Different and Separate Allocations Sample Clauses

Different and Separate Allocations. As reasonable and fair, the Cooperative may allocate Capital Credits to classes of similarly situated Patrons under different manners, methods, and timing, provided the Cooperative allocates Capital Credits to similarly situated Patrons under the same manner, method, and timing. If the Cooperative is a member, patron, or owner of an Entity from which the Cooperative Uses a good or service in Providing a Cooperative Service and from which the Cooperative is allocated a capital credit or similar amount, then, as determined by the Board and consistent with this Bylaw, the Cooperative may separately identify and allocate to the Cooperative’s Patrons this capital credit or similar amount allocated by the Entity.
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Related to Different and Separate Allocations

  • Tax Allocations Each item of income, gain, loss or deduction recognized by the Company shall be allocated among the Members for U.S. federal, state and local income tax purposes in the same manner that each such item is allocated to the Member’s Capital Accounts pursuant to Section 3.2(d) or as otherwise provided herein, provided that the Board may adjust such allocations as long as such adjusted allocations have substantial economic effect or are in accordance with the interests of the Members in the Company, in each case within the meaning of the Code and the Treasury Regulations. Tax credits and tax credit recapture shall be allocated in accordance with the Members’ interests in the Company as provided in Treasury Regulations section 1.704-1(b)(4)(ii). Items of Company taxable income, gain, loss and deduction with respect to any property (other than cash) contributed to the capital of the Company or revalued shall, solely for tax purposes, be allocated among the Members, as determined by the Board in accordance with Section 704(c) of the Code, so as to take account of any variation between the adjusted basis of such property to the Company for U.S. federal income tax purposes and its fair market value at the time of contribution or revaluation, as the case may be. All of the Members agree that the Board is authorized to select the method or convention, or to treat an item as an extraordinary item, in relation to any variation of any Member’s interest in the Company described in section 1.706-4 of the Treasury Regulations in determining the Members’ distributive shares of Company items. All matters concerning allocations for U.S. federal, state and local and non-U.S. income tax purposes, including accounting procedures, not expressly provided for by the terms of this Agreement shall be determined by the Board in its sole discretion. Each Class B Ordinary Share is intended to be treated as a profits interest for U.S. federal income tax purposes, and all of the Members agree to report consistently with, and to take any action requested by the Board to ensure, such treatment.

  • Cost Allocation Cost allocation of Generator Interconnection Related Upgrades shall be in accordance with Schedule 11 of Section II of the Tariff.

  • Risk Allocation The Product is Regulatorily Continuing.

  • COSTS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH COUNTYWIDE COST ALLOCATIONS The indirect overhead and support service costs listed in the Summary Schedule (attached) are formally approved as actual costs for fiscal year 2020-21, and as estimated costs for fiscal year 2022-23 on a “fixed with carry-forward” basis. These costs may be included as part of the county departments’ costs indicated effective July 1, 2022, for further allocation to federal grants and contracts performed by the respective county departments.

  • Curative Allocations The allocations set forth in Sections 6.4.A(i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi) and (vii) hereof (the “Regulatory Allocations”) are intended to comply with certain regulatory requirements, including the requirements of Regulations Sections 1.704-1(b) and 1.704-2. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 6.1 and 6.2 hereof, the Regulatory Allocations shall be taken into account in allocating other items of income, gain, loss and deduction among the Holders so that to the extent possible without violating the requirements giving rise to the Regulatory Allocations, the net amount of such allocations of other items and the Regulatory Allocations to each Holder shall be equal to the net amount that would have been allocated to each such Holder if the Regulatory Allocations had not occurred.

  • Gross Income Allocation If any Partner has a deficit Capital Account at the end of any Fiscal Year which is in excess of the sum of (i) the amount such Partner is obligated to restore, if any, pursuant to any provision of this Agreement, and (ii) the amount such Partner is deemed to be obligated to restore pursuant to the penultimate sentences of Treasury Regulations Section 1.704-2(g)(1) and 1.704-2(i)(5), each such Partner shall be specially allocated items of Partnership income and gain in the amount of such excess as quickly as possible; provided that an allocation pursuant to this Section 5.05(c) shall be made only if and to the extent that a Partner would have a deficit Capital Account in excess of such sum after all other allocations provided for in this Article V have been tentatively made as if Section 5.05(b) and this Section 5.05(c) were not in this Agreement.

  • General Wage Increases The Employer and the Union agree that the new Collective Agreement shall reflect wage adjustments as follows:

  • Reallocation to a Class with a Higher Salary Range Maximum Upon appointment to the higher class, the employee’s base salary will be increased to a step of the range for the new class that is nearest to five percent (5.0%) higher than the amount of the pre-promotional step, or to the entry step of the new range, whichever is higher.

  • Service Increments For unit members hired from January 1 through June 30 on an 11 or 12 month contract their first step increment will be the following January 1. For unit members hired from January 1 through June 30 on a 10 month contract their first step increment will be the following February 1. For unit members hired from July 1 through December 31 on an 11 or 12 month contract their first step increment will be on January 1 after completing one (1) full year of service. For unit members hired from July 1 through December 31 on a 10 month contract their first step increment will be on February 1 after completing one (1) full year of service. Subsequent step movements will occur on January 1 for 11 and 12 month contract unit members and will occur February 1 for 10 month contract unit members.

  • Allocations The profits and losses of the Company shall be allocated to the Members in accordance with their Percentage Interests from time to time.

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