For Lump Sum changes the Sample Clauses

For Lump Sum changes the. Subcontractor when providing a cost proposal for any change ordered by the Contractor, directly or indirectly, shall provide such a cost proposal on a Recommendation for Contract Change (RCC) form, as provided herein as Exhibit G. For any cost proposal to be considered by the Contractor, the RCC must be submitted within 10 days of the event causing the RCC. Approved RCCs will be converted to Subcontract Change Orders (Exhibit H), signed by an authorized representative of the Contractor. Lump Sum changes shall include a maximum allowance of % for total Overhead and Profit, including lower tier Subcontractors.
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Related to For Lump Sum changes the

  • For Lump Sum Change Order The payment and extension of time (if any) provided by this Change Order constitutes compensation in full to the Contractor and its Subcontractors and Suppliers for all costs and markups directly and indirectly attributable to the Change Order herein, for all delays related thereto and for performance of changes within the time stated.

  • Amendments - Changes/Extra Work The Subrecipient shall make no changes to this Contract without the County’s written consent. In the event that there are new or unforeseen requirements, the County has the discretion with the Subrecipient’s concurrence, to make changes at any time without changing the scope or price of the Contract.‌ If County-initiated changes or changes in laws or government regulations affect price, the Subrecipient’s ability to deliver services, or the project schedule, the Subrecipient will give County written notice no later ten (10) days from the date the law or regulation went into effect or the date the change was proposed and Subrecipient was notified of the change. Such changes shall be agreed to in writing and incorporated into a Contract amendment. Said amendment shall be issued by the County-assigned Contract Administrator, shall require the mutual consent of all Parties, and may be subject to approval by the County Board of Supervisors. Nothing herein shall prohibit the Subrecipient from proceeding with the work as originally set forth or as previously amended in this Contract.

  • Changes to Scope of Work The City of Nashua may, at any time, by written order, make changes to the general scope, character, or cost of this contract and in the services or work to be performed, either increasing or decreasing the scope, character, or cost of Independent Contractor's performance under the contract. Independent Contractor shall provide to the City of Nashua within 10 calendar days, a written proposal for accomplishing the change. The proposal for a change shall provide enough detail, including personnel hours for each sub-task and cost breakdowns of tasks, for the City of Nashua to be able to adequately analyze the proposal. The City of Nashua will then determine in writing if Independent Contractor should proceed with any or all of the proposed change. If the change causes an increase or a decrease in Independent Contractor's cost or time required for performance of the contract as a whole, an equitable adjustment shall be made and the contract accordingly modified in writing. Any claim of Independent Contractor for adjustment under this clause shall be asserted in writing within 30 days of the date the City of Nashua notified Independent Contractor of the change. When Independent Contractor seeks changes, Independent Contractor shall, before any work commences, estimate their effect on the cost of the contract and on its schedule and notify the City of Nashua in writing of the estimate. The proposal for a change shall provide enough detail, including personnel hours for each sub-task and cost breakdowns of tasks, for the City of Nashua to be able to adequately analyze the proposal. The City of Nashua will then determine in writing if Independent Contractor should proceed with any or all of the proposed change. Except as provided in this paragraph, Independent Contractor shall implement no change unless the City of Nashua in writing approves the change. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, the provisions of this contract shall apply to all changes. The City of Nashua may provide verbal approval of a change when the City of Nashua, in its sole discretion, determines that time is critical or public health and safety are of concern. Any verbal approval shall be confirmed in writing as soon as practicable. Any change undertaken without prior City of Nashua approval shall not be compensated and is, at the City of Nashua's election, sufficient reason for contract termination.

  • Salary Structure Section 1 The salary program for Okemos Administrators is based on a plan whereby:

