Commencement and Completion of Work The professional services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall commence within five (5) days from the Effective Date of this Agreement. Failure to commence work in a timely manner and/or diligently pursue work to completion may be grounds for termination of this Agreement.
Development Work The Support Standards do not include development work either (i) on software not licensed from CentralSquare or (ii) development work for enhancements or features that are outside the documented functionality of the Solutions, except such work as may be specifically purchased and outlined in Exhibit 1. CentralSquare retains all Intellectual Property Rights in development work performed and Customer may request consulting and development work from CentralSquare as a separate billable service.
Commencement and Completion 3.1 The Owner agrees to commence the Restoration Works, Landscaping Works, and Servicing Works forthwith upon adoption of City of Kelowna Heritage Revitalization Agreement Authorization Bylaw No. and to complete the Works no later than August 1, 2006.