General Obligations of Contractor Parties Sample Clauses

General Obligations of Contractor Parties. (a) 3.5 bəndinin müddəalarını nəzərə almaq şərtilə, Podratçı tərəflər bu Sazişdə müəyyən olunmuş şərtlərə uyğun olaraq Neft-qaz əməliyyatlarının aparılması üçün maliyyə vəsaitini təmin edirlər.
General Obligations of Contractor Parties. (a) 3.5 bəndinin müddəalarını nəzərə almaq şərtilə, Podratçı tərəflər bu Sazişdə müəyyən olunmuş şərtlərə uyğun olaraq Kəşfiyyat dövrü və Əlavə kəşfiyyat dövrü ərzində lazımi maliyyə vəsaitini, habelə Kontrakt sahəsində Karbohidrogen ehtiyatlarının qiymətləndirilməsi və işlənməsi üçün maliyyə vəsaitini təmin edirlər.
General Obligations of Contractor Parties. Contractor (and SOCAR to the extent provided in Article 28.2) shall provide the necessary funds to explore, appraise, evaluate and develop the Petroleum resources within the Contract Area in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract. Contractor shall have the right and the obligation to conduct Petroleum Operations in accordance with the terms of this Contract in a diligent, safe and efficient manner and in accordance with generally accepted principles of the international Petroleum industry. As regards design standards and specifications for facilities and equipment the provisions of Appendix XI shall apply. No Contractor Party shall be required to act or refrain from acting if to do so would make such Contractor Party or its ultimate parent company liable to penalisation under the laws of any jurisdiction applicable to such Contractor Party or its ultimate parent company notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Contract.
General Obligations of Contractor Parties. (a) Podratçı Tərəflər bu Sazişdə müəyyən olunmuş müddəalara və şərtlərə uyğun olaraq Neft-qaz Əməliyyatlarının aparılması üçün maliyyə vəsaitini təmin edirlər. (a) The Contractor Parties shall provide the necessary funds to conduct the Petroleum Operations in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract. (b) Podratçı bu Sazişin şərtlərinə və Neft-qaz Sənayesində Qəbul Edilmiş Beynəlxalq Müsbət Praktikaya uyğun olaraq Neft-qaz Əməliyyatlarını aparmaq hüququna və öhdəliyinə malikdir. Texnoloji obyektlər və avadanlıq üçün layihə standartları və texniki şərtlər 11-ci Əlavədə verilmiş müddəalara uyğun olmalıdır. Bu Sazişin bu müddəa ilə ziddiyyət təşkil edən hər hansı şərtinə baxmayaraq, əgər hər hansı Podratçı Tərəfin və ya onun əsas xxx şirkətinin hər hansı fəaliyyəti, yaxud fəaliyyətsizliyi həmin Podratçı (b) Contractor shall have the right and the obligation to conduct Petroleum Operations in accordance with the terms of this Contract and in accordance with Good International Petroleum Industry Practice. As regards design standards and specifications for facilities and equipment the provisions of Appendix 11 shall apply. No Contractor Party shall be required to act or refrain from acting if to do so would make such Contractor Party or its ultimate parent company liable to penalisation under the laws of any jurisdiction applicable to such Tərəfin və ya onun əsas xxx şirkətinin tətbiq edilən yurisdiksiyanın qanunlarına əsasən cəzalandırılmasına gətirib çıxara bilərsə, Podratçı Tərəflərdən heç biri belə fəaliyyətə və ya fəaliyyətsizliyə məcbur edilə bilməz. Contractor Party or its ultimate parent company notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Contract.
General Obligations of Contractor Parties. The Contractor Parties shall provide the necessary funds during the Exploration Period and the Additional Exploration Period and also funds to appraise, evaluate and develop the Petroleum resources within the Contract Area in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Contractor shall conduct Petroleum Operations in accordance with the terms of this Agreement in a diligent, safe and efficient manner and in accordance with generally accepted principles of the international Petroleum industry. As regards design standards and specifications for facilities and equipment the Design Standards shall apply. No Contractor Party shall be required to act or refrain from acting if to do so would make such Contractor Party or its Ultimate Parent Company liable to penalization under the laws of any jurisdiction applicable to such Contractor Party or its Ultimate Parent Company notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement.
General Obligations of Contractor Parties. (a) Subject to Article 3.5, the Contractor Parties shall provide the necessary funds during the Exploration Period and the Additional Exploration Period and also funds to appraise, evaluate and develop the Petroleum resources within the Contract Area in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

