Common use of Highlights Clause in Contracts

Highlights. Act | East supported the MOH LF program team to train an additional 27 TAS team members in preparation for the remaining LF surveys planned in FY21. • LF TAS was completed in 8 EUs in February 2021: Terego (TAS1), Agago (TAS2), Erute North, Erute South, Alebtong, Dokolo, Amolatar, and Moroto EUs (TAS3). • Following restart approval from USAID, Act | East supported the MOH trachoma program team to conduct a pre-planning visit to the three districts where TSS is planned in March (Kaabong, Karenga and Amudat) to review the survey schedule, protocol, and COVID SOPs with district officials. • Act | East held a workshop with the MOH NTDCP from February 10 – 11th to incorporate GESI concepts into the NTD training Manuals. The workshop report is currently being finalized. • Act | East in collaboration with the MOH NTDCP finalized the terms of reference for a consultant who will support the development of an advocacy strategy for Uganda’s NTD sustainability plan. Recruitment will begin in early March. Upcoming activities: • Conduct TAS3 in in 6 EUs (Arua, Gulu, Omoro, Kitgum, Pader, Amuru) in March. • Conduct TSS in Amudat, Karenga, and Kaabong EUs from March 7-19th. • Finalize data cleaning and analysis for the CES in Moroto. • Recruit the advocacy strategy consultant in coordination with NTDCP. • Hold the NTD National Technical Advisory Committee meeting on March 30th. • Obtain sign-off from the Minister on the TOR for the SCH/STH Expert Committee and organize the first meeting. • The Xxxxxx Center through Act | East will support selection and training of CDDs for upcoming OV MDA in 9 districts observing the MOH COVID-19 SOPs. • Prepare and submit the FY21 SAR1. DRC‌ Act | East Partner: RTI International Total population: 85,281,024 (2018 [est.]) COP: [Redacted] Districts: 519 districts RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases (# ever endemic districts): Trachoma (65) TABLE: Activities supported by USAID in FY21 Trachoma Mapping Trachoma baseline mapping: 28 EUs, November-January 2021 MDA 1 HZ (Pweto), January 2021 DSAs (#EUs) TIS: 1 HZ (Kilwa), October 2020 TSS: 0 XXXXX N/A HSS N/A Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: • None Highlights: • Act | East collected the final data for 26 trachoma baseline surveys, one TIS for Kilwa health zone (HZ), and the last of five rounds of trachoma MDA in Pweto HZ. All activity data were reported officially by the DRC PNLMTN. • The Act | East DRC office closed its final operations and terminated its local contracts on 31 March 2021. • RTI is finalizing its close-out requirements for the Act | East project in DRC. Financial accounts are under review for closing and basic mapping materials (loupes, hand-held devices, power banks, desktop & laptop computers) have been transferred to the DRC PNLMTN. ETHIOPIA Act | East Partner: RTI, Xxxx Xxxxxxx Foundation (FHF), Light for the World (LFTW) Total population: 107,191,789 (2021) COP: [Redacted] Districts: 867 districts RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases (# ever endemic districts): LF (73), TRA (697), OV (222), SCH (421), STH (545) Refugee camps total population: 451,422 (2021) Total camps: 12 TABLE: Activities supported by USAID in FY21 LF OV SCH STH Trachoma MDA 0/5 districts + 0/2 refugee camps (Dec 2020-Sep 2021) • BG (0/3 districts) + BG (0/2 camps)-April/May 2021 • Oromia-FHF (0/1 district)- Feb 2021 0/81 districts + 0/5 refugee camps (Oct 2020- Sep 2021) • BG (0/14 districts) + BG (0/5 camps)- April/May 2021 • Oromia-LFTW (0/67 districts)- May 2021 0/0 districts 0/2 April/May 2021 0/117 districts (Oct 2020-Sep 2021) • Gambella (0/6 districts)- March 2021 • Oromia-FHF- (13/87 districts)- Feb/March 2021) • Oromia-LFTW (19/24 districts)- Feb 2021 DSAs (#EUs) Pre-TAS: (0/7 districts) + 0/3 camps (Oct 2020- Sept 2021) • BG (0/2 districts)- May/June 2021 • Oromia-LFTW (0/5 districts- June 2021 TAS1: 0/16 districts + 0/3 camps (Oct 2020-Sep 2021) • BG (0/5 districts) + 0/3 camps- May/June 2021 • Oromia-LFTW (0/11 districts)- June 2021 TAS2: 0/4 districts-(Oct 2020-Sept 2021) • BG (0/4 districts)-May 2021 TAS3: 0 TIS: 0/122 districts + 0/7 refugee camps (Oct 2020-Sep 2021) • BG (0/2 districts) – Mar 2021 • Gambella (0/3 districts) + (0/7 camps)-Mar 2021 • Oromia-FHF (0/80 districts; 0/45 districts-May 2021; 0/35 districts- April/May/June-2021 • Oromia- LFTW (0/29 districts)- June 2021 TSS: 0/59 districts • BG (0/9 districts) + (0/2 camps)-April 2021 • Gambella (0/4 districts)- April 2021 • Oromia-FHF (0/28 districts) March 2021, LFTW (0/31 districts-June 2021 Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: • FHF completed trachoma MDA in two woredas (districts) of West Arsi Zone, Oromia region. During MDA, all mitigation measures of COVID-19 and SAEs were in place and no SAEs occurred. • LFTW completed trachoma MDA in the eight woredas of West Shewa and 11 woredas of Horogudru Wollega zones of Oromia region. Highlights: • With support from Act| East, Beneshangul Gumuz RHB has revised and resubmitted a FAA package for upcoming MDA. • Act| East submitted a LF TAS-1 survey protocol to the BG and Oromia RHB research and ethical committees for review and approval. • Act| East provided technical support to the Gambella RHB NTD team in relation to the COVID-19 safety protocols and the necessary supervision checklists to be used at the time of MDAs. • Trachoma MDA is ongoing in Gambella region with plans to complete drug distribution in April 2021. • Act| East participated in a half-day NTDs indicator revision workshop organized by FMOH’s Policy and Planning Department. The workshop was designed to xxxxxx a greater understanding of NTD milestones across the FMOH, and it allowed Act | East and other partners to provide feedback on pre-identified indicators. • Act | East participated in the FMOH mid-term review meeting where progress on FY21 activities and the effects of COVID-19 on the NTD program were the main topics. Upcoming activities:

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Highlights. Act | East supported the MOH LF program team MSPP to train an additional hold a virtual partner’s meeting on February 27 TAS team members in preparation and 28th whereby partners shared accomplishments from the previous year and perspectives for the remaining LF surveys current fiscal year. The meeting brought to light the need to ensure availability of Ivermectin in country and reiterated the need for better management of SAEs during MDA. • All preparations were completed for the upcoming pre-TAS in March and training of surveyors is scheduled for the week of March 6th in the North. • World NTD Day events were held in the North and Artibonite departments but to accommodate MOH VIP participation, the event planned in FY21Port-au-Prince had to be postponed. • LF TAS was completed in 8 EUs in February 2021: Terego (TAS1), Agago (TAS2), Erute North, Erute South, Alebtong, Dokolo, Amolatar, and Moroto EUs (TAS3). • Following restart approval from USAID, Act | East supported the MOH trachoma program team The new date is yet to conduct a pre-planning visit to the three districts where TSS is planned in March (Kaabong, Karenga and Amudat) to review the survey schedule, protocol, and COVID SOPs with district officialsbe announced by MSPP. • Act | East Haiti is visiting storage space in the North (Cap Haitian) that will serve as a base of operations and storage for MDA and TAS activities. • Act | East, alongside MSPP and partners, began planning for the upcoming MDA training curriculum workshop which will be held a workshop with the MOH NTDCP from February 10 – 11th to incorporate