Evaluation & Tabulation of Financial Bids. Subject to the provisions of “Acceptance of Successful Bid and Award of Contract” below, the procuring entity shall take following actions for evaluation of financial Bids:- a) The financial Bids of the bidders who qualified in technical evaluation shall be opened online at the notified time, date and place by the bid evaluation committee in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who choose to be present; b) the process of opening of the financial Bids shall be similar to that of technical Bids. c) conditional Bids are liable to be rejected; d) In order to decide the L1 bidder, NPV (Net Present Value) shall be calculated as below: The Financial bid (BoQ.xls) shall have following 5 price components. CAPEX = Total Cost of items with one year warranty/support. O&M.1 = Total Cost of Warranty/ AMC for 4 Years (16 Qtrs) O&M.2 = Total Cost for Operational Services for 2 Years (8 Qtrs) A = Total Amount as per Table C of the Financial Bid B = Total Amount as per Table D of the Financial Bid Considering as following:- 1) Price quoted under CAPEX.1 of BoQ= C 2) Xxxxx quoted for O&M.1 = Warranty cost from Q5 to Q20 (i.e. 16 Qtrs) = D 3) Xxxxx quoted for O&M.2 = Operational Services from Q1 to Q8 (i.e. 8 Qtrs) = E 4) Immediate Payment to be made (CAPEX) from BoQ = 80% of C= F 5) CAPEX Payment withheld with tendering authority = 20% of C= G 6) Quarterly Payment Amount for O&M.1= (D/16)= H Rate Contract for Setting up of Interactive Digital Amusement Gallery during various events
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Rate Contract
Evaluation & Tabulation of Financial Bids. Subject to the provisions of “Acceptance of Successful Bid and Award of Contract” below, the procuring entity shall take following actions for evaluation of financial Bids:-
a) The financial Bids of the bidders who qualified in technical evaluation shall be opened online at the notified time, date and place by the bid evaluation committee in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who choose to be present;
b) the process of opening of the financial Bids shall be similar to that of technical Bids.
c) conditional Bids are liable to be rejected;
d) In order to decide the L1 bidder, NPV (Net Present Value) shall be calculated as below: The Financial bid (BoQ.xls) shall have following 5 price components. CAPEX = Total Cost of items with one two year warranty/support. O&M.1 = Total Cost of Warranty/ AMC for 4 3 Years (16 12 Qtrs) O&M.2 = Total Cost for Operational Services for 2 Years (8 Qtrs) A = Total Amount as per Table C of the Financial Bid B = Total Amount as per Table D of the Financial Bid Considering as following:-
1) Price quoted under CAPEX.1 of BoQ= C
2) Xxxxx quoted for O&M.1 = Warranty AMC cost from Q5 Q9 to Q20 (i.e. 16 12 Qtrs) = D
3) Xxxxx quoted for O&M.2 = Operational Services from Q1 to Q8 (i.e. 8 Qtrs) = E
4) Immediate Payment to be made (CAPEX) from BoQ = 80% of C= F
5) CAPEX Payment withheld with tendering authority = 20% of C= G 6) Quarterly Payment Amount for O&M.1= (D/16)= H Rate Contract for Setting up of Interactive Digital Amusement Gallery during various eventsat Permanent Centers (Digital Museum)
6) Quarterly Payment Amount for O&M.1= (D/12)= H
7) Quarterly Payment Amount for O&M.2= (E/8)= I
8) PV factor = Considering 3% per Quarter i.e. 12 % annually Where, (1.03)3 + [(G)/8 + {(A)/8+I}]/ (1.03)4+ [(G)/8+{(A)/8+I}]/ (1.03)5+… [G/8+ {(A)/8+I}]/ (1.03)8 H/ (1.03)20
e) the evaluation shall include all costs and all taxes and duties applicable to the bidder as per law of the Central/ State Government/ Local Authorities, and the evaluation criteria specified in the bidding documents shall only be applied;
f) the offers shall be evaluated and marked L1, L2, L3 etc. L1 being the lowest offer and then others in ascending order in case price is the only criteria, or evaluated and marked H1, H2, H3 etc. in descending order:
g) For any of the line item/s, bids quoting zero or incredibly low/ high rates compared to the industry prevalent rates, will be rejected and EMD will be forfeited.
h) the bid evaluation committee shall prepare a comparative statement in tabular form in accordance with rules along with its report on evaluation of financial Bids and recommend the lowest offer for acceptance to the procuring entity, if price is the only criterion, or most advantageous Bid in other case;
i) The members of bids evaluation committee shall give their recommendations below the table regarding lowest Bid or most advantageous Bid and sign it.
j) it shall be ensured that the offer recommended for sanction is justifiable looking to the prevailing market rates of the goods, works or service required to be procured.
