Documentation Required Sample Clauses
Documentation Required. The certificates and endorsements shall be received and approved by the District before Work commences. As an alternative, the Contractor may submit certified copies of any policy that includes the required endorsement language set forth herein.
Documentation Required. In order to assign a primary diagnosis to an individual, documentation of the required diagnostic criteria, and the specific justification of significant functional impairment, shall be included in the client record. This information shall be included as a part of the required assessment information.
Documentation Required. Every reimbursement request submitted by the Prime Recipient must include: A Standard Form (SF) 270 (“Request for Advance or Reimbursement”); A “Reimbursement Request Spreadsheet,” which must contain the information shown in Appendix B hereto; and Supporting documentation, which may consist of summary information (e.g., printouts from internal financial systems) or detailed documentation (e.g., invoices on appropriate letterhead, time cards, travel vouchers). The supporting documentation must show the method by which the Prime Recipient calculated the total Federal share and non-Federal cost share. Upon request by ARPA-E, the Prime Recipient is required to provide ARPA-E with additional supporting documentation to explain or justify particular expenditures for which it is seeking reimbursement.
Documentation Required. An employee requesting a medical leave of absence without pay shall be required to furnish conclusive evidence of disability to the Employer. If the employee fails to furnish conclusive evidence that the absence from duty is necessary or if the employee fails to undergo an evaluation or furnish a medical report as requested by the Employer in accordance with Article 12, “Fitness for Duty”, the Employer shall have the right to require the employee to return to work on a specified date. Should the employee not return to work on such specified date, the employee may be considered to have resigned in accordance with Article 9.1.6.
Documentation Required. At a minimum, the Employee’s application will include:
(1) Child Care Subsidy Application (OPM Form 1643), completed by the employee;
(2) Child Care Provider Information For the Child Care Subsidy Program for Federal Employees (OPM Form 1644), completed by the child care provider;
(3) A copy of the most recent signed and dated Federal Income Tax Return. For married employees who filed separately, this includes a signed and dated copy of the spouse’s Return.
(4) A copy of the most recent Wage and Tax Statement (Form W-2) for both parents (or legal guardians);
(5) A copy of the two most recent Leave and Earnings Statements (or equivalent) for both parents (or legal guardians);
(6) A copy of the employee’s most recent Notification of Personnel Action (Form SF-50);
(7) A copy of the child(xxx)’s birth certificate;
(8) A copy of the child care provider’s license;
(9) A copy of child care provider’s schedule of fees; and
(10) Proof of enrollment of the child(xxx) in the child care facility.
Documentation Required. University shall provide the Partnership for Child Health with the following items: Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion (form attached) Certification Regarding Lobbying (form attached) Name and Contact Information of Invoicing Authority IRS 501(c)3 letter (Non-profit agencies only) Copies of Liability and Xxxxxxx’x Compensation Insurance showing coverage limits and effective dates (required limits below) Worker’s Compensation Employer’s Liability (including appropriate Federal Acts) Florida Statutory Coverage $1,000,000 Each Accident $1,000,000 Disease Policy Limit $1,000,000 Each Employee Disease Commercial General Liability (including Premises Operations, Blanket Contractual Liability and Independent Contractors) $2,000,000 General Aggregate $2,000,000 Products/Comp. Ops Agg. $1,000,000 Personal/Advertising Injury $1,000,000 Each Occurrence $ 50,000 Fire Damage $ 5,000 Medical Expenses Automobile Liability (All automobiles and other motor vehicles owned, hired or non-owned) $1,000,000 Each Occurrence (Bodily Injury and Property Damage Combined) Sexual Molestation $1,000,000 Per Claim $2,000,000 Aggregate Professional Liability $1,000,000 Per Occurrence $2,000,000 Aggregate Proof of level 2 background screening (Level II) for any persons with client contact Methodology used to calculate indirect expenses (if University copy of rate agreement) Letter of intention to provide non-federal in-kind contribution (if applicable)
Documentation Required. The certificates and endorsements shall be received and approved by the District before Work commences. As an alternative, the Contractor may submit certified copies of any policy that includes the required endorsement language set forth herein. General liability insurance endorsement. The following are required: ADDITIONAL INSURED endorsement [equivalent in scope to ISO form CG 20 10 11 85 or CG 20 26 11 85 or CG 20 10 10 01] naming the District, its Board of Trustees, and their officials, employees, volunteers, and agents as additional insureds. CANCELLATION endorsement which provides that the District is entitled to 30 days prior written notice of cancellation or nonrenewal of the policy, or reduction in coverage, by certified mail, return receipt requested. CONTRIBUTION NOT REQUIRED endorsement which provides that the insurance afforded by the general liability policy is primary to any insurance or self-insurance of the District, its Board of Trustees, or their officials, employees, volunteers, or agents as respects operations of the Named Insured. Any insurance maintained by the District, its Board of trustees, or their officials, employees, volunteers, or agents shall be in excess of Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute to it. SEVERABILITY OF INTEREST endorsement which provides that Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom a claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. ADDITIONAL INSURED COVERAGE NOT AFFECTED BY INSURED'S DUTIES AFTER ACCIDENT OR LOSS endorsement. The policy must be endorsed to provide that any failure to comply with the reporting provisions of the policy shall not affect coverage to the District, its Board of Trustees, or their officials, employees, volunteers, or agents. Automobile liability insurance endorsement. The following are required: ADDITIONAL INSURED endorsement naming the District, its Board of trustees, and their officials, employees, volunteers, and agents as additional insureds with respect to any auto owned, leased, hired, borrowed, or used by the Named Insured, in connection with this Contract. CANCELLATION endorsement which provides that the District is entitled to 30 days prior written notice of cancellation or nonrenewal of the policy, or reduction in coverage, by certified mail, return receipt requested. CONTRIBUTION NOT REQUIRED endorsement which provides that the insurance afforded by the general liability policy is...
Documentation Required. The Contractor shall provide to SEPTA the name, driver’s license number, hourly wage rate, a photo and a standard release of information form, signed by the driver authorizing Contractor to obtain the driver’s motor vehicle record and criminal history for each driver in SEPTA- related work. The Contractor shall also maintain a training log containing dates of training and signatures by driver(s) and trainer(s) that driver training was completed. All drivers utilized in SEPTA service shall have demonstrated proficiency in those areas identified in the Training Requirements. The use of driver lease or other contracted programs is specifically prohibited.
Documentation Required. Any documentation required by this Attachment, or by applicable laws, standards, or policies, of activities including the fulfillment of requirements by COUNTY, or of other matters pertinent to the execution of the Contract, must be securely maintained and retained by COUNTY for a period of six years from the date of expiration or termination of the Contract, or longer if required by applicable law, after which the documentation must be disposed of consistent with subsection 2.6 of this Attachment. COUNTY shall document Disclosures of Protected Health Information made by COUNTY that are subject to the accounting of disclosure requirement described in 45 C.R.F. 164.528, “Accounting of Disclosures of Protected Health Information,” and shall provide to STATE such documentation in a time and manner designated by STATE at the time of the request.
Documentation Required. At a minimum, the Employee’s application will include:
(1) Child Care Subsidy Application (OPM Form 1643), completed by the employee;
(2) Child Care Provider Information For the Child Care Subsidy Program for Federal Employees (OPM Form 1644), completed by the child care provider;