GESI concepts into the NTD training Manualsfully virtually on March 9th and 10th. The workshop report will take stock of existing MDA training materials and gaps to guide development of new training materials that can be used by all partners. • WI-HER’s social mobilization and GESI consultant supported the development of a training package for social mobilization advisors, a new cadre of social mobilization workers that will support MDA efforts this year. In addition, the consultant coordinated with the departmental GESI team to plan implementation of the iDARE GESI behavior change activity in Plaine du Nord and Cap-Haitien. Upcoming activities requiring COVID protocols: • Pre-TAS in 2 communes is currently being finalizedscheduled for March. • Act | East in collaboration with the MOH NTDCP finalized the terms of reference for a consultant who will support the development of an advocacy strategy for Uganda’s NTD sustainability plan. Recruitment will begin in early March. Upcoming activities: • Conduct TAS3 in in 6 EUs (Arua, Gulu, Omoro, Kitgum, Pader, Amuru) in Marchvirtual MDA training curriculum workshop March 9th and 10th. • Conduct TSS in Amudat, Karenga, and Kaabong EUs from March 7-19th. • Finalize data cleaning and analysis for the CES in Moroto. • Recruit the advocacy strategy consultant in coordination with NTDCP. • Hold the NTD National Technical Advisory Committee meeting on March 30th. • Obtain sign-off from the Minister on the TOR for the SCH/STH Expert Committee and organize the first meeting. • The Xxxxxx Center through Act | East will support selection and training of CDDs meet with community leaders to initiate school- based data collection for upcoming OV MDA in 9 districts observing the MOH COVID-19 SOPsTAS3. • Prepare and submit the FY21 SAR1Celebration of World NTD Day in Port au Prince will take place in March. DRC‌ COVID-19 data monitoring sources: WHO: xxxxx:// MSPP: xxxxx://xxxx.xxxx.xx/site/downloads/Sitrep%20COVID-19_24-07-2021.pdf February 2023 INDONESIA Act | East Partner: RTI International Total population: 85,281,024 (2018 [est.]) 274,859,094 COP: [Redacted] Districts: 519 districts 514 RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases (diseases: # ever endemic districts): Trachoma districts LF (65236), SCH (2), STH (514) TABLE: Activities supported by USAID in FY21 Trachoma Mapping Trachoma baseline mapping: 28 EUs, November-January 2021 MDA 1 HZ (Pweto), January 2021 FY23 LF DSAs (#EUs) TISPre-TAS : 1 HZ (Kilwa), October 2020 TSS1/4 EUs TAS : 0 2/4 EUs BIS : 2/11 EUs XXXXX N/A HSS N/A Act | East staff NIS database testing and training Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: • None Updated TAS completed during the month of February 2023. Highlights: • Act | East collected Indonesia in collaboration with the final data MOH organized two sessions of LF Microscopy Training from February 7 – 9 and February 14 – 16, for 26 trachoma baseline surveys, one TIS for Kilwa health zone (HZ), twenty participants each from regional and the last of five rounds of trachoma MDA in Pweto HZ. All activity data were reported officially by the DRC PNLMTN. • The Act | East DRC office closed its final operations and terminated its local contracts on 31 March 2021. • RTI is finalizing its close-out requirements for the Act | East project in DRC. Financial accounts are under review for closing and basic mapping materials (loupes, hand-held devices, power banks, desktop & laptop computers) have been transferred to the DRC PNLMTN. ETHIOPIA Act | East Partner: RTI, Xxxx Xxxxxxx Foundation (FHF), Light for the World (LFTW) Total population: 107,191,789 (2021) COP: [Redacted] Districts: 867 districts RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases (# ever endemic districts): provincial laboratories who will support LF (73), TRA (697), OV (222), SCH (421), STH (545) Refugee camps total population: 451,422 (2021) Total camps: 12 TABLE: Activities supported by USAID in FY21 LF OV SCH STH Trachoma MDA 0/5 districts + 0/2 refugee camps (Dec 2020-Sep 2021) • BG (0/3 districts) + BG (0/2 camps)-April/May 2021 • Oromia-FHF (0/1 district)- Feb 2021 0/81 districts + 0/5 refugee camps (Oct 2020- Sep 2021) • BG (0/14 districts) + BG (0/5 camps)- April/May 2021 • Oromia-LFTW (0/67 districts)- May 2021 0/0 districts 0/2 April/May 2021 0/117 districts (Oct 2020-Sep 2021) • Gambella (0/6 districts)- March 2021 • Oromia-FHF- (13/87 districts)- Feb/March 2021) • Oromia-LFTW (19/24 districts)- Feb 2021 DSAs (#EUs) Pre-TAS: (0/7 districts) + 0/3 camps (Oct 2020- Sept 2021) • BG (0/2 districts)- May/June 2021 • Oromia-LFTW (0/5 districts- June 2021 TAS1: 0/16 districts + 0/3 camps (Oct 2020-Sep 2021) • BG (0/5 districts) + 0/3 camps- May/June 2021 • Oromia-LFTW (0/11 districts)- June 2021 TAS2: 0/4 districts-(Oct 2020-Sept 2021) • BG (0/4 districts)-May 2021 TAS3: 0 TIS: 0/122 districts + 0/7 refugee camps (Oct 2020-Sep 2021) • BG (0/2 districts) – Mar 2021 • Gambella (0/3 districts) + (0/7 camps)-Mar 2021 • Oromia-FHF (0/80 districts; 0/45 districts-May 2021; 0/35 districts- April/May/June-2021 • Oromia- LFTW (0/29 districts)- June 2021 TSS: 0/59 districts • BG (0/9 districts) + (0/2 camps)-April 2021 • Gambella (0/4 districts)- April 2021 • Oromia-FHF (0/28 districts) March 2021, LFTW (0/31 districts-June 2021 Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: • FHF completed trachoma MDA in two woredas (districts) of West Arsi Zone, Oromia region. During MDA, all mitigation measures of COVID-19 and SAEs were in place and no SAEs occurred. • LFTW completed trachoma MDA in the eight woredas of West Shewa and 11 woredas of Horogudru Wollega zones of Oromia region. Highlights: • With support from Act| East, Beneshangul Gumuz RHB has revised and resubmitted a FAA package for upcoming MDA. • Act| East submitted a LF TAS-1 survey protocol to the BG and Oromia RHB research and ethical committees for review and approval. • Act| East provided technical support to the Gambella RHB NTD team in relation to the COVID-19 safety protocols and the necessary supervision checklists to be used at the time of MDAs. • Trachoma MDA is ongoing in Gambella region with plans to complete drug distribution in April 2021. • Act| East participated in a half-day NTDs indicator revision workshop organized by FMOH’s Policy and Planning Departmentsurveys during 2023. The workshop training was designed to xxxxxx provided by a greater understanding team of NTD milestones across LF experts from the FMOH, and it allowed Act | East and other partners to provide feedback on pre-identified indicatorsMedical Faculty of the University of Indonesia. • Act | East participated Indonesia in collaboration with the FMOH mid-term review meeting where progress MOH supported the implementation of TAS1 survey for Helmahera Tengah District from February 13 to 25, 2023, during which 1331 samples were collected from children in 44 schools across the district. • Act | East Indonesia in collaboration with the MOH also began the implementation of a TAS1 in Kepulauan Sula District and a TAS1 in Aceh Timur District on FY21 activities February 26, 2023. Both surveys are expected to take approximately two weeks to complete. • The MOH organized a special national event in Jakarta to commemorate World NTD Day on February 21, 2023, including recognition of 107 districts that have achieved elimination goals of one or more NTDs during 2022. Act | East Indonesia contributed to the event and the effects of COVID-19 on the NTD program were the main topicshelped promote it through our social media channels and networks. Upcoming activities:Over 500 participants from across Indonesia attended.

