Employees' Compensation The Consultant shall be solely responsible for the following:
Employee Compensation The wages, salaries and other compensation paid to employees who will be employed for the benefit of the Project, and to others who perform special services for the benefit of the Project, to the extent not otherwise paid through a Cash Management System, shall be paid by Owner from a Project Account pursuant to this Section 9.2. (a) All wages, salaries and other compensation paid to employees of the Project, including, but not be limited to, unemployment insurance, social security, worker's compensation, employee benefit packages and other charges imposed by a governmental authority or provided for in a union agreement, shall (a) as to employees of Manager or any Subcontractor, be reimbursed by Owner to Manager (or directly to the applicable Subcontractor, if requested by Manager) without profit or mark-up, and (b) as to employees of Owner, be paid directly by Owner. Xxnager shall coordinate all disbursements and deposits for all compensation and other amounts payable with respect to persons employed in connection with the operation of the Project from an appropriate Project Account. Manager shall maintain complete payroll records for all employees. (b) In addition to the employment of employees set forth on Schedule 3, Manager may, in its discretion, from time to time employ personnel of its general operations to perform direct special services for the benefit of the Project; provided, however, that Manager shall obtain the prior approval of Owner for the employment of such special personnel, except in emergency situations or when timing requirements do not allow for such prior approval. Owner shall reimburse Manager for such direct services rendered by special personnel in an amount commensurate with normal and customary charges for such services by similarly qualified persons. Persons whose compensation may not be charged to Owner for services rendered to the Project includes the general asset management personnel of Manager who are not on-site of the Project.
Public Employees Retirement System “PERS”) Members.
Reporting Subawards and Executive Compensation a. Reporting of first-tier subawards.
Managers Compensation Any or all Managers may receive such reasonable compensation for their services, whether in the form of salary or otherwise, with expenses, if any, as the Board may reasonably determine. Any such compensation and expense will be paid by the Member.