Computer Equipment Recycling Program If this Contract is for the purchase or lease of computer equipment, then Contractor certifies that it is in compliance with Subchapter Y, Chapter 361 of the Texas Health and Safety Code related to the Computer Equipment Recycling Program and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality rules in 30 TAC Chapter 328.
Customer Equipment “Customer Equipment” means any Customer-owned or provided software, hardware or services that you elect to use in connection with the Service(s). You agree to allow us and our agents the rights to insert CableCARDs and other hardware in the Customer Equipment, send software and/or downloads to the Customer Equipment and install, configure, maintain, inspect and upgrade the Customer Equipment. You warrant you are either the owner of the Customer Equipment or that you have the authority to give us access to the Customer Equipment. You should call Customer Service at 0-000-XXX-XXXX to find out if it meets our technical, security and other requirements. We reserve the right to disallow the use of Customer Equipment that we determine is not compatible with our network. We shall have no obligation to provide, maintain, or service Customer Equipment, including, but not limited to, Customer Equipment to which the Company or a third party has sent software or downloads. If you use Customer Equipment, you agree that the following limitation of liability shall apply: THE COMPANY DOES NOT WARRANT THAT CUSTOMER EQUIPMENT WILL ENABLE YOU TO SUCCESSFULLY INSTALL, ACCESS, OPERATE, OR USE THE SERVICE(S). YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT ANY SUCH INSTALLATION, ACCESS, OPERATION, OR USE COULD CAUSE CUSTOMER EQUIPMENT TO FAIL TO OPERATE OR COULD CAUSE DAMAGE TO CUSTOMER EQUIPMENT, YOU, YOUR PREMISES OR COMPANY EQUIPMENT. NEITHER THE COMPANY NOR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATES, SUPPLIERS OR AGENTS SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY WHATSOEVER FOR ANY SUCH FAILURE OR DAMAGE, INCLUDING LACK OF 911/E911 CAPABILITY OR DIALING ASSOCIATED WITH A SECURITY SYSTEM. YOUR USE OF CUSTOMER EQUIPMENT MAY PREVENT PROVISION OF SERVICE. The foregoing limitation of liability is in addition to and shall not limit any other limitation of liability set forth in this Agreement.
Computer Equipment No computers and/or personal electronic devices, such as tablets and laptop computers, or any component thereof, may be purchased with funds provided under this Contract, regardless of purchase price, without prior written approval of ADMINISTRATOR. Any such purchase shall be in accordance with specifications provided by ADMINISTRATOR, be subject to the same inventory control conditions specified above in Subparagraphs 18.1.1 to 18.1.4, and, at the sole discretion of ADMINISTRATOR, become the property of COUNTY upon termination of this Contract.
Installation Services The Bitstream 2a Service includes a Standard Install as set out below (in each case to the extent that the relevant provisioning works are not already complete for the relevant Service Order).1
Equipment Use Lessee agrees that the Equipment will be operated by competent, qualified personnel in connection with Lessee's business for the purpose for which the Equipment was designed and in accordance with applicable operating instructions, laws, and government regulations, and that Lessee shall use all reasonable precautions to prevent loss or damage to the Equipment from fire and other hazards. Lessee shall procure and maintain in effect all orders, licenses, certificates, permits, approvals, and consents required by federal, state, or local laws or by any governmental body, agency, or authority in connection with the delivery, installation, use, and operation of the Equipment.
Testing of Metering Equipment Connecting Transmission Owner shall inspect and test all of its Metering Equipment upon installation and at least once every two (2) years thereafter. If requested to do so by NYISO or Developer, Connecting Transmission Owner shall, at Developer’s expense, inspect or test Metering Equipment more frequently than every two (2) years. Connecting Transmission Owner shall give reasonable notice of the time when any inspection or test shall take place, and Developer and NYISO may have representatives present at the test or inspection. If at any time Metering Equipment is found to be inaccurate or defective, it shall be adjusted, repaired or replaced at Developer’s expense, in order to provide accurate metering, unless the inaccuracy or defect is due to Connecting Transmission Owner’s failure to maintain, then Connecting Transmission Owner shall pay. If Metering Equipment fails to register, or if the measurement made by Metering Equipment during a test varies by more than two percent from the measurement made by the standard meter used in the test, Connecting Transmission Owner shall adjust the measurements by correcting all measurements for the period during which Metering Equipment was in error by using Developer’s check meters, if installed. If no such check meters are installed or if the period cannot be reasonably ascertained, the adjustment shall be for the period immediately preceding the test of the Metering Equipment equal to one-half the time from the date of the last previous test of the Metering Equipment. The NYISO shall reserve the right to review all associated metering equipment installation on the Developer’s or Connecting Transmission Owner’s property at any time.
Your Equipment All equipment and facilities provided by you for use with your Services is “Customer Equipment.” You are solely responsible for installing, maintaining, configuring, repairing, replacing, upgrading and using your Customer Equipment. Astound has no responsibility whatsoever with respect to your Customer Equipment. If your Customer Equipment impairs the Services, you will remain liable for payment of the applicable Fees for your Services. If, at your request, Xxxxxxx should attempt to resolve difficulties caused by your Customer Equipment, such efforts will be performed at Astound’s discretion and at Astound’s then- current standard hourly rates for such work. Any Customer Equipment you use in connection with the Services must meet Astound’s then-current minimum technical and other requirements.
Equipment Specifications All equipment must meet the contract specifications and all federal and State safety codes and regulations in effect at the date of manufacture. All equipment must be Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) equipment unless otherwise stated in the contract. All products, materials, supplies, replacement parts, and equipment offered and furnished must be new, of current manufacturer production, and must have been formally announced by the manufacturer as being commercially available, unless otherwise stated in this Contract.
New Equipment Where new types of equipment and/or operations, for which rates of pay are not established by this Agreement, are put into use after the ratification date of this Agreement within operations covered by this Agreement, rates governing such operations shall be subject to negotiations between the parties. This paragraph shall apply to all new types of equipment including office and clerical equipment. In the event an agreement cannot be reached within sixty (60) days after the date such equipment is put into use, the matter may shall be submitted to the National Grievance Committee for final disposition. Rates agreed upon or awarded shall be effective as of the date equipment is put to use
All new supplies equipment and services shall include manufacturer's minimum standard warranty unless otherwise agreed to in writing. Vendor shall be legally permitted to sell all products offered for sale to TIPS Members. All goods proposed and sold shall be new unless clearly stated in writing. The Vendor shall provide timely and accurate customer support for orders to TIPS Members as agreed by the Parties. Vendors shall respond to such requests within a commercially reasonable time after receipt of the request. If support andƒor training is a line item sold or packaged with a sale, support shall be as agreed with the TIPS Member. Most TIPS Members are tax exempt and the related laws andƒor regulations of the controlling jurisdiction(s) of the TIPS Member shall apply. No assignment of Agreement may be made without the prior notification of TIPS. Written approval of TIPS shall not be unreasonably withheld. Payment for delivered goods and services can only be made to the awarded Vendor, Vendor designated reseller or vendor assigned company.