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Highlights. WI-HER and RTI collaborated with NTDCP to conduct a GESI Pause and Reflect (P&R) meeting in Arusha from October 17-19, 2022. The meeting brought together the six councils (Ulanga DC, Mlimba DC, Longido DC, Monduli DC, Simanjiro DC and Kiteto DC) where the GESI behavior change activity was implemented in FY22 to document lessons learned and plan for GESI implementation in FY23. The meeting highlighted the importance of health education in addressing barriers to MDA uptake and involving government and traditional community leaders in MDA. Participants also discussed how to integrate GESI lessons learned into the CDD training package and potential activities for CCHPs. • Act | East supported the MOH LF program team NTDCP to train an additional 27 TAS team members in conduct a preparation meeting for the remaining LF surveys planned upcoming CCHP Pause and Reflect meeting in FY21November. The preparation meeting was conducted in Singida from October 21-23, 2022. The technical team involved officers from PORALG, Directorate of Policy and Planning (DPP) office of the MOH, R4D, and WI-HER who collaboratively reviewed the meeting agenda, presentations, and documentation tools. During this preparation meeting, NTDCP and XXXXXX strongly recommended a high-level advocacy following the CCHP P&R meeting. This will be important for more resource mobilization at national and sub-national levels. Upcoming activities requiring COVID protocols: • Act | East will collaborate with NTDCP, DPP office of the MOH, and PORALG to conduct the CCHP P&R meeting from November 15-18 in Dodoma. The meeting will bring together district NTD coordinators and health secretaries from the 15 districts that implemented the CCHP activity in FY22 to gather feedback on the CCHP process, successes, challenges and way forward. • LF TAS was completed in 8 EUs in February 2021: Terego (TAS1), Agago (TAS2), Erute North, Erute South, Alebtong, Dokolo, Amolatar, In collaboration with NTDCP and Moroto EUs (TAS3). • Following restart approval from USAIDPORALG, Act | East supported will organize review and planning meetings for the MOH districts and regions conducting trachoma program team to conduct a preand OV MDAs in FY23. The activity will be conducted in Morogoro from November 7-planning visit to 10, 2022 and will be followed by the three districts where TSS is planned in March (Kaabong, Karenga training of trainers for trachoma and Amudat) to review the survey schedule, protocol, and COVID SOPs with district officialsOV MDAs on November 11th. • Act | East held a workshop will support the NTDCP to conduct SCH and STH MDA in 41 districts in November 2022. This MDA was postponed from FY22 Q4. • In collaboration with the MOH NTDCP from February 10 – 11th to incorporate GESI concepts into the NTD training Manuals. The workshop report is currently being finalizedNTDCP, Act | East will conduct an LF disease-specific assessment (DSA) outcome investigation in Pangani DC and Kilwa DC in November. • Act | East Tanzania XXXXX staff will attend the NTD Information System (NIS) training in collaboration with the MOH NTDCP finalized the terms of reference for a consultant who will support the development of an advocacy strategy for Uganda’s NTD sustainability plan. Recruitment will begin in early March. Upcoming activities: • Conduct TAS3 in in 6 EUs (Arua, Gulu, Omoro, Kitgum, Pader, Amuru) in MarchMozambique from November 28 – December 3rd. • Conduct TSS in Amudat, Karenga, and Kaabong EUs from March 7-19th. • Finalize data cleaning and analysis for the CES in Moroto. • Recruit the advocacy strategy consultant in coordination with NTDCP. • Hold the NTD National Technical Advisory Committee meeting on March 30th. • Obtain sign-off from the Minister on the TOR for the SCH/STH Expert Committee and organize the first meeting. • The Xxxxxx Center through Act | East will support selection NTDCP and training the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) Tanga lab to conduct analysis of CDDs Dried Blood Spot (DBS) samples collected in FY22 for upcoming OV MDA in 9 districts observing the MOH using OV16 rapid diagnostic tests. COVID-19 SOPs. • Prepare and submit the FY21 SAR1. DRC‌ data monitoring sources: WHO: xxxxx:// October 2022 UGANDA Act | East Partner: RTI International RTI, The Xxxxxx Center, WI-HER, R4D, Save the Children Total population: 85,281,024 46,205,893 (2018 [est.]2022) COP: [Redacted] Districts: 519 districts 136 RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases diseases: LF (# ever endemic districts): Trachoma 66), TRA (6541), OV (43), SCH (91), STH (136) TABLE: Activities supported by USAID in FY21 FY23 LF OV Trachoma Mapping Trachoma baseline mapping: 28 EUs, November-January 2021 MDA 1 HZ N/A 8/11 districts (Pweto), January 2021 R1) 0/11 districts (R2) 0/2 districts (Dec 2022) 0/5 districts (June 2023) DSAs (#EUs) TISTAS 2: 1 HZ (Kilwa), October 2020 TSS0/8 EUs TAS 3: 0 XXXXX 0/3 EUs N/A TSS+: 2 EUs Confirmatory mapping: 2 districts XXXXX Targeted follow-up investigation in two districts of Nabilatuk and Buliisa Data quality assessment (DQA) in Buliisa district HSS N/A High-level meeting on mainstreaming NTD drugs Building domestic resource mobilization capacity workshops National advocacy meeting Finalize and institutionalize GESI MDA training curriculum Finalize integration of GESI into MOH-led social and behavior change packages GESI behavior change activity scale up in two districts. Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: N/A None Table is updated with planned FY23 activities. • OV MDA was completed in 8 districts by TCC. Ebola Update: • On 15 September, an index case of Ebola virus disease (EVD) was identified in Mubende District, Uganda. The Ministry of Health declared an outbreak of Sudan EVD on 20 September. As of 6 November, 135 cases have been confirmed throughout 7 districts. The CoP has weekly update meetings with HQ and HO and is actively monitoring the situation. We are developing SOPs and monitoring closely how the virus evolves within Uganda to be ready to change plans should Ebola be confirmed in our implementing districts. Highlights: RTI Cross border Joint MDA Review Meeting. Act | East collected supported the final data for 26 trachoma baseline surveysRTI team to attend the Joint MDA review meeting in Kisumu, one TIS for Kilwa health zone (HZ), and the last of five rounds of trachoma MDA in Pweto HZ. All activity data were reported officially by the DRC PNLMTN. • The Act | East DRC office closed its final operations and terminated its local contracts on 31 March 2021. • RTI is finalizing its close-out requirements for the Act | East project in DRC. Financial accounts are under review for closing and basic mapping materials (loupes, hand-held devices, power banks, desktop & laptop computers) have been transferred to the DRC PNLMTN. ETHIOPIA Act | East Partner: RTI, Xxxx Xxxxxxx Foundation (FHF), Light for the World (LFTW) Total population: 107,191,789 (2021) COP: [Redacted] Districts: 867 districts RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases (# ever endemic districts): LF (73), TRA (697), OV (222), SCH (421), STH (545) Refugee camps total population: 451,422 (2021) Total camps: 12 TABLE: Activities supported by USAID in FY21 LF OV SCH STH Trachoma MDA 0/5 districts + 0/2 refugee camps (Dec 2020-Sep 2021) • BG (0/3 districts) + BG (0/2 camps)-April/May 2021 • Oromia-FHF (0/1 district)- Feb 2021 0/81 districts + 0/5 refugee camps (Oct 2020- Sep 2021) • BG (0/14 districts) + BG (0/5 camps)- April/May 2021 • Oromia-LFTW (0/67 districts)- May 2021 0/0 districts 0/2 April/May 2021 0/117 districts (Oct 2020-Sep 2021) • Gambella (0/6 districts)- March 2021 • Oromia-FHF- (13/87 districts)- Feb/March 2021) • Oromia-LFTW (19/24 districts)- Feb 2021 DSAs (#EUs) Pre-TAS: (0/7 districts) + 0/3 camps (Oct 2020- Sept 2021) • BG (0/2 districts)- May/June 2021 • Oromia-LFTW (0/5 districts- June 2021 TAS1: 0/16 districts + 0/3 camps (Oct 2020-Sep 2021) • BG (0/5 districts) + 0/3 camps- May/June 2021 • Oromia-LFTW (0/11 districts)- June 2021 TAS2: 0/4 districts-(Oct 2020-Sept 2021) • BG (0/4 districts)-May 2021 TAS3: 0 TIS: 0/122 districts + 0/7 refugee camps (Oct 2020-Sep 2021) • BG (0/2 districts) – Mar 2021 • Gambella (0/3 districts) + (0/7 camps)-Mar 2021 • Oromia-FHF (0/80 districts; 0/45 districts-May 2021; 0/35 districts- April/May/June-2021 • Oromia- LFTW (0/29 districts)- June 2021 TSS: 0/59 districts • BG (0/9 districts) + (0/2 camps)-April 2021 • Gambella (0/4 districts)- April 2021 • Oromia-FHF (0/28 districts) March 2021, LFTW (0/31 districts-June 2021 Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: • FHF completed trachoma MDA in two woredas (districts) of West Arsi Zone, Oromia region. During MDA, all mitigation measures of COVID-19 and SAEs were in place and no SAEs occurred. • LFTW completed trachoma MDA in the eight woredas of West Shewa and 11 woredas of Horogudru Wollega zones of Oromia region. Highlights: • With support Kenya from Act| East, Beneshangul Gumuz RHB has revised and resubmitted a FAA package for upcoming MDA. • Act| East submitted a LF TAS-1 survey protocol to the BG and Oromia RHB research and ethical committees for review and approval. • Act| East provided technical support to the Gambella RHB NTD team in relation to the COVID-19 safety protocols and the necessary supervision checklists to be used at the time of MDAs. • Trachoma MDA is ongoing in Gambella region with plans to complete drug distribution in April 2021. • Act| East participated in a half-day NTDs indicator revision workshop organized by FMOH’s Policy and Planning Department26–27 October. The workshop objective of the meeting was designed to xxxxxx review progress and document learnings and gains from the previous joint MDA and to disseminate the MDA results. The meeting was attended by Senior MOH officials from both countries, district officials from border districts, Secretary for Health West Pokot County and partners. Some of the key recommendations were (1) to delay trachoma impact survey in West Pokot for 1 more round of MDA to have a greater understanding joint impact survey with Uganda to realize intended outcomes; (2) Kenya adopting house to house approach of NTD milestones across the FMOH, and it allowed Act | East and other partners to provide feedback on pre-identified indicators. • Act | East participated in the FMOH mid-term review meeting where progress on FY21 activities and the effects of COVID-19 on the NTD program were the main topics. Upcoming activities:MDA implementation with VHTs; and

