Bullying and Harassment Sample Clauses

Bullying and Harassment. Neither DFMC nor you will engage in behaviour that is, or may be reasonably considered to be, intimidating, bullying or harassing or commit any act or behaviour which is offensive or abusive in connection with this Contract. If you are in breach of this clause, DFMC may suspend the collection of your milk for a period of 5 days or until such time as DFMC determines (acting reasonably) that the behaviour has been rectified.
Bullying and Harassment. The employer will not condone bullying or harassment of RMOs. Where an instance is substantiated to the employer’s satisfaction appropriate action will be taken by the employer.
Bullying and Harassment. Bullying and harassment are often described as a course of comment or conduct that is known, or ought reasonably to be known, to be unwelcome. The unwelcome conduct causes an intimidating, threatening, or hostile work environment such that the victim’s work performance is impaired, their relationships are negatively affected and their dignity is denied. Management responsibilities such as the assignment of work tasks, employee coaching and progressive discipline are not considered bullying.
Bullying and Harassment. ‌ Bullying and harassment includes any inappropriate conduct or comment by a person towards an employee that the person knew or reasonably ought to have known would cause that employee to be humiliated or intimidated but excludes any reasonable action taken by an employer or supervisor relating to the management and direction of employees or the place of employment.
Bullying and Harassment. Bullying and harassment are often described as a course of comment or conduct that is known, or ought reasonably to be known, to be unwelcome. The unwelcome conduct causes an intimidating, threatening, or hostile work environment such that the victim’s work performance is impaired, their relationships are negatively affected and their dignity is denied. Properly discharged management responsibilities such as the assignment of work tasks, employee coaching and progressive discipline are not considered bullying. The Company and the Union will not condone harassment in the workplace and will cooperate to maintain a harassment free workplace. The Company agrees to arrange for a one-time two (2) hour training session on discrimination and harassment issues for bargaining unit members and agree that the training will be provided by the Company and the Union jointly. The Union and Company agree that no Employee shall be discriminated against on account of the membership or non- membership in the Union or by reason of lawful activity or lack of activity in the Union.
Bullying and Harassment. The employer will not condone bullying or harassment (including sexual harassment). The employer will ensure RMOs and those managing RMOs are aware of these expectations and will ensure robust processes are in place for dealing with complaints and have support to manage/engage with these processes. The parties agree the following principles apply: i. All RMOs have access to a confidential internal process to raise and address complaints that they have been a victim of bullying or harassment and a single point of contact through their investigation. ii. The complainant should be supported through the investigation of their complaint, including through access to confidential psychological or counselling support iii. Steps should be taken to avoid situations where the complainant and the individual whose behaviour has been complained about are required to work together, recognising both the rights of natural justice and the right of RMO complainants not to be removed from their run without their agreement. Where an instance is substantiated to the employer’s satisfaction appropriate action will be taken by the employer. Employees who believe they have been the victim of bullying and harassment are encouraged to talk to their Union delegate, a manager they feel comfortable approaching or the DHB’s Human Resources Department regarding the support available.
Bullying and Harassment. 22.1 The Bullying and Harassment Policies of the relevant organisations will be used and applied in relation to the staff concerned in any bullying/harassment allegations and/or situations.
Bullying and Harassment. 34.1. All employees have the right to work without fear or concern of being harassed or bullied based on age, marital status, gender, religion, ethnic or national origin, ethical belief, colour or race, employment status, disability, sexual orientation, political opinion, family status, or membership of an employee organisation. 34.2. All bullying and harassment incidents will be treated seriously, and formally investigated if appropriate/required. Where bullying or harassment of any kind is established, and it constitutes a breach of the Workplace Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination policy disciplinary action will be taken. 34.3. Workplace bullying is repeated, and unreasonable behaviour directed towards a worker or a group of workers that can lead to physical or psychological harm. 34.4. Repeated behaviour is persistent (occurs more than once) and can involve a range of actions over time. 34.5. Unreasonable behaviour means actions that a reasonable person in the same circumstances would see as unreasonable. It includes victimising, humiliating, intimidating, or threatening a person. 34.6. Bullying may also include harassment, discrimination, or violence. 34.7. Examples are, but not limited to: • Being humiliated or ridiculed • Insulting or offensive remarks • Persistent criticism of work (other than constructive performance management) • Threats of violence or abuse • Repeated reminders of mistakes • Being ignored or excluded • Intimidating behaviour • Excessive monitoring of work • Having important information withheld (that is necessary to be able to do your job/work) • Being exposed to an unmanageable workload • Gossip or rumours • Treating other occupational groups as inferior 34.8. Harassment can be defined as any unwelcome comment, conduct or gesture that is insulting, intimidating, humiliating, malicious, degrading or offensive. It might be repeated or an isolated incident, but it is so significant that it adversely effects someone’s performance, contribution or work environment. It can include physical, degrading, or threatening behaviour, abuse of power, isolation, discrimination, sexual and / or racial harassment. Harassment is behaviour that is unwanted by the recipient even if the recipient does not tell the harasser that the behaviour is unwanted. 34.9. Harassment can take place between: • A staff member and a manager • Co-workers • A worker and a resident • A worker and another person in the workplace 34.10. Sexual harassment covers any...
Bullying and Harassment. The Host Organisation warrants that at the date of this agreement there are no allegations of bullying and harassment currently being investigated against the Fellow nor have any allegations been previously upheld.
Bullying and Harassment. The employer will provide a working and learning environment that is free from harassment and unlawful discrimination, and a culture where all staff members of the workplace are treated with dignity, courtesy and respect. Workplace bullying and other forms of harassment will not be tolerated.