Former member. An individual who is eligible for, or entitled to, retired pay, at age 60, for non-Regular service in ac- cordance with chapter 1223, title 10, United States Code but who has been discharged and who maintains no mili- tary affiliation. These former mem- bers, at age 60, and their eligible de- pendents are entitled to medical care, commissary, exchange, and MWR privi- leges. Under age 60, they and their xxx- gible dependents are entitled to com- missary, exchange, and MWR privileges only.
Former member. A retiree, deceased member, deceased retiree, or deceased reservist in certain circumstances (see section 199.3 for additional information related to certain deceased reservists’ dependents’ eligibility). Under condi- tions specified under § 199.3 of this part, former member may also include a member of the Uniformed Services who has been discharged from active duty (or, in some cases, full-time National Guard duty), whether voluntarily or in- voluntarily, under other than adverse conditions and qualifies for CHAMPUS benefits under the Transitional Assist- ance Management Program or the Con- tinued Health Care Benefit Program.
Former member. A retiree, deceased member, deceased retiree, or deceased reservist in certain circumstances (see section 199.3 for additional information related to certain deceased reservists’ dependents’ eligibility). Under condi- tions specified under § 199.3 of this part, former member may also include a member of the Uniformed Services who has been discharged from active duty (or, in some cases, full-time National
Former member. If any Member ceases to be a Member (a "Former Member"), such Former Member shall continue to be liable for all obligations wing hereunder with respect to the period during which the Former Member was a Member.
Former member. “Former Member” has the meaning set forth in Section 10.1.