Uniformed Services Sample Clauses
Uniformed Services. Military pay received by Ohio residents while stationed outside Ohio 26.
Uniformed Services. The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Commissioned Corps of the USPHS, and the Commissioned Corps of the NOAA.
Uniformed Services. The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Commissioned Corps of the USPHS, and the Commissioned Corps of the NOAA. Unlabeled or Off-label drugs. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved drugs that are used for indications or treatments not included in the ap- proved labeling. The drug must be medically necessary for the treatment of the condition for which it is admin- istered, according to accepted stand- ards of medical practice.
Uniformed Services defined as the Armed Forces, the Army National Guard, and the Air National Guard when engaged in active duty for training, inactive duty training, or full- time National Guard duty, the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service, and any other category of persons designated by the President in time of war or national emergency. The term "service in the Uniformed Services" means a performance of duty on a voluntary or involuntary basis in a Uniformed Service under competent authority, including active duty, active duty for training, initial active duty for training, inactive duty training, full-time National Guard duty, and a period for which a person is absent from a position of employment for the purpose of an examination to determine the fitness of the person to perform any such duty.
Uniformed Services. A Uniformed Services leave of absence shall be granted to an employee who shall be inducted or shall enlist for Uniformed Services duty in any branch of the Uniformed Services of the United States, or who shall enlist, volunteer, be called, or otherwise make him/herself available for active duty in the National Guard or Reserve. Members of the bargaining unit who are placed on Uniformed Services leave and who subsequently qualify for schooling under the GI Bill shall have their leave extended for a period of one (1) year. Application for such an extension shall be filed within thirty (30) days from the official discharge date and shall be subsequent to proof of registration in an approved program or institution.
Uniformed Services. Uniformed Services leave shall be granted pursuant to federal law. Up to two weeks of such leave will be paid.
Uniformed Services. (including: Patrol, Metro, POP, Bike Team, Motors, K9, Accident Investigations, Air Unit, Galleria Officers, U.N.E.T., and the P.A.C. Team ) Each holiday will be observed on the actual date of said holiday.
Uniformed Services. In the case of remuneration paid for service described in section 3121(m), relating to service in the uniformed services, performed after 1956, ‘‘wages as defined in section 3121(a)’’, as used in section 6051(a)(5), shall be determined in accordance with section 3121(i)(2) and section 3122.
Uniformed Services. Please indicate by checking the box if Customer is a member of the “uniformed services.” If Customer is a member of the “uniformed services”, please indicate by checking the box if Customer is on active duty or active services, as applicable.
Uniformed Services. Surveillance Survey of TNI and Police personnel was conducted in Jayapura, Batam/Tanjung Pinang and Ambon between April 6 and 13. This activity was the result of several months of collaboration between ASA, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Health and BPS. The data has been analyzed and the draft report completed. This data will provide a focus for the peer leadership core training that is expected to begin early in the next fiscal year. The core training will be preceded by a Training of Trainers course. Curriculum and modules are being developed in collaboration with two consultants. Several new materials for IEC and prevention marketing were developed over the quarter, many of which were developed with technical assistance from consultant Xxx Xxxxxx. Focus group discussions were held with waria and with a group from the uniformed services in order to get a clearer and more complete picture of the sexual behavior and expectations of the respective groups. The input from these discussions will be used to develop appropriate materials. For the uniformed services, these will be developed to support the forthcoming peer leadership program. Targeting men who have sex with men, the Safer Sex Package was launched for a trial run this quarter. Consisting of a condom (supplied by USAID) plus lubricant together with an HIV/AIDS prevention message, the package is produced in two versions: one aimed at waria and the other at gay men. The trial, during which the packages were distributed free of charge to gay men, generated a positive response, and plans are now being made for distribution and monitoring on a larger scale. New materials have been produced to focus on IDU. These include two stickers designed by Xxxxxx, a poster, and three different brochures dealing, respectively, with overdoses; hepatitis A, B and C, and AIDS; and needle use. The brochures will be made available to IDUs through NGOs and rehab centers. These materials have already been passed by USAID and FHI but are currently still under review by P2M/PL and the Center for Health Promotion. A series of stickers is being produced specifically for truckers plying Java’s northern coastal route. In line with the expansion in coverage being undertaken by nearly all ASA’s IAs to ensure greater reach to clients, several of the existing IEC products are being reprinted and distributed. A range of support media is being developed to assist outreach workers in the field. These will eventually include a ...