Entering into Agreements on Payment and Investment Services. 1. Each agreement on the provision of a Payment Service shall be entered into between AKCENTA and the Client:
i. via a recorded telephone conversation using designated telephone lines of AKCENTA; or
ii. via OLB.
2. Each Investment Service shall be contracted between AKCENTA and the Client via designated telephone lines of AKCENTA.
3. Prior to entering into the agreement on the provision of the requested Payment Service or Investment Service, AKCENTA shall inform the Client about Combined Parameters (the exchange rate in particular) and charges for the provided services according to the valid AKCENTA Pricelist. The agreement on the provision of a Payment Service or Investment Service is entered into upon the Client's unconditional approval of the Combined Parameters of the trade. The Client will then receive a Confirmation of the conditions under which the Payment Service or Investment Service is provided (for more details, see Art. IV 4 of the GBTC).
4. For the avoidance of doubt, it is expressly set out that the confirmation of Combined Parameters must not contain any amendments, qualifications, Smluvní strany uzavřely níže uvedeného dne, měsíce a roku v souladu s ustanovením § 1746 odst. 2 zákona č. 89/2012 Sb., občanský zákoník, v platném znění (dále jen „Občanský zákoník“), a ve smyslu ustanovení § 127 odst. 1 a násl. zákona č. 370/2017 Sb., o platebním styku, v platném znění (dále jen „ZPS“) a ve smyslu ustanovení § 15 a násl. zákona č. 256/2004 Sb., o podnikání na kapitálovém trhu, v platném znění (dále jen „ZPKT“) tuto Rámcovou smlouvu o provádění termínových obchodů s cizími měnami (dále jen „Smlouva“):
Entering into Agreements on Payment and Investment Services. 1. Each agreement on the provision of a Payment Service shall be entered into between AKCENTA and the Client:
i. via a recorded telephone conversation using designated telephone lines of AKCENTA; or
ii. via OLB.
2. Each Investment Service shall be contracted between AKCENTA and the Client via designated telephone lines of AKCENTA.
3. Prior to entering into the agreement on the provision of the requested Payment Service or Investment Service, AKCENTA shall inform the Client about Combined Parameters (the exchange rate in particular) and charges for the provided services according to the valid AKCENTA Pricelist. The agreement on the provision of a Payment Service or Investment Service is entered into upon the Client's unconditional approval of the Combined Parameters of the trade. The Client will then receive a Confirmation of the conditions under which the Payment Service or Investment Service is provided (for more details, see Art. IV 4 of the GBTC).
4. For the avoidance of doubt, it is expressly set out that the confirmation of Combined Parameters must not contain any amendments, qualifications, restrictions, corrections or other alterations. Any alteration represents a new proposal by the Client. In such an event, the agreement on the provision of Payment Service is entered into only upon the express confirmation of such a proposal by AKCENTA. Smluvních stran pro provádění Platebních služeb a Investičních služeb, zejména:
i. Spotových obchodů, za směnný kurz nabízený AKCENTOU, v souladu s Příkazy Klienta, a
ii. provádění Investičních služeb, a to za směnný kurz nabízený AKCENTOU, a v souladu s udělenými Pokyny Klienta.
Entering into Agreements on Payment and Investment Services. 1. Each agreement on the provision of Payment Service shall be entered into between AKCENTA and the Client:
i. via a recorded telephone conversation using designated telephone lines of AKCENTA; or
ii. via OLB.
2. Each Investment Service shall be contracted between AKCENTA and the Client via AKCENTA designated telephone lines.
3. Prior to entering into the agreement on the provision of the requested Payment Service or Investment Service, AKCENTA shall inform the Client about Combined Parameters (the exchange rate in particular) and charges for the provided services according to the valid AKCENTA Pricelist. The agreement on the provision of Payment Service or Investment Service is executed at the moment of the Client's unconditional approval of the Combined Parameters of the trade. The Client will then receive Conrmation of conditions of the Payment Service or Investment Service provision (for more details see GBTC Art. IV 4).
4. For the avoidance of doubt, it is expressly set out that the conrmation of Combined Parameters must not contain any amendments, qualications, restrictions, corrections or other alterations. Any alteration represents a new proposal by the Client. In such event, the agreement on the provision of Payment Service is entered into only upon the express conrmation of such proposal by AKCENTA. a veden IPÚ.
Entering into Agreements on Payment and Investment Services. 1. Each agreement on the provision of Payment Service shall be entered into between AKCENTA and the Client:
i. via a recorded telephone conversation using designated telephone lines of AKCENTA; or
ii. via OLB.
2. Each Investment Service shall be contracted between AKCENTA and the Client via AKCENTA designated telephone lines.
3. Prior to entering into the agreement on the provision of the requested Payment Service or Investment Service, AKCENTA shall inform the Client about Combined Parameters (the exchange rate in particular) and charges for the provided services according to the valid AKCENTA Pricelist. The agreement on the provision of Payment Service or Investment Service is executed at the moment of the Client's unconditional approval of the Combined Parameters of the trade. The Client will then receive Confirmation of conditions of the Payment Service or Investment Service provision (for more details see GBTC Art. IV 4).
4. For the avoidance of doubt, it is expressly set out that the confirmation of Combined Parameters must not contain any amendments, qualifications, restrictions, corrections or other alterations. Any alteration represents a new proposal by the Client. In such event, the agreement on the provision of Payment Service is entered into only upon the express confirmation of such proposal by AKCENTA.
1. Jednotlivé dohody o poskytnutí Platební služby budou mezi AKCENTOU a Klientem uzavírány:
i. prostřednictvím nahrávaných telefonních linek určených AKCENTOU; nebo
ii. prostřednictvím OLB.
2. Jednotlivé Investiční služby budou mezi AKCENTOU a Klientem uzavírány prostřednictvím telefonních linek určených AKCENTOU.
3. AKCENTA sdělí Klientovi před uzavřením dohody o provedení požadované Platební služby nebo Investiční služby Celkové Parametry (zejména směnný kurz) a poplatky za poskytnuté služby dle aktuálního Sazebníku AKCENTY. K dohodě o poskytnutí Platební služby nebo Investiční služby dochází v okamžiku, kdy Klient projeví bezpodmínečný souhlas s Celkovými Parametry obchodu. Následně Klient obdrží Konfirmaci, která potvrdí podmínky poskytnutí Platební nebo Investiční služby (blíže viz VOP čl. IV.
4. Pro vyloučení pochybností se výslovně stanoví, že potvrzení Celkových Parametrů nesmí obsahovat žádné dodatky, výhrady, omezení, opravy nebo jiné změny. Každá změna představuje nový návrh Klienta. Dohoda o poskytnutí Platební služby je v takovém případě uzavřena pouze tehdy, pokud tento návrh AKCENTA Klientovi výslovně potvrdí.
Entering into Agreements on Payment and Investment Services ľ. E»ch »gíeememt om the pío:isiom of » P»Qmemt Seí:ice sh»ll be emteíed imto betweem AKCENTA »md the Cliemt:
i. : i» » íecoíded telephome com:eís»tiom usimg desigm»ted telephome limes of AKCENTA; oí