Discrimination, Harassment and Workplace Bullying. Employees must not harass, discriminate against, or support others who harass and discriminate against colleagues or members of the public on the grounds of sex, pregnancy, marital status, age, race (including their colour, nationality, descent, ethnic or religious background), physical or intellectual impairment, homosexuality, or transgender. Employees also must not participate in any form of workplace bullying or support others who do so. Any employee who uses any of Tetra Tech International Development’s resources to perpetrate harassment or domestic violence (e.g. use of work phones, use of cars, use of workspaces etc.) will be subjected to disciplinary processes, which may include termination of their employment. Managers must make sure that the workplace is free from all forms of harassment, unlawful discrimination, and workplace bullying. They should understand and apply the principles of Equal Employment Opportunity and ensure that the Employee they supervise are informed of these principles and are made aware of the Grievance Handling procedures. In addition, Tetra Tech International Development does not condone any form of domestic violence and is committed to ensuring the Employees are provided with information, training, and support on how to effectively address domestic violence. Employees are obliged to create and maintain an environment which prevents sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment. To protect all stakeholders in all situations, Employees while on duty and off duty, must never: • Sexually exploit or sexually abuse any individual • Engage in any sexual activity with a child or children regardless of the age of majority or age of consent locally. Mistaken belief in the age of a child is not a defence. • Act in ways that may place a child at risk of abuse, including not giving due consideration to assessing and reducing potential risks to children as a result of implementing activities. Behaviours and actions that are prohibited include, but are not limited to, using inappropriate language or behaviour when dealing with a child or children, bullying, and harassing a child verbally or physically, physical punishment, exposing a child to pornography including on-line grooming and trafficking. Whenever possible avoid being alone with a child. • Consume, purchase, sell, possess, and distribute any forms of child pornography. • Exchange money, employment, goods, or services for sex, including sexual favours or other forms of humiliating, degrading or exploitative behaviour. This includes the buying of or profiting from sexual services as well as exchange of assistance that is due to right holders for sexual favours. • Exploit the vulnerability of any target group in the context of development, humanitarian, and advocacy work, especially women and children, or allow any person/s to be put into compromising situations. Never abuse a position to withhold development or humanitarian assistance or give preferential treatment; in order to solicit sexual favours, gifts, payments of any kind, or advantage. • Engage in sexual relationships with members of crisis-affected populations given their increased vulnerability and since such relationships are based on inherently unequal power dynamics and undermine the credibility and integrity of aid work.
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Services Agreement, Services Agreement, Services Agreement