ENTITIES or TRUSTS. Trust C-Corporation S-Corporation Partnership Government Other Entity: LLC Classified for tax purposes by one of the following: Partnership C-Corporation S-Corporation Entity Name Tax Identification Number Date of Trust (if applicable) Trustee (if applicable) Social Security Number Date of Birth (if applicable) Additional Trustee (if applicable) Social Security Number Date of Birth (if applicable) I am an exempt recipient as defined under U.S. federal income tax regulations (e.g., C- Corporation, financial institution, registered broker-dealer, or tax-exempt organization) (see IRS Form W-9 for a list of exempt payee codes)
ENTITIES or TRUSTS. ☐ Trust ☐ C-Corporation ☐ S-Corporation ☐ Partnership ☐ Government ☐ Other Entity: ☐ LLC Classified for tax purposes by one of the following: ☐ Partnership ☐ C-Corporation ☐ S-Corporation NOTE: Trust instrument or other organizational documentation required. Entity Name Tax Identification Number Date of Trust (if applicable) Trustee (if applicable) Social Security Number Date of Birth (if applicable) Additional Trustee (if applicable) Social Security Number Date of Birth (if applicable) Check if appropriate: ☐ I am an exempt recipient as defined under U.S. federal income tax regulations (e.g., C-Corporation, financial institution, registered broker-dealer, or tax-exempt organization) Exempt Payee Code: (see IRS Form W-9 for a list of exempt payee codes)
ENTITIES or TRUSTS. ☐ Trust ☐ C-Corporation ☐ S-Corporation ☐ Partnership ☐ Government ☐ Other Entity:
ENTITIES or TRUSTS. Trust C-Corporation S-Corporation Partnership Government Other Entity: LLC Classified for tax purposes by: C-Corporation S-Corporation Partnership Trust documents (title and signature pages) or Plan documents (LLC, Partnership formation) are required. See xxx.XxxxXxxxxXX.xxx for more information. Entity Name Tax Identification Number Date of Trust (if applicable) Trustee (if applicable) Social Security Number Date of Birth (if applicable) Additional Trustee (if applicable) Social Security Number Date of Birth (if applicable) Check if appropriate: I am an exempt recipient as defined under U.S. federal income tax regulations (e.g., C- Corporation, financial institution, registered broker-dealer, or tax-exempt organization) Exempt Payee Code: (see IRS Form W-9 for a list of exempt payee codes) Check this box if no individual owns 25% or more of the legal entity and to agree that you will inform the Fund if/when an individual assumes 25% or more ownership. If any individual owns—directly or indirectly through any agreement, arrangement, understanding, relationship, or otherwise—more than 25%, please complete a Beneficial Ownership Form available on xxx.XxxxXxxxxXX.xxx.
ENTITIES or TRUSTS. Trust C-Corporation S-Corporation Partnership Government Other Entity: LLC Classified for tax purposes by: C-Corporation S-Corporation Partnership Trust documents (title and signature pages) or Plan documents (LLC, Partnership formation) are required. See xxx.XxxxXxxxxXX.xxx for more information. Entity Name Tax Identification Number Date of Trust Trustee (if applicable) Social Security Number Date of Birth Additional Trustee (if applicable) Social Security Number Date of Birth Check if appropriate: I am an exempt recipient as defined under U.S. federal income tax regulations (e.g., C- Corporation, financial institution, registered broker-dealer, or tax-exempt organization) Exempt Payee Code: (see IRS Form W-9 for a list of exempt payee codes) Check this box if no individual owns 25% or more of the legal entity and to agree that you will inform the Fund if/when an individual assumes 25% or more ownership. If any individual owns—directly or indirectly through any agreement, arrangement, understanding, relationship, or otherwise—more than 25%, please complete a Beneficial Ownership Form available on xxx.XxxxXxxxxXX.xxx.