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Highlights. Preliminary review of coverage evaluation survey results from Guro district in September, indicate validation of reported coverage. • Inhassunge district, Zambezia province had TIS results indicating the need for re-MDA in FY23. Act | East supported has added the MOH LF program team district to train an additional 27 TAS team members planned MDAs in preparation for the remaining LF surveys planned in FY21March 2023. The DSA outcome investigation is ongoing. • LF TAS was completed in 8 EUs in February 2021: Terego (TAS1), Agago (TAS2), Erute North, Erute South, Alebtong, Dokolo, Amolatar, and Moroto EUs (TAS3). • Following restart approval from USAID, The Act | East supported COP is working with the MOH trachoma program team NTD coordinator and the provincial lab technician to conduct a pre-planning visit ship the TAURUS study samples, collected during TIS in four districts, to the three districts where TSS is planned in March (Kaabong, Karenga and Amudat) to review the survey schedule, protocol, and University of California San Francisco for processing. Upcoming activities requiring COVID SOPs with district officials. protocols: Act | East held a workshop with the MOH NTDCP from February 10 – 11th to incorporate GESI concepts into the NTD training Manuals. The workshop report is currently being finalized. • Act | East in collaboration with the MOH NTDCP finalized the terms of reference for a consultant who TT smartphone tool testing: RTI will support the development testing of an advocacy strategy for Uganda’s NTD sustainability plan. Recruitment will begin the tool in early March. Upcoming activities: • Conduct TAS3 in in 6 EUs two districts (AruaChemba district, GuluSofala province and Guro district, Omoro, Kitgum, Pader, AmuruManica province) in MarchNovember 2022. • Conduct TSS in Amudat, Karenga, and Kaabong EUs from March 7-19th. • Finalize data cleaning and analysis for the CES in Moroto. • Recruit the advocacy strategy consultant in coordination with NTDCP. • Hold the NTD National Technical Advisory Committee meeting on March 30th. • Obtain sign-off from the Minister on the TOR for the SCH/STH Expert Committee and organize the first Steering committee meeting. • The Xxxxxx Center through : Act | East will support selection a 2-day meeting in Maputo in December 2022 for the participants of the 11 provinces and training of CDDs for upcoming OV MDA in 9 districts observing the MOH COVID-19 SOPsNTD partners, where program performance will be reviewed. • Prepare and submit NIS regional workshop: RTI Mozambique will host the FY21 SAR1NIS regional training workshop in Maputo in late November 2022. DRC‌ COVID-19 data monitoring sources: WHO: xxxxx:// National: xxxxx:// October 2022 NEPAL Act | East Partner: RTI International Total population: 85,281,024 (2018 [est.]) 29,847,607 COP: [Redacted] Districts: 519 districts 77 RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases diseases: LF (# ever endemic districts): Trachoma 63) TRA (6520) STH (77) TABLE: Activities supported by USAID in FY21 Trachoma FY23 LF Mapping Trachoma baseline mapping: 28 EUs, November-January 2021 MDA 1 HZ (Pweto), January 2021 4 districts DSAs (#EUs) TISPre-TAS: 1 HZ 4 districts (KilwaVBDRTC), October 2020 TSS1 district (Xxxxxx PPL) TAS2: 0 3 districts (VBDRTC) TAS3: 9 districts (VBDRTC) XXXXX N/A Act | East staff NIS database testing and training HSS N/A GESI behavior change activity in Banke district (WI-HER) Dissemination of domestic resource mobilization case study for NTDs (R4D) Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: • None Table is updated with planned FY23 activities. Highlights: • Act | East collected the final data for 26 trachoma baseline surveys, one TIS for Kilwa health zone (HZ), Nepal worked with FAIRMED Nepal to discuss proposed social mobilization activities targeting FY23 LF MDA and the last of five rounds of trachoma MDA in Pweto HZ. All activity data were reported officially by the DRC PNLMTN. • The Act | East DRC office closed its final operations and terminated its local contracts on 31 March 2021. • RTI is finalizing its close-out requirements for the Act | East project in DRC. Financial accounts are under review for closing and basic mapping materials (loupes, hand-held devices, power banks, desktop & laptop computers) have been transferred to the DRC PNLMTN. ETHIOPIA Act | East Partner: RTI, Xxxx Xxxxxxx Foundation (FHF), Light for the World (LFTW) Total population: 107,191,789 (2021) COP: [Redacted] Districts: 867 districts RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases (# ever endemic districts): LF (73), TRA (697), OV (222), SCH (421), STH (545) Refugee camps total population: 451,422 (2021) Total camps: 12 TABLE: Activities supported by USAID in FY21 LF OV SCH STH Trachoma MDA 0/5 districts + 0/2 refugee camps (Dec 2020-Sep 2021) • BG (0/3 districts) + BG (0/2 camps)-April/May 2021 • Oromia-FHF (0/1 district)- Feb 2021 0/81 districts + 0/5 refugee camps (Oct 2020- Sep 2021) • BG (0/14 districts) + BG (0/5 camps)- April/May 2021 • Oromia-LFTW (0/67 districts)- May 2021 0/0 districts 0/2 April/May 2021 0/117 districts (Oct 2020-Sep 2021) • Gambella (0/6 districts)- March 2021 • Oromia-FHF- (13/87 districts)- Feb/March 2021) • Oromia-LFTW (19/24 districts)- Feb 2021 DSAs (#EUs) Pre-TAS: (0/7 districts) + 0/3 camps (Oct 2020- Sept 2021) • BG (0/2 districts)- May/June 2021 • Oromia-LFTW (0/5 districts- June 2021 TAS1: 0/16 districts + 0/3 camps (Oct 2020-Sep 2021) • BG (0/5 districts) + 0/3 camps- May/June 2021 • Oromia-LFTW (0/11 districts)- June 2021 TAS2: 0/4 districts-(Oct 2020-Sept 2021) • BG (0/4 districts)-May 2021 TAS3: 0 TIS: 0/122 districts + 0/7 refugee camps (Oct 2020-Sep 2021) • BG (0/2 districts) – Mar 2021 • Gambella (0/3 districts) + (0/7 camps)-Mar 2021 • Oromia-FHF (0/80 districts; 0/45 districts-May 2021; 0/35 districts- April/May/June-2021 • Oromia- LFTW (0/29 districts)- June 2021 TSS: 0/59 districts • BG (0/9 districts) + (0/2 camps)-April 2021 • Gambella (0/4 districts)- April 2021 • Oromia-FHF (0/28 districts) March 2021, LFTW (0/31 districts-June 2021 Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: • FHF completed trachoma MDA in two woredas (districts) of West Arsi Zone, Oromia region. During MDA, all mitigation measures of COVID-19 and SAEs were in place and no SAEs occurred. • LFTW completed trachoma MDA in the eight woredas of West Shewa and 11 woredas of Horogudru Wollega zones of Oromia region. Highlights: • With support from Act| East, Beneshangul Gumuz RHB has revised and resubmitted develop a FAA package for upcoming MDA. • Act| East submitted a LF TAS-1 survey protocol submission to the BG and Oromia RHB research and ethical committees for review and approval. • Act| East provided technical support to the Gambella RHB NTD team USAID in relation to the COVID-19 safety protocols and the necessary supervision checklists to be used at the time of MDAs. • Trachoma MDA is ongoing in Gambella region with plans to complete drug distribution in April 2021. • Act| East participated in a half-day NTDs indicator revision workshop organized by FMOH’s Policy and Planning Department. The workshop was designed to xxxxxx a greater understanding of NTD milestones across the FMOH, and it allowed Act | East and other partners to provide feedback on pre-identified indicatorsNovember 2022. • Act | East participated Nepal Program Manager [Redacted] presented “Efforts in addressing persistent transmission of LF: Experiences from Nepal" through the FMOH midvirtual platform of the COR-term review meeting where progress NTD 2022 conference on FY21 October 5th. • Act| East Nepal met with MoHP/EDCD officials and discussed the implementation schedule of Act| East FY23 planned activities and selection of new sites for upcoming Re-Pre-TAS in Jhapa, Parbat, Bara and Baglung districts. • Setup for the effects GESI behavior change activity concluded in Xxxx 3 of COVID-19 Xxxxx district, implemented by WI-HER. The District GESI Team, Root Agents from the health center, and community influencers on the NTD program Behavior Change Team were trained and equipped to implement solutions and interventions to increase MDA acceptance and uptake among the main topicsselected cohort members and the broader community. Upcoming activities:WI-HER will visit Xxxx 3 again before the February 2023 MDA begins for a coaching visit to support the influencers and Root Agents troubleshoot any challenges and refine their action plans ahead of MDA. • [Redacted] will transition into the role of XXXXX focal point for the SPIN portfolio, replacing [Redacted].

