Statistical and Market-Related Data Any statistical and market-related data included in the Registration Statement, the General Disclosure Package or the Prospectus are based on or derived from sources that the Company believes, after reasonable inquiry, to be reliable and accurate and, to the extent required, the Company has obtained the written consent to the use of such data from such sources.
Statistical and Marketing-Related Data All statistical or market-related data included or incorporated by reference in the Registration Statement, the Time of Sale Disclosure Package or the Final Prospectus, or included in the Marketing Materials, are based on or derived from sources that the Company reasonably believes to be reliable and accurate, and the Company has obtained the written consent to the use of such data from such sources, to the extent required.
Sustainable Development 4.1 The Authority will review the Contractor’s Sustainable Development Policy Statement and Sustainable Development Plan submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Schedule (Sustainable Development Requirements) and then at least annually thereafter. 4.2 Sustainable Procurement Risk Assessment Methodology (SPRAM) is a tool used by the Authority to identify and mitigate any potential risks to sustainability in contracts. The process requires that each Contract be assessed for its potential social, economic and environmental risks, throughout the various stages of its lifetime. Where risks are identified, appropriate mitigation action is required to reduce or eliminate the risk to sustainability. The Authority may at times require input from the Contractor in order to ensure that this process is given the required levels of consideration.
Statistical and Market Data Nothing has come to the attention of the Company that has caused the Company to believe that the statistical and market-related data included in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus is not based on or derived from sources that are reliable and accurate in all material respects.
ETHICAL CONDUCT Seller's employees shall comply with the BorgWarner Supplier Code of Conduct articulated within the BorgWarner Supplier Manual. Compliance with these standards is a mandatory component of Buyer's purchase contracts worldwide and must also apply to Seller subcontractors. Both, the BorgWarner Supplier Code of Conduct and the BorgWarner Supplier Manual are incorporated by reference as part of the Purchase Order, are binding on the Seller, and Seller explicitly verifies to have read and accepted the BorgWarner Supplier Code of Conduct and the BorgWarner Supplier Manual.
Professional Development; Adverse Consequences of School Exclusion; Student Behavior The Board President or Superintendent, or their designees, will make reasonable efforts to provide ongoing professional development to Board members about the adverse consequences of school exclusion and justice-system involvement, effective classroom management strategies, culturally responsive discipline, appropriate and available supportive services for the promotion of student attendance and engagement, and developmentally appropriate disciplinary methods that promote positive and healthy school climates, i.e., Senate Bill 100 training topics. The Board will conduct periodic self-evaluations with the goal of continuous improvement. New Board Member Orientation The orientation process for newly elected or appointed Board members includes:
Statistical, Demographic or Market-Related Data All statistical, demographic or market-related data included in the Registration Statement, the Disclosure Package or the Prospectus are based on or derived from sources that the Company believes to be reliable and accurate and all such data included in the Registration Statement, the Disclosure Package or the Prospectus accurately reflects the materials upon which it is based or from which it was derived.
Research Use The Requester agrees that if access is approved, (1) the PI named in the DAR and (2) those named in the “Senior/Key Person Profile” section of the DAR, including the Information Technology Director and any trainee, employee, or contractor1 working on the proposed research project under the direct oversight of these individuals, shall become Approved Users of the requested dataset(s). Research use will occur solely in connection with the approved research project described in the DAR, which includes a 1-2 paragraph description of the proposed research (i.e., a Research Use Statement). Investigators interested in using Cloud Computing for data storage and analysis must request permission to use Cloud Computing in the DAR and identify the Cloud Service Provider (CSP) or providers and/or Private Cloud System (PCS) that they propose to use. They must also submit a Cloud Computing Use Statement as part of the DAR that describes the type of service and how it will be used to carry out the proposed research as described in the Research Use Statement. If the Approved Users plan to collaborate with investigators outside the Requester, the investigators at each external site must submit an independent DAR using the same project title and Research Use Statement, and if using the cloud, Cloud Computing Use Statement. New uses of these data outside those described in the DAR will require submission of a new DAR; modifications to the research project will require submission of an amendment to this application (e.g., adding or deleting Requester Collaborators from the Requester, adding datasets to an approved project). Access to the requested dataset(s) is granted for a period of one (1) year, with the option to renew access or close-out a project at the end of that year. Submitting Investigator(s), or their collaborators, who provided the data or samples used to generate controlled-access datasets subject to the NIH GDS Policy and who have Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval and who meet any other study specific terms of access, are exempt from the limitation on the scope of the research use as defined in the DAR.
Curriculum Development This includes the analysis and coordination of textual materials; constant review of current literature in the field, some of which are selected for the college library collection, the preparation of selective, descriptive materials such as outlines and syllabi; conferring with other faculty and administration on curricular problems; and, the attendance and participation in inter and intra-college conferences and advisory committees.
Conduct of Research The Parties shall use Diligent Efforts to conduct their respective tasks, as assigned under the Research Plan, throughout the Mode of Action Program and shall conduct the Mode of Action Program in good scientific manner, and in compliance in all material respects with the requirements of applicable laws, rules and regulations and all applicable good laboratory practices to attempt to achieve their objectives efficiently and expeditiously.