Having obtained the Landlord Sample Clauses

Having obtained the Landlord s consent pursuant to Clause 14.1.5 the Tenant shall not commence any operations, works, acts or things as aforesaid on the Premises, any change of use of the Premises for any purpose or any other form of Development without having obtained all such Planning Permissions and served all such notices as may be required therefor under the Planning Acts.
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Related to Having obtained the Landlord

  • Landlord Consents Pledgor shall use commercially reasonable efforts to deliver to Secured Party an executed letter in form and substance acceptable to Secured Party from each landlord from which Pledgor leases premises on which Goods or Inventory of Pledgor with a book value in excess of ten million dollars ($10,000,000) is located, stored, used or held in the United States of America promptly upon the book value of Goods or Inventory located, stored, used or held at such premises reaching ten million dollars ($10,000,000) (each such letter, a "LANDLORD WAIVER LETTER") pursuant to which such landlord, among other things, acknowledges the security interest granted by Pledgor to Secured Party in such Goods and Inventory, waives or subordinates any Lien such landlord may have in respect of such Goods or Inventory and agrees to provide the Secured Party with access to such premises upon the occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of Default.

  • LANDLORD The covenants and obligations contained in this Lease on the part of Landlord are binding on Landlord, its successors, and assigns only during their respective period of ownership of an interest in the Building. In the event of any transfer or transfers of such title to the Building, Landlord (and, in the case of any subsequent transfers or conveyances, the then grantor) shall be concurrently freed and relieved from and after the date of such transfer or conveyance, without any further instrument or agreement, of all liability with respect to the performance of any covenants or obligations on the part of Landlord contained in this Lease thereafter to be performed.

