceeds to be received in a Liquidity Event, the Investor will be given the same choice, provided that the Investor may not choose to receive a form of consideration that the Investor would be ineligible to receive as a result of the Investor’s failure to satisfy any requirement or limitation generally applicable to the Company’s securityholders, or under any applicable laws. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in connection with a Change of Control intended to qualify as a tax-free reorganization, the Company may reduce the cash portion of Proceeds payable to the Investor by the amount determined by its board of directors in good faith for such Change of Control to qualify as a tax-free reorganization for U.S. federal income tax purposes, provided that such reduction (A) does not reduce the total Proceeds payable to such Investor and (B) is applied in the same manner and on a pro rata basis to all securityholders who have equal priority to the Investor under Section 1(d). In connection with Section 1(b)(i) , the Purchase Amount will be due and payable by the Company to the Investor immediately prior to, or concurrent with, the consummation of the Liquidity Event. If there are not enough funds to pay

  • EPP transform-command RTT Refers to the RTT of the sequence of packets that includes the sending of a transform command plus the reception of the EPP response for only one EPP transform command. It does not include packets needed for the start or close of either the EPP or the TCP session. EPP transform commands are those described in section 2.9.3 of EPP RFC 5730. If the RTT is 5 times or more the corresponding SLR, the RTT will be considered undefined.

  • Permitted Activities The Executive shall devote his entire business time, attention and energies to the Business of the Employer and shall not during the Term be engaged (whether or not during normal business hours) in any other business or professional activity, whether or not such activity is pursued for gain, profit or other pecuniary advantage; but this shall not be construed as preventing the Executive from:

  • Change of Control of the Academy Trust 102A) The Secretary of State may at any time by notice in writing, subject to clause 102C) below, terminate this Agreement forthwith (or on such other date as he may in his absolute discretion determine) in the event that there is a change:

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