Related to General Obligations of Contractor Parties

  • General Obligations of the Parties A. Recognition of Higher Education Partner, Promotion, Marketing, and Advertising 1) When reporting and publicizing high school students’ completion of dual credit courses, degrees, or certificates, Xxxxxxx ISD will recognize Collin College as their higher education partner awarding college credit. Both Parties agree not to use the other Party’s name, logo, or likeness in any press release, marketing materials, or other public announcements without receiving prior written approval from an authorized designee. B. Understanding of the Parties 1) Both parties understand the safety and security risks inherent with minors and agree that certain risks may be unforeseeable. Further, the Parties agree that the public safety departments from both Collin College and Xxxxxxx ISD will collaborate to develop and/or review safety and security standards and/or guidelines, including emergency response. 2) In accordance with FERPA, Collin College and Xxxxxxx ISD will protect students’ privacy and guard against the unauthorized release of identifying student information and records, and comply with all applicable requirements of FERPA.

  • General Obligation Except as permitted by Clause 14.2, all Confidential Information shall be held confidential during and after the continuance of this contract and shall not be divulged in any way to any third party without the prior written approval of the other party.

  • General Obligations 1. Each Party shall apply its measures relating to the provisions of this Chapter in accordance with Article 116 (General Principles) and, in particular, shall expeditiously apply those measures so as to avoid unduly impairing or delaying trade in goods or services or conduct of investment activities under this Agreement. 2. Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to prevent a Party from applying measures to regulate the entry of natural persons into, or their temporary stay in, its territory, including those measures necessary to protect the integrity of, and to ensure the orderly movement of natural persons across, its borders, provided that such measures are not applied in such a manner as to unduly impair or delay trade in goods or services or conduct of investment activities under this Agreement.

  • Joint and Several Obligations Except as otherwise stated herein, the obligations of NYISO, Developer and Connecting Transmission Owner are several, and are neither joint nor joint and several.

  • Obligations of Contractor 5.01 CONTRACTOR agrees to perform all Services in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Proposal. In the event that the terms of the Proposal shall conflict with the terms of this Agreement, or contain additional terms other than the Services to be rendered and the price for the Services, the terms of this Agreement shall govern and said additional or conflicting terms shall be of no force or effect. 5.02 Except as otherwise agreed by the parties, CONTRACTOR will supply all personnel, materials and equipment required to perform the Services. CONTRACTOR shall provide its own offices, telephones, vehicles and computers and set its own work hours. CONTRACTOR will determine the method, details, and means of performing the Services under this Agreement. 5.03 CONTRACTOR shall keep CITY informed as to the progress of the Services by means of regular and frequent consultations. Additionally, when requested by CITY, CONTRACTOR shall prepare written status reports. 5.04 CONTRACTOR is responsible for paying, when due, all income and other taxes, fees and withholding, including withholding state and federal taxes, social security, unemployment and worker’s compensation, incurred as a result of the compensation paid under this Agreement. CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless CITY for any claims, costs, losses, fees, penalties, interest, or damages suffered by CITY resulting from CONTRACTOR’s failure to comply with this provision. 5.05 In the event CONTRACTOR is required to prepare plans, drawings, specifications and/or estimates, the same shall be furnished in conformance with local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations. 5.06 CONTRACTOR represents that it possesses all required licenses necessary or applicable to the performance of Services under this Agreement and the Proposal and shall obtain and keep in full force and effect all permits and approvals required to perform the Services herein. In the event CITY is required to obtain an approval or permit from another governmental entity, CONTRACTOR shall provide all necessary supporting documents to be filed with such entity. 5.07 CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for obtaining Employment Eligibility Verification information from CONTRACTOR’s employees, in compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, Pub. L. 99-603 (8 U.S.C. 1324a), and shall ensure that CONTRACTOR’s employees are eligible to work in the United States. 5.08 In the event that CONTRACTOR employs, contracts with, or otherwise utilizes any CalPers retirees in completing any of the Services performed hereunder, such instances shall be disclosed in advance to the CITY and shall be subject to the CITY’s advance written approval. 5.09 Drug-free Workplace Certification. By signing this Agreement, the CONTRACTOR hereby certifies under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the CONTRACTOR will comply with the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1990 (Government Code, Section 8350 et seq.) and will provide a drug- free workplace. 5.10 CONTRACTOR shall comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules, regulations, entitlements and/or permits applicable to, or governing the Services authorized hereunder.