  • Prime Lease (a) It is understood that Sublandlord is a sublandlord and that Sublandlord grants this Sublease under and by virtue of its rights under the Prime Lease and that this Sublease is subordinate and subject to the Prime Lease. Except as set forth below, the provisions of the Prime Lease are incorporated herein by reference, and made a part hereof, except that: (i) each reference in such incorporated sections to “Lease” shall be deemed a reference to this “Sublease”; (ii) each reference to the “Premises” shall be deemed a reference to the “Subleased Premises”; (iii) each reference to “Landlord” shall be deemed a reference to “Sublandlord” and each reference to “Tenant” shall be deemed a reference to “Subtenant”, except as otherwise expressly set forth herein; (iv) with respect to work, services, utilities, electricity, repairs (including, without limitation, repairs of any damage caused by Prime Landlord), restoration, insurance, indemnities, reimbursements, title, representations, warranties, covenants or the performance of any other obligation of the “Landlord” under the Prime Lease, whether or not incorporated herein, (A) reference to “Landlord” shall be deemed a reference solely to Landlord, and (B) the sole obligation of Sublandlord shall be to request the same in writing from Prime Landlord as and when requested to do so by Subtenant, and to use Sublandlord’s reasonable efforts (not including the payment of money or the incurring of any liabilities) to obtain Prime Landlord’s performance (provided, however, that Sublandlord shall not be required to institute any legal proceedings against Prime Landlord unless Subtenant pays all costs, and indemnifies, defends and holds Sublandlord harmless against all losses, costs (including reasonable attorney’s fees), claims, liabilities and damages, in connection therewith); (v) with respect to any obligation of Subtenant to be performed under this Sublease, wherever the Prime Lease grants to the “Tenant” a specified number of days to perform its obligations under the Prime Lease (including, without limitation, curing any defaults), Subtenant shall have three (3) fewer calendar days (or such lesser time as may be provided in this Sublease) to perform the obligation, but in no case shall Subtenant have less than three (3) business days to perform the obligation; (vi) with respect to any approval or consent required to be obtained from the “Landlord” under the Prime Lease, such approval or consent must be obtained from both Prime Landlord and Sublandlord, and Sublandlord’s withholding of approval or consent shall in all events be deemed reasonable if for any reason Prime Landlord’s approval or consent is not obtained, and if Prime Landlord’s approval may not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned and/or delayed under the Prime Lease, then Sublandlord’s consent shall likewise not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned and/or delayed, as the case may be; (vii) in any case where the “Landlord” reserves or is granted the right to manage, supervise, control, repair, alter, regulate the use of, enter or use the Premises or any areas beneath, above or adjacent thereto, such reservation or grant of right of entry shall be deemed to be for the benefit of both Prime Landlord and Sublandlord; (viii) in any case where “Tenant” is to indemnify, release or waive claims against “Landlord”, such indemnity, release or waiver shall be deemed to run from Subtenant to both Prime Landlord and Sublandlord; (ix) in any case where “Tenant” is to execute and deliver certain documents or notices to “Landlord”, such obligation shall be deemed to run from Subtenant to both Prime Landlord and Sublandlord; (x) all payments shall be made to Sublandlord, except as otherwise expressly required by the Prime Lease or Prime Landlord’s Consent; (xi) Subtenant shall pay all consent and review fees described in the Prime Lease; (xii) Subtenant shall not have the right to terminate this Sublease as to any or all of the Subleased Premises due to casualty or condemnation unless Sublandlord has such right (and opts to exercise such right) under the Prime Lease; and (xiii) the following provisions of the Prime Lease are not incorporated herein: Section 2.1; Section 2.2; Section 2.3; Section 2.4; Section 2.5; Section 2.6; Section 2.8; Section 2.10; Section 3; Section 4; Section 7.1; Section 8; Section 11; Section 12.1; Section 33; Section 41; Section 42; Exhibit A; Exhibit B; Exhibit D; and Exhibit F; and with respect to the First Amendment: Section 3; Section 5; Section 6; Section 8; Section 9; Section 10; Section 11; Section 12; Section 13; Section 15; and any other provisions that are contrary to the terms of this Sublease. For purposes of this Sublease, all references to “Prime Lease” hereunder shall refer to the Prime Lease, excluding those Sections set forth in Section 2(a)(xiii). As between Sublandlord and Subtenant, the provisions of Section 35.1 shall not apply, but shall apply as between Sublandlord and Prime Landlord, and Subtenant and Prime Landlord. Subtenant expressly assumes and agrees to comply with all provisions of the Prime Lease and perform all of the obligations on the part of the “Tenant” to be performed under the Prime Lease (except where such obligation arises by reason of a (i) breach of Sublandlord under this Sublease, or (ii) breach of Sublandlord under the Prime Lease (other than a breach of the Prime Lease caused by Subtenant’s breach of its obligations under this Sublease)). In the event that the Prime Lease is terminated for any reason whatsoever, then subject to the provisions of, and Prime Landlord’s rights under the Prime Lease, this Sublease shall terminate simultaneously with such termination without any liability of Sublandlord to Subtenant. Subject to Subtenant’s performance of its obligations under this Sublease, Sublandlord shall not default in its monetary obligations under the Prime Lease (beyond any applicable notice and cure period).

  • Landlord’s Entry Landlord and its authorized representatives may at all reasonable times and upon reasonable notice to Tenant enter the Premises to: (a) inspect the Premises; (b) exercise and perform Landlord's rights and obligations under this Lease; (c) post notices of non-responsibility or other protective notices available under the Laws; (d) show the Premises to current or prospective mortgagees, or to prospective purchasers of the Property; or (e) during the last 12 months of the Term, show the Premises to prospective tenants. Landlord, in the event of any emergency, may enter the Premises at any time without notice to Tenant. If Landlord receives prior written notification from Tenant that specified areas within the Premises contain confidential materials, then Landlord shall not enter such portions of the Premises unless accompanied by a representative of Tenant except (i) in case of an emergency, or (ii) if Tenant authorizes Landlord to enter such portions of the Premises without accompaniment of Tenant's representative. Landlord's entry into the Premises is not to be construed as a forcible or unlawful entry into, or detainer of, the Premises or as an eviction of Tenant from all or any part of the Premises. Subject to Section 9.3 below, Tenant will also permit Landlord (or its designees) to erect, install, use, maintain, replace and repair pipes, cables, conduits, plumbing and vents, and telephone, electric and other wires or other items, in, to and through the Premises if Landlord reasonably determines that such activities are necessary for properly operating and maintaining the Building.

