Early Payment You may pay all or any part of your Outstanding Loan Balance at any time without notice, penalty or bonus.
Early Payments The Obligor on the Receivable has made, or will make, the first two monthly payments under such Receivable.
Monthly Payment City shall make monthly payments, based on invoices received, for services satisfactorily performed, and for authorized reimbursable costs incurred. City shall have 30 days from the receipt of an invoice that complies with all of the requirements above to pay Consultant.
Payment Amount Payment for the Services shall be as follows: (choose one) ☐ - $______________________ for the Services (“Payment”). ☐ - At an hourly rate of $____ per hour (“Payment”). ☐ - Other. ______________________________________________ (“Payment”) If the Subcontractor asserts a claim which involves, in whole or in part, acts or omissions which are the responsibility of the Client or another person for whom a claim may be submitted, including but not limited to, claims for failure to pay, an extension of time, impacts, delay damages, or extra work, the Contractor shall present the Subcontractor's claim to the Client or other responsible party provided the Subcontractor presents to Contractor competent supporting evidence and in sufficient time for the Contractor to do so. The Subcontractor shall cooperate fully with the Contractor in any and all steps the Contractor takes in connection with prosecuting such a claim and shall hold harmless and reimburse the Contractor for all expenses, including legal expenses, incurred by the Contractor which arise out of the Contractor's submission of the Subcontractor's claims to the Client or other responsible party(ies). The Subcontractor shall be bound by any adjudication or award in any action or proceeding resolving such a claim.
Payment Due Dates Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections II and III above, payment due date shall be at least invoice date plus 30 days. If the County is late in issuing an invoice, the contracting entity would always have at least invoice date plus 30 days to pay. If the County is early in issuing an invoice, the contracting entity would still have a payment due date of either 60 days after the beginning of the quarter (quarterly invoices) or 30 days after the beginning of the service month (monthly invoices).
Maximum Total Payment Including the reimbursable expenses shown above (if any), the maximum total payment under this Contract is $ ; this is a not-to-exceed amount, and the District will not pay more than this amount unless specifically agreed to in an amendment executed by the parties.
Payment Due Date Unless City notifies the Contractor that a dispute exists, Payment shall be made within [Enter number of days, generally ≥ 30] calendar days, measured from (1) the delivery of goods and/or the rendering of services or (2) the date of receipt of the invoice, whichever is later. Payment is deemed to be made on the date on which City has issued a check to Contractor or, if Contractor has agreed to electronic payment, the date on which City has posted electronic payment to Contractor.
Prepayment Fee The Prepayment Fee, when due hereunder, to be shared between the Lenders in accordance with their respective Pro Rata Shares; and
Premium Payment The Bank shall pay any premiums due on the Policy.
Timely Payment Except as provided otherwise herein, payment for an invoice will be issued and mailed to the Consultant within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the invoice.