Contract Area Sample Clauses
Contract Area. Block which superficial projection is delimited by the polygon defined in Annex I or the plots of the Block remaining subject to the Agreement after the partial relinquishments provided for herein are made.
Contract Area. 3.1 The Contract Area as of the Effective Date of the Contract comprises a total area of approximately ninety- nine thousand, eight hundred and twenty-seven (99,827) hectares, as described in Annex “A” attached hereto and delineated in the map which forms part thereof.
3.2 Except for the rights expressly provided by the Contract, no right is granted in favour of Contractor to the surface area, sea-bed, sub-soil or to any natural resources or aquatic resources.
Contract Area. Identification
Contract Area. B.1 Contract Area Map. The boundaries of “Contract Area” and any subdivision thereof, are as shown on the attached “Contract Area Map” that is made a part hereof, and were, before contract advertisement, designated on the ground by Forest Service to meet the anticipated needs of the parties. The location of Contract Area and its approxi- mate acreage are stated in A.1. Subdivisions may be revised and additional ones may be established only by written agreement. Subdivisions or cutting units and stewardship project areas may be eliminated from Contract Area under conditions described in G.3.6. Catastrophically Damaged areas may be removed from Contract Area under I.3.2.
(a) Identified claims limiting Contractor’s rights under B.2;
(b) Subdivisions defined in C.3 where timber is to be Marked after date of contract advertisement;
(c) Boundaries of Clearcutting Units, Overstory Removal Units, and Understory Removal Units under C.3;
(d) Diameter limits for Overstory Removal Units and Understory Removal Units under C.3.3 and C.3.4;
(e) Areas where leave trees are Marked to be left uncut under C.3.5;
(f) Specified Roads listed in A.7;
(g) Sources of base course, surface rock, and rock riprap listed in the Schedule of Items;
(h) Roads where log hauling or use is prohibited or restricted under F.1.2;
(i) Roads and trails to be kept open under G.2.2;
(j) Improvements to be protected under G.2.2;
(k) Locations of known wildlife or plant habitat and cave resources to be protected under G.2.4;
(l) Locations of areas known to be infested with specific invasive species of concern under G.3.5;
(m) Maximum xxxxx heights when more than one height is listed by areas in A.6 under G.4.1.2;
(n) Skidding or yarding methods specified under G.4.2;
(o) Streamcourses to be protected under G.5;
(p) Locations of xxxxxxx requiring protection under G.6.1;
(q) Locations of wetlands requiring protection under G.6.2;
(r) Locations of temporary roads to be kept open under G.6.3.1; and
(s) Other features required by Parts A through K.
Contract Area or Area means the geographic area within the territory of Equatorial Guinea, which is the object of this Contract. This Contract Area will be described in Annex A and illustrated in Annex B, as it may be changed by relinquishments of the Contractor in accordance with this Contract.
Contract Area. The legal description of the land given on the agreement. (3-1-88)
Contract Area. 3.1 The initial Contract Area on the Effective Date comprises the block named --------- covering a total surface area of ----------km² as defined by the geographic coordinates shown in Annex A of this Contract. A map showing the boundaries of the Contract Area is shown in Annex A for illustration purposes.
3.2 The total surface area of the Contract Area shall be reduced in accordance with the terms set forth in Article 5 of this Contract, it being understood that, solely for purposes of calculating the reductions foreseen in Article 5, the Contract Area shall be determined by deducting the surface areas covered by any Exclusive Exploitation Authorisation(s).
Contract Area area of the Block whose surface projection is delimited by the polygon defined in Annex I.
Contract Area shall [REDACTED] Offshore Louisiana.
Contract Area. Area identified in "Appendix A:" called Block ..., located between the Provinces of .................., with an extension of ... ............. hectares (XXX, XXX.000 ha). The Contract Area will be redefined after excluding the areas relinquished by the Contractor, according to the terms of the Contract.