  • Basic Salary Schedule The basic salaries of teachers shall be according to the following schedules: Effective the first day of the Fall Term, 2018 – 1.6% increase. Years of Experience Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 0 39,299 43,274 47,673 57,023 60,877 64,356 68,282 1 40,913 45,521 50,103 60,155 64,118 67,767 71,750 2 42,536 47,767 52,535 63,281 67,356 71,175 75,215 3 44,152 50,014 54,971 66,414 70,596 74,585 78,682 4 45,772 52,258 57,401 69,546 73,833 77,994 82,149 5 47,390 54,503 59,834 72,674 77,076 81,405 85,616 6 49,008 56,750 62,271 75,805 80,314 84,816 89,084 7 50,684 58,996 64,700 78,937 83,550 88,224 92,548 8 67,170 82,068 86,792 91,636 96,017 9 85,197 90,032 95,045 99,483 10 88,328 93,271 98,452 102,949 Effective the first day of the Fall Term, 2019 – 1.4% increase. Years of Experience Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 0 39,849 43,880 48,340 57,821 61,729 65,257 69,238 1 41,486 46,158 50,804 60,998 65,015 68,716 72,754 2 43,131 48,436 53,271 64,166 68,299 72,171 76,269 3 44,770 50,714 55,740 67,344 71,584 75,629 79,784 4 46,413 52,990 58,205 70,520 74,866 79,086 83,299 5 48,054 55,266 60,672 73,692 78,155 82,545 86,815 6 49,694 57,544 63,142 76,866 81,438 86,003 90,331 7 51,394 59,822 65,606 80,042 84,719 89,460 93,844 8 68,110 83,217 88,007 92,919 97,361 9 86,389 91,292 96,375 100,875 10 89,565 94,577 99,831 104,391 Effective the first day of the Fall Term, 2020 – 0.5% increase. Years of Experience Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 0 40,048 44,100 48,582 58,110 62,038 65,584 69,584 1 41,694 46,389 51,058 61,302 65,340 69,060 73,118 2 43,347 48,678 53,537 64,487 68,640 72,532 76,650 3 44,994 50,967 56,019 67,680 71,942 76,007 80,183 4 46,645 53,255 58,496 70,872 75,241 79,482 83,715 5 48,294 55,543 60,975 74,060 78,546 82,957 87,249 6 49,942 57,832 63,458 77,250 81,845 86,433 90,783 7 51,651 60,121 65,934 80,442 85,143 89,907 94,313 8 68,451 83,633 88,447 93,384 97,848 9 86,821 91,749 96,857 101,380 10 90,012 95,050 100,330 104,912 Effective the first day of the Fall Term, 2021 – COLA**. **COLA will be determined as follows: In January 2022, or as soon as possible thereafter, when the 12 month (January to December 2021) average annual Statistics Canada Consumer Price Index for Manitoba – All items, change is made known, the increase will be applied retroactively to September 1, 2021.

  • Reduction in scope of agreement for fault 19.1.1 If the Grantee does not comply with an obligation under this Agreement and the Commonwealth believes that the non‐compliance is incapable of remedy, or if the Grantee has failed to comply with a notice to remedy, the Commonwealth may by written notice reduce the scope of the Agreement.

  • Salary Schedule The scale of remuneration set out in Schedule "A" shall apply during the term of this Agreement. Any changes in salary rates or the classifications as outlined in Schedule "A" shall not be put into effect until the Union Business Representative has been consulted.

  • Follow-up Testing An employee shall submit to unscheduled follow-up drug and/or alcohol testing if, within the previous 24-month period, the employee voluntarily disclosed drug or alcohol problems, entered into or completed a rehabilitation program for drug or alcohol abuse, failed or refused a preappointment drug test, or was disciplined for violating the provisions of this Agreement and Employer work rules. The Employer may require an employee who is subject to follow-up testing to submit to no more than six unscheduled drug or alcohol tests within any 12 month period.

  • Wage Rate Payments / Changes During Contract Term The wages to be paid under any resulting Contract shall not be less than the prevailing rate of wages and supplements as set forth by law. It is required that the Contractor keep informed of all changes in the Prevailing Wage Rates during the Contract term that apply to the classes of individuals supplied by the Contractor on any projects resulting from this Contract, subject to the provisions of the Labor Law. Contractor is solely liable for and must pay such required prevailing wage adjustments during the Contract term as required by law.

  • QUANTITY CHANGES PRIOR TO AWARD The Commissioner reserves the right, at any time prior to the award of a specific quantity Contract, to alter in good faith the quantities listed in the Bid Specifications. In the event such right is exercised, the lowest responsible Bidder meeting Bid Specifications will be advised of the revised quantities and afforded an opportunity to extend or reduce its Bid price in relation to the changed quantities. Refusal by the low Bidder to so extend or reduce its Bid price may result in the rejection of its Bid and the award of such Contract to the lowest responsible Bidder who accepts the revised qualifications.

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