k) Based on the requirement of items when required, purchaser will issue Work Order to the selected bidder.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Rate Contract
Evaluation & Tabulation of Financial Bids. Subject to the provisions of “Acceptance of Successful Bid and Award of Contract” below, the procuring entity shall take following actions for evaluation of financial Bids:-
a) The financial Bids of the bidders who qualified in technical evaluation shall be opened online at the notified time, date and place by the bid evaluation committee in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who choose to be present;
b) the process of opening of the financial Bids shall be similar to that of technical Bids.
c) conditional Bids are liable to be rejected;
d) In order to decide the L1 bidder, NPV (Net Present Value) shall be calculated as below: The Financial bid (BoQ.xls) shall have following 5 4 price components. CAPEX = Total Cost of items with one two year warranty/support. O&M.1 = Total Cost of Warranty/ AMC for 4 3 Years (16 12 Qtrs) O&M.2 = Total Cost for Operational Services for 2 Years (8 Qtrs) A = Total Amount as per Table C of the Financial Bid B = Total Amount as per Table D of the Financial Bid Considering as following:-
1) Price quoted under CAPEX.1 of BoQ= C
2) Xxxxx quoted for O&M.1 = Warranty AMC cost from Q5 Q9 to Q20 (i.e. 16 12 Qtrs) = D
3) Xxxxx quoted for O&M.2 = Operational Services from Q1 to Q8 (i.e. 8 Qtrs) = E
4) Immediate Payment to be made (CAPEX) from BoQ = 80% of C= F
5) CAPEX Payment withheld with tendering authority = 20% of C= G 6) Quarterly Payment Amount for O&M.1= (D/16)= D/12)= H Rate Contract for Setting up of IT Fun City (Interactive Digital Amusement Gallery during various eventsGallery) at Jaipur
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Rate Contract
Evaluation & Tabulation of Financial Bids. Subject to the provisions of “Acceptance of Successful Bid and Award of Contract” below, the procuring entity shall take following actions for evaluation of financial Bids:-
a) The financial Bids of the bidders who qualified in technical evaluation shall be opened online at the notified time, date and place by the bid evaluation committee in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who choose to be present;
b) the process of opening of the financial Bids shall be similar to that of technical Bids.
c) conditional Bids are liable to be rejected;
d) In order to decide the L1 bidder, NPV (Net Present Value) shall be calculated as below: The Financial bid (BoQ.xls) shall have following 5 4 price components. CAPEX = Total Cost of items with one two year warranty/support. O&M.1 = Total Cost of Warranty/ AMC for 4 3 Years (16 Qtrs12Qtrs) O&M.2 = Total Cost for Operational Services for 2 Years (8 Qtrs) A = Total Amount as per Table C of the Financial Bid B = Total Amount as per Table D of the Financial Bid Considering as following:-
1) Price quoted under CAPEX.1 of BoQ= C
2) Xxxxx quoted for O&M.1 = Warranty AMC cost from Q5 Q9 to Q20 (i.e. 16 Qtrs12Qtrs) = D
3) Xxxxx quoted for O&M.2 = Operational Services from Q1 to Q8 (i.e. 8 Qtrs) = E
4) Immediate Payment to be made (CAPEX) from BoQ = 80% of C= F
5) CAPEX Payment withheld with tendering authority = 20% of C= G 6) Quarterly Payment Amount for O&M.1= (D/16)= D/12)= H Rate Contract for Setting up of IT Fun City (Interactive Digital Amusement Gallery during various eventsGallery) at Jaipur
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Rate Contract
Evaluation & Tabulation of Financial Bids. Subject to the provisions of “Acceptance of Successful Bid and Award of Contract” below, the procuring entity shall take following actions for evaluation of financial Bids:-
a) The financial Bids of the bidders who qualified in technical evaluation shall be opened online at the notified time, date and place by the bid evaluation committee in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who choose to be present;
b) the process of opening of the financial Bids shall be similar to that of technical Bids.
c) conditional Bids are liable to be rejected;
d) In order to decide the L1 bidder, NPV (Net Present Value) shall be calculated as below: The Financial bid (BoQ.xls) shall have following 5 price components. CAPEX = Total Cost of items with one year warranty/support. O&M.1 = Total Cost of Warranty/ AMC for 4 Years (16 Qtrs) O&M.2 = Total Cost for Operational Services for 2 Years (8 Qtrs) A = Total Amount as per Table C of the Financial Bid B = Total Amount as per Table D of the Financial Bid Considering as following:-
1) Price quoted under CAPEX.1 of BoQ= C
2) Xxxxx quoted for O&M.1 = Warranty cost from Q5 to Q20 (i.e. 16 Qtrs) = D
3) Xxxxx quoted for O&M.2 = Operational Services from Q1 to Q8 (i.e. 8 Qtrs) = E
4) Immediate Payment to be made (CAPEX) from BoQ = 80% of C= F
5) CAPEX Payment withheld with tendering authority = 20% of C= G 6) Quarterly Payment Amount for O&M.1= (D/16)= H Rate Contract for Setting up of Interactive Digital Amusement Gallery during various eventsH
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Rate Contract
Evaluation & Tabulation of Financial Bids. Subject to the provisions of “Acceptance of Successful Bid and Award of Rate Contract” below, the procuring entity shall take following actions for evaluation of financial Bids:-
a) The the financial Bids of the bidders who qualified in technical evaluation shall be opened online at the notified time, date and place by the bid evaluation committee in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who choose to be present;
b) the process of opening of the financial Bids shall be similar to that of technical Bids.
