Divulgação Sample Clauses

Divulgação. O Fornecedor não fará qualquer comunicado, tirará ou divulgará quaisquer fotografias (exceto para as suas finalidades operacionais internas para a fabricação e montagem dos bens), ou revelará quaisquer informações relativas a este Pedido ou com respeito ao seu relacionamento comercial com o Comprador ou qualquer Afiliada do Comprador, a qualquer terceira parte, exceto como exigido pela Lei aplicável, sem o consentimento prévio por escrito do Comprador ou de suas Afiliadas. O Fornecedor concorda que, sem consentimento prévio por escrito de Comprador ou suas Afiliadas, como aplicável, não (a) utilizará em propagandas, comunicados ou de outra forma, o nome, nome comercial, o logotipo da marca comercial ou simulação destes, do Comprador ou de suas Afiliadas ou o nome de qualquer executivo ou colaborador do Comprador ou de suas Afiliadas ou (b) declarará, direta ou indiretamente, que qualquer produto ou serviço fornecido pelo Fornecedor foi aprovado ou endossado pelo Comprador ou suas Afiliadas. 17.
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Divulgação. Sem prejuízo de qualquer disposição em contrário do presente Acordo, o Fornecedor reconhece e concorda, na medida do requerido ou necessário para cumprimento da legislação e códigos de práticas aplicáveis acerca das obrigações de divulgação, que (i) é permitido à Amgen divulgar publicamente informação acerca do Fornecedor e do presente Acordo, e (ii) esta informação pode incluir, sem limitações, pagamentos ou outras transferências de valores feitas para/pelo Fornecedor em nome ou a pedido da Amgen a um profissional de saúde, instituições de saúde e outras pessoas ou entidades que estejam sujeitas a xxxx de divulgação (cada xxx xxxxx um "Sujeito de Divulgação"). O Xxxxxxxxxx concorda em responder celeremente e cooperar com os pedidos razoáveis da Amgen acerca da recolha de informação, tais como o preenchimento de formulários e envio de informação num formato específico, por exemplo. um "formulário de registo de despesas" fornecido pela Amgen, em conformidade com todas as xxxx e regulamentos aplicáveis quanto à divulgação. Caso seja warrants and agrees to undertake to inform the Disclosure Subject about any disclosure, data transfer and processing obligations stated herein as well as to give sufficient notice to the Disclosure Subject of such. legalmente exigido, o Fornecedor garante e concorda em informar o Sujeito de Divulgação acerca de qualquer divulgação, transferência de dados e obrigações processuais aqui indicadas, bem como em dar aviso prévio suficiente ao Sujeito de Divulgação dos mesmos.

Related to Divulgação

  • Disclose To permit access to, or the release, transfer, or other communication of personally identifiable information by any means, including oral, written or electronic, whether intended or unintended.

  • Disclosure of Confidential Information Any Finance Party may disclose:

  • Compelled Disclosure of Confidential Information Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing to the contrary, the Receiving Party may disclose Confidential Information pursuant to any governmental, judicial, or administrative order, subpoena, discovery request, regulatory request or similar method, provided that the Receiving Party promptly notifies, to the extent practicable, the Disclosing Party in writing of such demand for disclosure so that the Disclosing Party, at its sole expense, may seek to make such disclosure subject to a protective order or other appropriate remedy to preserve the confidentiality of the Confidential Information; provided in the case of a broad regulatory request with respect to the Receiving Party’s business (not targeted at Disclosing Party), the Receiving Party may promptly comply with such request provided the Receiving Party give (if permitted by such regulator) the Disclosing Party prompt notice of such disclosure. The Receiving Party agrees that it shall not oppose and shall cooperate with efforts by, to the extent practicable, the Disclosing Party with respect to any such request for a protective order or other relief. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Disclosing Party is unable to obtain or does not seek a protective order and the Receiving Party is legally requested or required to disclose such Confidential Information, disclosure of such Confidential Information may be made without liability.

  • Confidential Information Each party agrees that all code, inventions, know-how, business, technical and financial information it obtains (“Receiving Party”) from the disclosing party (“Disclosing Party”) constitutes the confidential information of the Disclosing Party (“Confidential Information”), provided that it is identified as confidential at the time of disclosure or should be reasonably known by the Receiving Party to be Confidential Information due to the nature of the information disclosed and the circumstances surrounding the disclosure. The Services and any updates, upgrades, modifications, derivatives, specifications, technical guides, other software, or other documentation provided by Xxxxxx (or its agents) shall be deemed Confidential Information of Xxxxxx without any marking or future designation. Except as expressly authorized herein, the Receiving Party will hold in confidence and not use or disclose any Confidential Information. The Receiving Party’s nondisclosure obligation shall not apply to information which the Receiving Party can document: (i) was rightfully in its possession or known to it prior to receipt of the Confidential Information; (ii) is or has become public knowledge through no fault of the Receiving Party; (iii) is rightfully obtained by the Receiving Party from a third party without breach of any confidentiality obligation; (iv) is independently developed by employees of the Receiving Party who had no access to such information; or (v) is required to be disclosed pursuant to the regulation, law, or court order (but only to the minimum extent required to comply with such regulation or order and with advance notice to the Disclosing Party). The Receiving Party acknowledges that disclosure of Confidential Information would cause substantial harm for which damages alone may not be a sufficient remedy, and therefore that upon any such disclosure by the Receiving Party the Disclosing Party shall be entitled to seek appropriate equitable relief in addition to whatever other remedies it might have at law. Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement, if Xxxxxx is in possession of any Customer Materials, Xxxxxx shall delete, return, or make available to Customer all Customer Materials then in its possession. Upon request by Customer within thirty (30) days after any expiration or termination of the applicable Order Form, Xxxxxx will either make Customer Materials available to Customer through the Services on a limited basis solely for the purposes of data retrieval or will reasonably assist Customer with such retrieval. After such thirty (30) day period, Xxxxxx will have no obligation to maintain or provide any Customer Materials and, unless legally prohibited, may delete all Customer Materials. Customer acknowledges that certain Xxxxxx Services do not store or maintain Customer Materials.

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