  • Sublease Premises On and subject to the terms and conditions below, Sublandlord hereby leases to Subtenant, and Subtenant hereby leases from Sublandlord, the Sublease Premises.

  • Lessor The Lessor designated on this Lease and its respective successors and assigns. Lessor Indemnified Party: Lessor, any Affiliate of Lessor, including the Company, any other Person against whom any claim for indemnification may be asserted hereunder as a result of a direct or indirect ownership interest in Lessor, the officers, trustees, directors, stockholders, partners, members, employees, agents and representatives of any of the foregoing Persons and of any stockholder, partner, member, agent, or representative of any of the foregoing Persons, and the respective heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of any such officer, trustee, director, partner, member, stockholder, employee, agent or representative.

  • Leased Property Upon and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, Landlord leases to Tenant and Tenant leases from Landlord all of Landlord's right, title and interest in and to all of the following (collectively, the "Leased Property"):

  • Landlords and Tenants Property All fixtures, machinery, equipment, improvements and appurtenances attached to, or built into, the Premises at the commencement of, or during the Term, whether or not placed there by or at the expense of Tenant, shall become and remain a part of the Premises; shall be deemed the property of Landlord (the “Landlord’s Property”), without compensation or credit to Tenant; and shall not be removed by Tenant at the Expiration Date unless Landlord requires their removal (including, but not limited to, Alterations pursuant to Section 11). Further, any personal property in the Premises on the Commencement Date, movable or otherwise, unless installed and paid for by Tenant, shall also constitute Landlord’s Property and shall not be removed by Tenant. For purposes of this Lease, any references to “Tenant’s Property” shall mean any personal property for which Tenant has itself paid or manufactured, together with any machinery and equipment for which Tenant has paid and that is not attached to, or built into, the Premises. In no event shall Tenant remove any of the following materials or equipment from the Premises without Landlord’s prior written consent (which consent may be given or withheld in Landlord’s sole discretion): any power wiring or power panels, lighting or lighting fixtures, heaters, air conditioners or any other HVAC equipment, fencing or security gates, or other similar building operating equipment. At or before the Expiration Date, or the date of any earlier termination, Tenant, at its expense, shall remove from the Premises all of Tenant’s Property and any Alterations that Landlord requires be removed pursuant to Section 11, and Tenant shall repair (to Landlord’s reasonable satisfaction) any damage to the Premises or the Property resulting from either or both of such installation and removal. Any other items of Tenant’s Property that remain in the Premises after the Expiration Date, or following an earlier termination date, may, at the option of Landlord, be deemed to have been abandoned, and in such case, such items of Tenant’s Property may be retained by Landlord as its property or be disposed of by Landlord, in Landlord’s sole and absolute discretion and without accountability, at Tenant’s expense. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Tenant is in default under the terms of this Lease, Tenant may remove Tenant’s Property from the Premises only upon the express written direction of Landlord.

  • Subleased Premises Sublandlord does hereby sublease to Subtenant, and Subtenant subleases and rents from Sublandlord, the Premises (the “Subleased Premises”).

  • Sublessees of Tenant Whether or not Landlord elects to terminate this Lease on account of any default by Tenant, as set forth in this Article 19, Landlord shall have the right to terminate any and all subleases, licenses, concessions or other consensual arrangements for possession entered into by Tenant and affecting the Premises or may, in Landlord’s sole discretion, succeed to Tenant’s interest in such subleases, licenses, concessions or arrangements. In the event of Landlord’s election to succeed to Tenant’s interest in any such subleases, licenses, concessions or arrangements, Tenant shall, as of the date of notice by Landlord of such election, have no further right to or interest in the rent or other consideration receivable thereunder.

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