c) conditional Bids are liable to be rejected;
d) In order to decide the L1 bidderfor each delivery channel, NPV (Net Present Value) weighted Total and Grand Total shall be calculated as belowper below formula: The Financial bid Distance from Pick Up Point Upto 250 gms [Colu mn a] > 250gm s to 500 gms [Colu mn b] > 501 gms to 1 kg [Colu mn c] > 1 Kg to 2 kgs [Colu mn d] Additio nal 500gms or part thereof [Colum n e] Sum Total [Sum of Colum ns a to e] Mutliplyi ng Factor [Column f] Weight ed Total [Colum n g= Col e * Colum n f] Within City (BoQ.xlsUpto 20 Kms) shall have following 5 price components. CAPEX = Total Cost of items with one year warranty/support. O&M.1 = Total Cost of Warranty/ AMC for 4 Years (16 Qtrs) O&M.2 = Total Cost for Operational Services for 2 Years (8 Qtrs) A = Total Amount as per Table C of the Financial Bid B = Total Amount as per Table D of the Financial Bid Considering as following:-
1) Price quoted under CAPEX.1 of BoQ= C
2) Xxxxx quoted for O&M.1 = Warranty cost from Q5 0.3 > 20 Kms to Q20 (i.e. 16 Qtrs) = D
3) Xxxxx quoted for O&M.2 = Operational Services from Q1 200 Kms 0.4 > 201 km to Q8 (i.e. 8 Qtrs) = E
4) Immediate Payment to be made (CAPEX) from BoQ = 80% of C= F
5) CAPEX Payment withheld with tendering authority = 20% of C= G 6) Quarterly Payment Amount for O&M.1= (D/16)= H 1000 kms 0.5 Above 1000 Kms 0.2 Rate Contract for Setting up Selection of Interactive Digital Amusement Gallery during various eventsLogistic Partner for e-Bazaar
A. Delivery Charges Rate for Standard delivery channel [In Rupees]
B. DELIVERY CHARGES RATE FOR FMCG DELIVERY CHANNEL [In Rupees] Distance from Pick Up Point Upto 500 gms [Colu mn a] > 500g ms to 1 Kg [Colu mn b] > 1 Kg to 5 kgs [Colu mn c] > 5 Kgs to 10 kgs [Colum n d] Additiona l 2 Kgs or part thereof [Column e] Sum Total [Sum of Columns a to e] Mutliplyin g Factor [Column f] Weighte d Total [Column g= Col e * Column f] Within City (Upto 20 Kms) 0.4 > 20 Kms to 200 Kms 0.5 > 201 km to 1000 kms 0.3 Above 1000 Kms 0.2
C. DELIVERY CHARGES RATE FOR E-MITRA/BULK DELIVERY CHANNEL [In Rupees] Distance from Pick Up Point Upto 250 gms [Colu mn a] > 250gm s to 500 gms [Colu mn b] > 501 gms to 1 kg [Colu mn c] > 1 Kgs to 5 kgs [Colu mn d] Additio nal 1 kg or part thereof [Colum n e] Sum Total [Sum of Colum ns a to e] Mutliplyi ng Factor [Column f] Weight ed Total [Colum n g= Col e * Colum n f] Within City (Upto 20 Kms) 0.3 > 20 Kms to 200 Kms 0.4 > 201 km to 1000 kms 0.5 Above 1000 Kms 0.2 Grand Total Distance from Pick Up Point Upto 100 Kgs [Colu mn a] > 100 kgs to 200 Kgs [Colum n b] > 200 Kgs to 500 kgs [Colum n c] > 500 Kgs to 1000 kgs [Colum n d] Additiona l 500 Kgs or part thereof [Column e] Sum Total [Sum of Column s a to e] Mutliplyin g Factor [Column f] Weighte d Total [Column g= Col e * Column f] Within City (Upto 20 Kms) 0.4 > 20 Kms to 200 Kms 0.5 > 201 km to 1000 kms 0.3 Above 1000 Kms 0.2 Rate Contract for Selection of Logistic Partner for e-Bazaar
Appears in 1 contract