Geometric visibility. The visibility of the illuminating surface, including its visibility in areas which do not appear to be illuminated in the direction of observation considered, shall be ensured within a divergent space defined by generating lines based on the perimeter of the illuminating surface and forming an angle of not less than 5° with the axis of reference of the headlamp. The origin of the angles of geometric visibility is the perimeter of the projection of the illuminating surface on a transverse plane tangent to the foremost part of the lens of the headlamp.
Geometric visibility. Horizontal angle: 30° to left and to right for a single reflector; 30° outwards and 10° inwards for each pair of reflectors; Vertical angle: 15° above and below the horizontal. The vertical angle below the horizontal may be reduced to 5°, however, if the height of the lamp is less than 750 mm.
Geometric visibility. Horizontal angle: 45° to the front and to the rear. Vertical angle: 10° above and below the horizontal. The vertical angle below the horizontal may be reduced to 5° in the case of a retro-reflector less than 750 mm above the ground.
Geometric visibility. Horizontal angle: 45° to the front and to the rear; however, for vehicles on which the installation of the side-marker lamps is optional this value can be reduced to 30°. If the vehicle is equipped with side-marker lamps used to supplement the reduced geometric visibility of front and rear direction-indicator lamps conforming to paragraph and/or position lamps conforming to paragraphs and, the angles are 45° towards the front and rear ends of the vehicle and 30º towards the centre of the vehicle (see the figure in paragraph above). Vertical angle: 10° above and below the horizontal. The vertical angle below the horizontal may be reduced to 5° in the case of a side-marker lamp less than 750 mm above the ground.
Geometric visibility. On each side of the vehicle, for each lighting function and mode provided: The angles of geometric visibility prescribed for the respective lighting functions according to paragraphs 6.1.5. and 6.2.5. of this Regulation, shall be met by at least one of the lighting units that are simultaneously energized to perform said function and mode(s), according to the description of the applicant. Individual lighting units may be used to comply with the requirements for different angles.
Geometric visibility. As specified in paragraph 6.5.5.
Geometric visibility. Defined by angles α and β as specified in paragraph 2.13.: α = 10° upwards and downwards, β = 30° to 60° outwards.
Geometric visibility. Horizontal angle: 45° inwards and 80° outwards. Vertical angle: 15° above and below the horizontal. The vertical angle below the horizontal may be reduced to 5° in the case of lamps less than 750 mm above the ground. The vertical angle above the horizontal may be reduced to 5° in the case of optional lamps not less than 2,100 mm above the ground. For M1 and N1 category vehicles, as an alternative to paragraph, at the discretion of the manufacturer or his duly accredited representative, and only if a rear side-marker lamp is installed on the vehicle. Horizontal angle: 45° outwards to 45° inwards. Vertical angle: 15° above and below the horizontal. The vertical angle below the horizontal may be reduced to 5° if the lamps are less than 750 mm above the ground. To be considered visible, the lamp must provide an unobstructed view of the apparent surface of at least 12.5 square centimetres. The illuminating surface area of any retro-reflector that does not transmit light shall be excluded.
Geometric visibility. Defined by angles α and ß as specified in paragraph 2.13.:
Geometric visibility. Horizontal angle, 30° inwards and outwards. In the case of trailers, the angle inwards may be reduced to 10°. If because of the construction of the trailers this angle cannot be met by the mandatory retro-reflectors, then additional (supplementary) retro-reflectors shall be fitted, without the width limitation (paragraph 6.16.4.
1.) which shall, in conjunction with the mandatory retro-reflectors, give the necessary visibility angle. Vertical angle: 10° above and below the horizontal. The vertical angle below the horizontal may be reduced to 5° in the case of a retro-reflector less than 750 mm above the ground.