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Highlights. Act | East supported the MOH LF program team to train an additional 27 TAS team members in preparation for the remaining LF surveys planned in FY21. • LF TAS was completed in 8 EUs in February 2021: Terego (TAS1), Agago (TAS2), Erute North, Erute South, Alebtong, Dokolo, Amolatar, and Moroto EUs (TAS3). • Following restart approval from USAIDIn collaboration with NTDCP, Act | East supported conducted trachoma confirmatory mapping surveys in 11 district councils, representing 10 EUs (Maswa DC, Mlele DC, Mpimbwe DC, Tanganyika/Mpanda DC, Momba DC, Mbozi DC, Mbeya DC, Ludewa DC, Mlimba DC, Ulanga DC, and Malinyi DC). The field data collection was preceded by a two-day training for graders and recorders on November 21–22nd. Fieldwork commenced on November 23rd and was completed on December 16th. • In collaboration with NTDCP, Act | East conducted LF DSA outcome investigation in Xxxxxxx DC and Kilwa DC in December 2022. The activity was conducted among fishing communities and surrounding villages and involved qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. Results will inform adaptations for the MOH trachoma program team to conduct a pre-planning visit to the three districts where TSS is next LF MDA planned in March (Kaabong, Karenga and Amudat) to review the survey schedule, protocol, and COVID SOPs with district officialsAugust 2023. • Act | East held a workshop with the MOH supported NTDCP to conduct advocacy meetings and community sensitization in Longido DC and Ngorongoro DC for trachoma and Njombe TC for OV from February 10 December 11 11th to incorporate GESI concepts into the NTD training Manuals18th. 2022. The workshop report is currently being finalizedcommunity sensitization was conducted at select villages within each district, whereby local authorities highlighted the importance of MDA participation. • With support from WI-HER, the Tanzania team developed detailed plans for the pre- and post-MDA GESI behavior change activity in Mlimba DC and Ulanga DC ahead of OV MDA in February. This included enhancing the data collection tools and producing a coaching guide. The WI-HER team, in collaboration with RTI and NTDCP, also continued to refine the CDD training curriculum addendum. • On December 5th and 7th, the Act | East Tanzania leadership team including the HSS Advisor held an advocacy meeting with PORALG where FY23 Act | East activities were presented with a focus on how to strengthen collaboration. The Director of Health and Nutrition Services, PORALG, emphasized the need for high-level advocacy for NTD domestic financing to the level of the Minister of Health, the parliament, and regional commissioners. Upcoming activities requiring COVID protocols: • In collaboration with NTDCP and PO-RALG, Act | East will conduct the CCHP Pause and Reflect meeting from January 17 – 20th, followed by a meeting to formulate NTD indicators for integration into PlanRep on January 23-25th. Both meetings will take place in Morogoro. • Act | East will collaborate with NTDCP to support GESI coaching activities in collaboration with the MOH NTDCP finalized the terms Mlimba DC and Ulanga DC in Morogoro region ahead of reference for a consultant who will support the development of an advocacy strategy for Uganda’s NTD sustainability plan. Recruitment will begin in early March. Upcoming activities: • Conduct TAS3 in in 6 EUs (Arua, Gulu, Omoro, Kitgum, Pader, Amuru) in MarchOV MDA. • Conduct TSS in Amudat, Karenga, and Kaabong EUs from March 7-19th. • Finalize data cleaning and analysis for the CES in Moroto. • Recruit the advocacy strategy consultant in coordination with NTDCP. • Hold the NTD National Technical Advisory Committee meeting on March 30th. • Obtain sign-off from the Minister on the TOR for the SCH/STH Expert Committee and organize the first meeting. • The Xxxxxx Center through Act | East will support selection and training work with the NTDCP to begin preparations towards development of CDDs for upcoming OV MDA in 9 districts observing the MOH COVID-19 SOPsschistosomiasis strategy plan. • Prepare and submit the FY21 SAR1Act | East will conduct a trachoma Data Quality Assessment (DQA) in Kiteto DC in January 2023. DRC‌ COVID-19 data monitoring sources: WHO: xxxxx:// December 2022 UGANDA Act | East Partner: RTI International RTI, The Xxxxxx Center, WI-HER, R4D, Save the Children Total population: 85,281,024 46,205,893 (2018 [est.]2022) COP: [Redacted] Districts: 519 districts 136 RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases diseases: LF (# ever endemic districts): Trachoma 66), TRA (6541), OV (43), SCH (91), STH (136) TABLE: Activities supported by USAID in FY21 FY23 LF OV Trachoma Mapping Trachoma baseline mapping: 28 EUs, November-January 2021 MDA 1 HZ N/A 11/11 districts (Pweto), January 2021 R1) 0/11 districts (R2) 0/2 districts (Jan 2023) 0/5 districts (June 2023) DSAs (#EUs) TISTAS 2: 1 HZ (Kilwa), October 2020 TSS0/8 Eus TAS 3: 0 XXXXX 0/3 EUs N/A TSS+: 2 EUs Confirmatory mapping: 2 districts XXXXX Targeted follow-up investigation in two districts of Nabilatuk and Buliisa Data quality assessment (DQA) in Buliisa district HSS N/A High-level meeting on mainstreaming NTD drugs Building domestic resource mobilization capacity workshops National advocacy meeting Finalize and institutionalize GESI MDA training curriculum Finalize integration of GESI into MOH-led social and behavior change packages GESI behavior change activity scale up in two districts. Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: N/A Ebola Update: None MOH declared Uganda Ebola free on January 11, 2023. Prior to the announcement there were no new Ebola cases in Uganda for 42 days. Highlights: RTI ▪ Review of the NTD Master Plan (2023 to 2027): The MOH, with technical and financial support from World Health Organization (WHO), organized a three-day workshop to finalize the NTD Master Plan. Act | East collected was represented through RTI, WIHER and R4D. There are plans to launch the final data new Master Plan on World NTD Day at the end of January. ▪ Delivery of drugs to the districts: Medicines were successfully delivered to the districts of Moroto and Nabilatuk for 26 trachoma baseline surveys, one TIS for Kilwa health zone (HZ), and the last of five rounds of upcoming trachoma MDA in Pweto HZJanuary. All activity data were reported officially by ▪ FAA meeting with Amudat district team: The team from RTI held a meeting with the DRC PNLMTNAdministrative and Technical team of Amudat district to explain the FAA package to the district and agree on timelines. Pre-MDA activities (trainings and social mobilisation) will be scheduled to start in the first week of April 2023 upon FAA approval. ▪ MDA preparatory meetings: The Act | East DRC office closed its final operations Programs and terminated its local contracts on 31 March 2021. • RTI is finalizing its close-out requirements XXXXX teams have met with Finance and Procurement to plan for the Act | East project in DRC. Financial accounts are under review for closing and basic mapping materials (loupes, hand-held devices, power banks, desktop & laptop computers) have been transferred to the DRC PNLMTN. ETHIOPIA Act | East Partner: RTI, Xxxx Xxxxxxx Foundation (FHF), Light for the World (LFTW) Total population: 107,191,789 (2021) COP: [Redacted] Districts: 867 districts RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases (# ever endemic districts): LF (73), TRA (697), OV (222), SCH (421), STH (545) Refugee camps total population: 451,422 (2021) Total camps: 12 TABLE: Activities supported by USAID in FY21 LF OV SCH STH Trachoma MDA 0/5 districts + 0/2 refugee camps (Dec 2020-Sep 2021) • BG (0/3 districts) + BG (0/2 camps)-April/May 2021 • Oromia-FHF (0/1 district)- Feb 2021 0/81 districts + 0/5 refugee camps (Oct 2020- Sep 2021) • BG (0/14 districts) + BG (0/5 camps)- April/May 2021 • Oromia-LFTW (0/67 districts)- May 2021 0/0 districts 0/2 April/May 2021 0/117 districts (Oct 2020-Sep 2021) • Gambella (0/6 districts)- March 2021 • Oromia-FHF- (13/87 districts)- Feb/March 2021) • Oromia-LFTW (19/24 districts)- Feb 2021 DSAs (#EUs) Pre-TAS: (0/7 districts) + 0/3 camps (Oct 2020- Sept 2021) • BG (0/2 districts)- May/June 2021 • Oromia-LFTW (0/5 districts- June 2021 TAS1: 0/16 districts + 0/3 camps (Oct 2020-Sep 2021) • BG (0/5 districts) + 0/3 camps- May/June 2021 • Oromia-LFTW (0/11 districts)- June 2021 TAS2: 0/4 districts-(Oct 2020-Sept 2021) • BG (0/4 districts)-May 2021 TAS3: 0 TIS: 0/122 districts + 0/7 refugee camps (Oct 2020-Sep 2021) • BG (0/2 districts) – Mar 2021 • Gambella (0/3 districts) + (0/7 camps)-Mar 2021 • Oromia-FHF (0/80 districts; 0/45 districts-May 2021; 0/35 districts- April/May/June-2021 • Oromia- LFTW (0/29 districts)- June 2021 TSS: 0/59 districts • BG (0/9 districts) + (0/2 camps)-April 2021 • Gambella (0/4 districts)- April 2021 • Oromia-FHF (0/28 districts) March 2021, LFTW (0/31 districts-June 2021 Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: • FHF completed trachoma MDA in two woredas (districts) of West Arsi Zone, Oromia region. During MDA, all mitigation measures of COVID-19 and SAEs were in place and no SAEs occurred. • LFTW completed trachoma MDA in the eight woredas of West Shewa and 11 woredas of Horogudru Wollega zones of Oromia region. Highlights: • With support from Act| East, Beneshangul Gumuz RHB has revised and resubmitted a FAA package for upcoming MDA. • Act| East submitted a LF TAS-1 survey protocol Presentations for training at various levels and for the microplanning meetings were prepared. Tools and other related materials have been prepared and ready to be delivered to the BG districts. Teams from MoH and Oromia RHB research RTI that will support the exercise have been identified. WI-HER ▪ Held check-in meetings with the trained influencer teams in the 16 new villages selected for the GESI behavior change activity in Moroto and ethical committees for review Nabilatuk Districts. WI-HER facilitated the influencers' development of action plans to increase MDA uptake ahead of the upcoming MDA. ▪ Met with Amudat District leadership and approvalhealth center in-charge personnel to set up Act | Xxxx's continued engagement on behavior change ahead of Amudat's MDA later in the year. • Act| East provided technical support ▪ Continued coordination with StC on the integration of key barriers to the Gambella RHB NTD team MDA uptake into StC's community dialogues in relation to the COVID-19 safety protocols our three overlapping villages TCC ▪ Treatment in refugee settlements: MDA was carried out in 2 refugee camps; Palorinya in Obongi districts and the necessary supervision checklists to be used at the time Palabek in Lamwo district. ▪ Entomological assessments: A total of MDAs4,416 S.damnosum flies were caught from Moyo, Nwoya, Amuru, Adjumani, Gulu, Omoro, Pader, Kitgum, Lamwo, and, Kasese districts. • Trachoma MDA ▪ Training of Health Workers/Sub County Focal Persons and Parish Supervisors is ongoing in Gambella region with plans to complete drug distribution in April 2021. • Act| East participated in a half-day NTDs indicator revision workshop organized by FMOH’s Policy and Planning Department. The workshop was designed to xxxxxx a greater understanding of NTD milestones across the FMOH, and it allowed Act | East and other partners to provide feedback on pre-identified indicators. • Act | East participated in the FMOH mid-term review meeting where progress on FY21 activities and the effects of COVID-19 on the NTD program were the main topics. Upcoming activities:12 districts.

