External Transfers - Personal Accounts Only. With External Transfers, you may transfer funds between your CFCU accounts and your accounts at other financial institutions via the Automated Clearing House ("ACH") as permitted under by law and each financial institution. All transactions are limited to available funds in your accounts. External Transfers may be used for: • Transfers from your CFCU account to your account at another institution • Transfers from your account at other institutions to your CFCU account • Loan payments from another institution to your CFCU loans (with the exception of First Mortgages and Visa Credit Cards) External transfers cannot be used to transfer funds from an CFCU account to another CFCU account or loan. Instead, Internal Transfers should be used should be used to make loan payments on loans listed under your account at CFCU. CFCU may send email communications regarding your transactions at our discretion.
External Transfers - Personal Accounts Only. You can transfer funds to or from your eligible personal account(s) at CNB and certain other deposit accounts held by you at another financial institution, credit union or brokerage company in the United States that are able to accept ACH transfers. Transfers can only be completed between accounts that are owned by the same account holder or if you are a holder in a joint account. Online transfer requests may be made 24 hours a day, seven days a week and are reflected in your account balance information shortly after your requests are received. All transfers are subject to available funds. The cutoff time to submit an external transfer is 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time. Transfers made before 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time on a Business Day will be processed immediately and posted to your accounts the next Business Day. Transfers submitted after the cutoff time will be processed on the next business day. It may take 3-5 business days for the bank to receive the transfer. A confirmation page will be displayed once your request is submitted.