Forecasting Report. Within ten (10) Business Days following each of:
(a) the Effective Date; and
(b) the last day of each subsequent calendar month during the Term, the Service Provider will provide a report to the LFC setting out its forecast for the volume of orders applicable to each Wholesale Service Category (other than the Central Office and POI Co-location Service) for each month of the period of six (6) consecutive months following the month in which the forecast is provided (Forecasting Report).
Forecasting Report. Within 10 Business Days following each of:
(a) the Effective Date; and
(b) the last day of each subsequent calendar month during the Term, the Access Seeker will provide a report to the LFC setting out its forecast for the volume of orders for Input Services for each month of the period of 6 consecutive months following the month in which the forecast is provided (Forecasting Report).