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Highlights. Act | East supported the MOH LF program team NTDCP to train an additional 27 TAS team members conduct regional review and planning meetings for OV and trachoma in preparation Morogoro from November 6-12th, 2022. These involved a series of meetings that included review of FY22 activities, planning and budgeting for the remaining LF surveys planned in FY21. • LF TAS was completed in 8 EUs in February 2021: Terego (TAS1), Agago (TAS2), Erute North, Erute South, Alebtong, Dokolo, AmolatarFY23 activities, and Moroto EUs (TAS3)training of trainers for trachoma and OV MDAs. Participants included the NTD Coordinators for health, NTD Coordinators for education, pharmacists and accountants from 9 councils and 4 regions endemic for trachoma and 25 councils and 7 regions endemic for OV. • Following restart approval from USAIDthe review and planning meetings, WI-HER supported an additional two-day GESI training in the five councils that will implement the GESI behavior change activity in FY23. In addition, Act | East supported presented the MOH trachoma program team to conduct a pre-planning visit to draft CDD training package addendum and solicited feedback on the three districts where TSS is planned in March (Kaabong, Karenga addendum from the council and Amudat) to review regional NTD teams. An updated version of the survey schedule, protocol, and COVID SOPs CDD training addendum that includes participants’ feedback will be shared with district officialsnational NTDCP for finalization. • Act | East held a workshop with supported preparation for the MOH NTDCP from February 10 – 11th CCHP Pause & Reflect meeting which was planned for November 15-18th, but the meeting had to incorporate GESI concepts into be postponed when key PORALG facilitators could no longer participate due to competing priorities. The meeting will be rescheduled tentatively the third week of January 2023. • Two Act | East Tanzania XXXXX staff attended the NTD Information System (NIS) training Manualsin Mozambique from November 28 – December 3rd. • In collaboration with NTDCP, Act | East conducted training of trachoma graders and recorders for trachoma confirmatory mapping surveys in 11 councils. The workshop report training was conducted from November 21-22nd and was preceded by field pre-visit from November 15th. Data collection is currently being finalizedongoing as of November 23rd and should conclude by December 16th. Upcoming activities requiring COVID protocols: • Act | East will complete data collection for the trachoma mapping surveys in 11 districts in Simiyu, Katavi, Songwe, Mbeya, Njombe, and Morogoro regions by December 16th. • Act | East in will re-engage PORALG, NTDCP and councils for planning of the CCHP Pause & Reflect meeting planned for January 2023. • In collaboration with the MOH NTDCP finalized the terms of reference for a consultant who will support the development of an advocacy strategy for Uganda’s NTD sustainability plan. Recruitment will begin in early March. Upcoming activities: • Conduct TAS3 in in 6 EUs (AruaNTDCP, Gulu, Omoro, Kitgum, Pader, Amuru) in March. • Conduct TSS in Amudat, Karenga, and Kaabong EUs from March 7-19th. • Finalize data cleaning and analysis for the CES in Moroto. • Recruit the advocacy strategy consultant in coordination with NTDCP. • Hold the NTD National Technical Advisory Committee meeting on March 30th. • Obtain sign-off from the Minister on the TOR for the SCH/STH Expert Committee and organize the first meeting. • The Xxxxxx Center through Act | East will support selection conduct an LF DSA outcome investigation in Xxxxxxx and training of CDDs for upcoming OV MDA in Kilwa DCs from December 9 districts observing the MOH COVID-19 SOPs– 22nd. • Prepare Act | East will plan for a trachoma Data Quality Assessment in Kiteto DC in January 2023. • Act | East Tanzania’s management team will travel to Dodoma for high level courtesy meetings with the Director of Health and submit Nutrition of the FY21 SAR1President’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG) and the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Health. DRC‌ The aim of the meeting is to strengthen the collaboration with the key government entities for smooth implementation of FY23 activities. COVID-19 data monitoring sources: WHO: xxxxx:// November 2022 UGANDA Act | East Partner: RTI International RTI, The Xxxxxx Center, WI-HER, R4D, Save the Children Total population: 85,281,024 46,205,893 (2018 [est.]2022) COP: [Redacted] Districts: 519 districts 136 RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases diseases: LF (# ever endemic districts): Trachoma 66), TRA (6541), OV (43), SCH (91), STH (136) TABLE: Activities supported by USAID in FY21 FY23 LF OV Trachoma Mapping Trachoma baseline mapping: 28 EUs, November-January 2021 MDA 1 HZ N/A 11/11 districts (Pweto), January 2021 R1) 0/11 districts (R2) 0/2 districts (Jan 2023) 0/5 districts (June 2023) DSAs (#EUs) TISTAS 2: 1 HZ (Kilwa), October 2020 TSS0/8 Eus TAS 3: 0 XXXXX 0/3 EUs N/A TSS+: 2 EUs Confirmatory mapping: 2 districts XXXXX Targeted follow-up investigation in two districts of Nabilatuk and Buliisa Data quality assessment (DQA) in Buliisa district HSS N/A High-level meeting on mainstreaming NTD drugs Building domestic resource mobilization capacity workshops National advocacy meeting Finalize and institutionalize GESI MDA training curriculum Finalize integration of GESI into MOH-led social and behavior change packages GESI behavior change activity scale up in two districts. Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: N/A None Highlights: • Act | East collected the final data for 26 trachoma baseline surveys, one TIS for Kilwa health zone (HZ), and the last of five rounds of trachoma TCC completed OV MDA in Pweto HZ. All activity data were reported officially by the DRC PNLMTN. • The Act | East DRC office closed its final operations and terminated its local contracts on 31 March 2021. • RTI is finalizing its close-out requirements 3 remaining districts, for the Act | East project in DRC. Financial accounts are under review for closing and basic mapping materials (loupes, hand-held devices, power banks, desktop & laptop computers) have been transferred to the DRC PNLMTN. ETHIOPIA Act | East Partner: RTI, Xxxx Xxxxxxx Foundation (FHF), Light for the World (LFTW) Total population: 107,191,789 (2021) COP: [Redacted] Districts: 867 districts RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases (# ever endemic a total of 11 districts): LF (73), TRA (697), OV (222), SCH (421), STH (545) Refugee camps total population: 451,422 (2021) Total camps: 12 TABLE: Activities supported by USAID in FY21 LF OV SCH STH Trachoma MDA 0/5 districts + 0/2 refugee camps (Dec 2020-Sep 2021) • BG (0/3 districts) + BG (0/2 camps)-April/May 2021 • Oromia-FHF (0/1 district)- Feb 2021 0/81 districts + 0/5 refugee camps (Oct 2020- Sep 2021) • BG (0/14 districts) + BG (0/5 camps)- April/May 2021 • Oromia-LFTW (0/67 districts)- May 2021 0/0 districts 0/2 April/May 2021 0/117 districts (Oct 2020-Sep 2021) • Gambella (0/6 districts)- March 2021 • Oromia-FHF- (13/87 districts)- Feb/March 2021) • Oromia-LFTW (19/24 districts)- Feb 2021 DSAs (#EUs) Pre-TAS: (0/7 districts) + 0/3 camps (Oct 2020- Sept 2021) • BG (0/2 districts)- May/June 2021 • Oromia-LFTW (0/5 districts- June 2021 TAS1: 0/16 districts + 0/3 camps (Oct 2020-Sep 2021) • BG (0/5 districts) + 0/3 camps- May/June 2021 • Oromia-LFTW (0/11 districts)- June 2021 TAS2: 0/4 districts-(Oct 2020-Sept 2021) • BG (0/4 districts)-May 2021 TAS3: 0 TIS: 0/122 districts + 0/7 refugee camps (Oct 2020-Sep 2021) • BG (0/2 districts) – Mar 2021 • Gambella (0/3 districts) + (0/7 camps)-Mar 2021 • Oromia-FHF (0/80 districts; 0/45 districts-May 2021; 0/35 districts- April/May/June-2021 • Oromia- LFTW (0/29 districts)- June 2021 TSS: 0/59 districts • BG (0/9 districts) + (0/2 camps)-April 2021 • Gambella (0/4 districts)- April 2021 • Oromia-FHF (0/28 districts) March 2021, LFTW (0/31 districts-June 2021 Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: • FHF completed trachoma MDA in two woredas (districts) of West Arsi Zone, Oromia region. During MDA, all mitigation measures of COVID-19 and SAEs were in place and no SAEs occurred. • LFTW completed trachoma MDA in the eight woredas of West Shewa and 11 woredas of Horogudru Wollega zones of Oromia region. Highlights: • With support from Act| East, Beneshangul Gumuz RHB has revised and resubmitted a FAA package for upcoming MDA. • Act| East submitted a LF TAS-1 survey protocol to the BG and Oromia RHB research and ethical committees for review and approval. • Act| East provided technical support to the Gambella RHB NTD team in relation to the COVID-19 safety protocols and the necessary supervision checklists to be used at the time of MDAs. • Trachoma MDA is ongoing in Gambella region with plans to complete drug distribution in April 2021. • Act| East participated in a half-day NTDs indicator revision workshop organized by FMOH’s Policy and Planning Department. The workshop was designed to xxxxxx a greater understanding of NTD milestones across the FMOH, and it allowed Act | East and other partners to provide feedback on pre-identified indicators. • Act | East participated in the FMOH mid-term review meeting where progress on FY21 activities and the effects of COVID-19 on the NTD program were the main topics. Upcoming activities:RTI

