Exit Clause. Either party may, by giving 60 days notice in advance to the other party, exit from the agreement and the agreement shall stand terminated on expiry of 60th day from receipt of such notice. In such cases, the PBG shall be returned after deducting any amount whatsoever due to BSNL against the agreement.
Exit Clause. RD may exit by giving 60days notice and PBG shall be refunded once the pending dues if any are cleared.
Exit Clause. A startup should plan for the departure of its founders from the outset. A consensus should be reached on the terms under which a founder may depart the business and be liberated from their commitments.
Exit Clause. Either party may take exit from this Agreement during its currency by serving 3 months written notice to the other party.
Exit Clause. 4.1. Either party may terminate the agreement unconditionally after giving notice of at least three months in advance.
Exit Clause. The Franchise agreement can be terminated with mutual agreement of both of the parties after analyzing the scenario. No termination charges will be levied with respect to termination of the agreement under any circumstances.
Exit Clause. The parties acknowledge that this is a pilot project designed to test new technologies and processes and as such may be discontinued by either party, their estate, authorized representatives and/or assigns prior to the end of the term(s) specified above provided thirty (30) days’ notice is delivered to the other party in writing. Following delivery of notice, the parties will be free of all legal responsibilities under this contract beyond the notice period and shall have no claim for damages howsoever caused.
Exit Clause. If a partner wants to be removed from the United Hive platform, a written notice must be received and acknowledged by United Hive administration. Within ten business days of the received request, United Hive will remove the partner from the app/website. United Hive also reserves the right to terminate relationship with any partner that violates United Hive’s core values, but must do so with written notice.
Exit Clause. Please also acknowledge that if hired, two weeks (2) notice is mandatory if you have any career changes or need to leave your job. Failure to comply may include legal consequences and loss of salary. The agreement shall remain in effect indefinitely from the date adhered to below.