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Highlights. Act | East supported CMAM (Central de Medicamentos e Artigos Médicos (Center for Drugs and Medical Supplies)) is working with the MOH LF program team airport custom authorities to train an additional 27 TAS team members in preparation for collect the remaining LF surveys planned in FY21. • LF TAS was completed in 8 EUs in February 2021: Terego (TAS1)Zithromax, Agago (TAS2), Erute North, Erute South, Alebtong, Dokolo, Amolatar, and Moroto EUs (TAS3). • Following restart approval arriving from USAID, Act | East supported the MOH trachoma program team to conduct a pre-planning visit to the three districts where TSS is planned in March (Kaabong, Karenga and Amudat) to review the survey schedule, protocol, and COVID SOPs with district officialsBrussels. • Act | East held planned to implement additional MDA in Chinde and Pebane districts of Zambezia province rather than TIS in FY22. While this plan was initially approved at the March Trachoma Expert Committee meeting, ITI has notified the Mozambique program of Zithromax production delays requiring postponement of Zambezia MDA to October 2022. • From May 31 to June 3, MISAU hosted the HMIS provincial-level training, facilitated by trainers from the Departamento de Informação para a workshop with the MOH NTDCP from February 10 – 11th to incorporate GESI concepts into Saúde (Department of Health Information [DIS]). Attendees included the NTD training Manuals. The workshop report is currently being finalized. • provincial focal points, USAID, ARISE, and Act | East staff. Topics discussed included: indicators to be inserted, presentation of the platform itself, data flow, data entry, data visualization, reporting, and next steps. Currently all NTD case management indicators are available in collaboration the HMIS. The DIS will insert epidemiological, therapeutic, and geographic coverage MDA indicators into the platform next month. Weekly meetings with MISAU, ARISE, USAID, and Act | East M&E staff will be held to follow up on this process. • A consultant was recruited to develop the 2022-2030 NTD strategic plan. The consultant will work very closely with the MOH NTDCP finalized NTD focal point at MISAU and the terms Act | East COP. Weekly meetings will be held to guide the progress and quality of reference for a the document. Act | East expects the consultant who will support the development of an advocacy strategy for Uganda’s NTD sustainability plan. Recruitment will begin to complete work in early MarchJuly and present to MISAU and partners. Upcoming activitiesactivities requiring COVID protocols: • Conduct TAS3 in in 6 EUs (Arua, Gulu, Omoro, Kitgum, Pader, Amuru) in March. • Conduct TSS in Amudat, Karenga, and Kaabong EUs from March 7-19th. • Finalize data cleaning and analysis for the CES in Moroto. • Recruit the advocacy strategy consultant in coordination with NTDCP. • Hold the NTD National Technical Advisory Committee meeting on March 30th. • Obtain sign-off from the Minister on the TOR for the SCH/STH Expert Committee and organize the first meeting. • The Xxxxxx Center through TT smartphone tool testing: Act | East will support selection the testing of the tool in two districts (Chemba district, Sofala province and training Guro district, Manica province) in July 2022. RTI is working to address IRB feedback. • Trachoma Assessments Using Rational and Uniform Surveys (TAURUS) Study: Act | East will support the collection of CDDs for upcoming OV conjunctival swabs and dry blood spots during TIS in four districts (Mossuril, Ilha Mozambique, Nacala-A-Velha (Nampula province), Inhassunge (Zambezia province)) in June and July 2022. Longitudinal monitoring of TF, Ct infection and pgp3 will be conducted in an additional four districts (Guro, Tambara (Manica province), Chinde (Zambezia province)). • TIS: Act | East will support TIS in eight districts in Cabo Xxxxxxx, Nampula, and Zambezia Provinces in July 2022. • MDA: Act | East will support re-MDA in 9 eight districts observing the MOH (Macossa, Tambara, Guro, Erati, Liupo, Ilha de Mogincual, Moma, and Memba) in August 2022. COVID-19 SOPs. • Prepare and submit the FY21 SAR1. DRC‌ data monitoring sources: WHO: xxxxx:// National: xxxxx:// May 2022 NEPAL Act | East Partner: RTI International Total population: 85,281,024 (2018 [est.]) 30,201,100 COP: [Redacted] Districts: 519 districts 77 RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases (diseases: # ever endemic districts): : LF (63), Trachoma (6520) & STH (77) TABLE: Activities supported by USAID in FY21 Trachoma Mapping Trachoma baseline mapping: 28 EUs, November-January 2021 MDA 1 HZ (Pweto), January 2021 FY22 LF DSAs (#EUs) TISRe-Pre-TAS: 1 HZ (Kilwa), October 2020 TSS5/10 districts TAS1 : 0 XXXXX N/A 2/7 districts TAS2 : 16/16 districts TAS3 : 0/13 districts HSS N/A Domestic Resource Mobilization Case Study: ongoing GESI Behavior Change Activity: June 2022- September 2022 Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: • None Updated completed and ongoing surveys. • Updated dates for HSS activities Highlights: • Act | East collected the final data for 26 trachoma baseline surveysNepal reviewed initial draft reports of completed LF MDA school awareness support activities in two districts (Bara and Jhapa) and LF MDA technical support activity in two municipalities of Bara district. These activities were designed to strengthen MDA by increasing awareness among new populations and providing additional technical support, one TIS for Kilwa health zone (HZ), and the last two areas of five rounds of trachoma MDA weakness identified in Pweto HZthese districts. All activity data were reported officially by the DRC PNLMTN. • The Act | East DRC office closed its final operations teams reviewed the draft reports to understand reach of the activities, opportunities for replication, as well as challenges faced during implementation. The draft reports were returned to grantees for additional inputs and terminated its local contracts on 31 March 2021revisions and new draft reports are expected to be submitted in early June. • RTI is finalizing its close-out requirements for the Act | East project Nepal met with WHO and EDCD to discuss LF program priorities and proposed activities for FY23. Discussion included review of FY22 LF MDA and DSAs, drug requirements for FY23 LF MDA and other activities that Act| East might support in DRCthe coming year. Financial accounts are under Upcoming activities requiring COVID protocols: • NTD domestic resource mobilization case study discussions with USAID Nepal Mission and application for local ethical review and municipality data collection will begin in June/July. • TAS 3 in 5 districts (Saptari, Siraha, Bhaktapur, Lalitpur Urban, Kathmandu) targeted for closing and basic mapping materials late June, followed by 8 districts (loupesOkhaldhunga, hand-held devicesKaski, power banksArgakhachi, desktop & laptop computersPyuthan, Rolpa, Rukum East, Rukum West, Salyan) have been transferred to in July- August. • [Redacted] will represent Act | East at the DRC PNLMTNSEARO RPRG meeting taking place in New Delhi, India June 28- July 1st. ETHIOPIA COVID-19 data monitoring sources: WHO: xxxxx:// National: xxxxx:// May 2022 NIGERIA Act | East Partner: RTI, Xxxx Xxxxxxx Foundation (FHF), Light for the World (LFTW) The Xxxxxx Center Total population: 107,191,789 (2021) 207.8 million COP: [Redacted] Districts: 867 districts Districts (LGAs): 774 RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases (# ever endemic districts): diseases: LF (73), TRA (697553), OV (222449), SCH (421691), STH (545415), Trachoma (143) Refugee camps total population: 451,422 (2021) Total camps: 12 TABLE: Activities supported by USAID in FY21 FY22 LF OV SCH STH Trachoma MDA 0/5 districts + 0/2 refugee camps (Dec 2020-Sep 2021) • BG (0/3 districts) + BG (0/2 camps)-April/May 2021 • Oromia-FHF (0/1 district)- Feb 2021 0/81 districts + 0/5 refugee camps (Oct 2020- Sep 2021) • BG (0/14 districts) + BG (0/5 camps)- April/May 2021 • Oromia-LFTW (0/67 districts)- May 2021 0/0 districts 0/2 April/May 2021 0/117 1/40 districts (Oct 2020-Sep 20210/39 TCC, 1/1 RTI) • Gambella 1/98 districts (0/6 districts)- March 2021 • Oromia-FHF- 1/83 TCC, 0/15 RTI) 0/90 districts (13/87 districts)- Feb/March 2021TCC) • Oromia-LFTW 0/120 districts (19/24 districts)- Feb 2021 TCC) DSAs (#EUs) Pre-TASTAS : 34/36 (0/7 districtsTCC 34/35, RTI 0/1) + 0/3 camps TAS 1 : 1/38 (Oct 2020- Sept 2021TCC 0/37, RTI 0/1) • BG (0/2 districts)- May/June 2021 • Oromia-LFTW (0/5 districts- June 2021 TAS1: 0/16 districts + 0/3 camps (Oct 2020-Sep 2021) • BG (0/5 districts) + 0/3 camps- May/June 2021 • Oromia-LFTW (0/11 districts)- June 2021 TAS2: 0/4 districts-(Oct 2020-Sept 2021) • BG (0/4 districts)-May 2021 TAS3: 0 TIS: 0/122 districts + 0/7 refugee camps (Oct 2020-Sep 2021) • BG (0/2 districts) – Mar 2021 • Gambella (0/3 districts) + (0/7 camps)-Mar 2021 • Oromia-FHF (0/80 districts; 0/45 districts-May 2021; 0/35 districts- April/May/June-2021 • Oromia- LFTW (0/29 districts)- June 2021 TSS: 0/59 districts • BG (0/9 districts) + (0/2 camps)-April 2021 • Gambella (0/4 districts)- April 2021 • Oromia-FHF (0/28 districts) March 2021, LFTW (0/31 districts-June 2021 HSS Cross River State health financing assessment- Draft Report of Fund Flow Analysis completed. Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: • FHF completed trachoma LF re-MDA was conducted in two woredas (districts) Yala LGA of West Arsi Zone, Oromia region. During MDA, all mitigation measures Cross River State • R4D presented a draft report of COVID-19 and SAEs were in place and no SAEs occurred. • LFTW completed trachoma MDA in the eight woredas of West Shewa and 11 woredas of Horogudru Wollega zones of Oromia region. Fund Flow Analysis Highlights: • With support from Act| East, Beneshangul Gumuz RHB has revised and resubmitted a FAA package for upcoming MDA. • Act| Act | East submitted a LF TAS-1 survey protocol to supported the BG and Oromia RHB research and ethical committees for review and approval. • Act| East provided technical support to the Gambella RHB CRS NTD team to finalize plans re-MDA activity in relation Yala LGA: activity timeline was jointly reviewed by RTI and State team to the COVID-19 safety protocols conduct final advocacy activities, cascaded training of personnel, flag-off ceremony, medicine distribution, electronic data capture and the necessary supervision checklists to be used at the time of MDAscommunity treatment. • Trachoma MDA is ongoing in Gambella region with plans to complete drug distribution in April 2021. • Act| East participated in a half-day NTDs indicator revision workshop organized by FMOH’s Policy and Planning Department. The workshop was designed to xxxxxx a greater understanding of NTD milestones across the FMOH, and it allowed o Act | East and other partners the state NTD team jointly conducted advocacy visits to provide feedback Western Yala Traditional Leaders and the Yala chapter of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN). These advocacy efforts helped to secure the buy-in of the community leaders for a successful re- MDA in Yala. Over 45 Traditional leaders and the CAN executives attended the flag-off ceremony where they publicly swallowed IVM and ALB as a mark of support for the re-MDA. This demonstrated sense of ownership and trust and safety of the medicines and helped to reduce refusals during community treatment. o As part of health system strengthening for MDA in Yala, Act | East supported the cascaded training of healthcare workers at State, LGA, Health Facility and Community levels. A total of five (5) members of the State and six (6) members of the LGA NTD team, 125 FLHF workers and 864 CDDs were trained to implement the re-MDA in Yala. o Electronic Data Capture (EDC) was deployed to capture and transmit treatment data directly from community health facilities in Yala to a cloud-based server, from whence dashboard was observed to aid targeted field supervision. This is documented as first-time experience on preAct | East MDA implementation in Nigeria. Challenges and recommendations have been documented for learning. • Act | East Nigeria shared experience on EDC preparatory processes at RTI Technical Round Table held on the May 5, 2022. Lessons from Nepal and Haiti helped to enrich the Nigeria EDC deployment in Yala re-identified indicatorsMDA. • Act | East participated in the 14th National Onchocerciasis Elimination Committee (NOEC) meeting held on 18th to 20th of May 2022. The meeting discussed how to mitigate Onchocerciasis elimination gaps, cross-border transmission, status reclassification for states based on outcome of recent assessments, backlog of Dried Blood Spot (DBS) Samples and need for more Onchocerciasis laboratories in the country. FMOH midshared some next steps to set-term review up laboratory in Abuja where samples could be processed. Concerns were raised over Benue and Cameroon borders with Cross River. The need for collaborative implementation of activities along border communities was recommended to sustain the gains of Onchocerciasis elimination efforts in Cross River state. • Act | East participated on a national data Snapshot update meeting where progress held in WHO office on the 25th and 26th of May 2022. Data gaps were identified and jointly updated by FMOH and implementing partners. Updated Snapshot will be disseminated by FMoH for subsequent program planning by partners at national and State-level. Joint work-plan development between partners, FMoH and State NTD teams was recommended. Upcoming activities requiring COVID protocols: • Act | East FY23 workplan development meetings with CRS State and National NTD Programs in Nigeria in June 2022. • LF Technical Working Group Meeting in June 2022. • FMOH Supervision and Monitoring of CMS in Nigeria in June 2022. Upcoming activities not requiring COVID protocols: • Commodity reverse logistics for Yala re-MDA • Data review, analysis and reporting for Yala re-MDA COVID-19 data monitoring sources: WHO: xxxxx:// National: xxxxx:// May 2022 PHILIPPINES Act | East Partner: RTI Total population: 112,919,769 RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Districts/Provinces: 82 Endemic diseases: # ever endemic districts. LF (47) SCH (29) STH (82) Activities supported by Philippines DOH in 2022 LF SCH STH MDA 2/46 28/28 provinces 82 provinces DSAs (#EUs) TAS1 : 1/2 TAS2 : 0/6 TAS3 : 0/7 Activities supported by USAID in FY21 HSS NTD costing analysis and province/municipality TA Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: None Highlights: • Act | East headquarters-based staff debriefed USAID Washington on meetings from their April-May visit to the Philippines. The meeting also covered proposed activities and strategy for ongoing partnership with the effects DOH into the next fiscal year of COVID-19 the project. Act | East staff has shared proposed activities with the DOH Disease Prevention and Control Bureau for feedback and comment. • Act | East provided comment on the NTD program were components of the main topicsOmnibus Health Guidelines via the DPCB International Health Partners group. Act | East recommended the Guidelines provide a longer- term vision for NTD programming within the guidelines. • National elections took place on May 9th. It is likely that there will some impact on DOH staffing with new political appointments and potentially further staffing changes once the new administration is in place, expected in July. • Act | East’s Technical Program Advisor, [Redacted] resigned his position with RTI at the end of May. Based on consultation with the DOH and USAID Washington, Act | East will re-advertise the position after new DOH staff settle in and priorities for Act | East support are further clarified, likely in Q1 of FY23. Ongoing FY22 activities will be supported by existing staff or consultants. Upcoming activities:: • Costing analysis on NTDs in Leyte province will be revisited in June. COVID-19 data monitoring sources: WHO: xxxxx:// National: xxxxx:// May 2022 SOUTHEAST ASIA (BANGLADESH, LAO PDR, VIET NAM) Act | East Partner: RTI, FHF in Viet Nam Total population: Bangladesh (173,346,194); Lao PDR (7,119,891); Viet Nam (95,913,875) Districts: Bangladesh (64); Lao PDR (17); Viet Nam (63) RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases: Bangladesh LF (19) STH (64); Lao PDR LF (1) STH (1), SCH (17); Viet Nam LF (4), STH (63), TRA (15). TABLE: Activities in FY22, non-USAID funding LF Trachoma DSAs (#EUs) Bangladesh TAS3: 1/1 (TAS3 supported by WHO) Lao PDR TAS3: 1/1 (TAS3 supported by WHO) Viet Nam TSS: focal areas of Lung Ho commune (TSS supported by FHF) (complete) XXXXX Learning activity on dossier development models Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: None Bangladesh Highlights: • [Redacted]’s visit and the WHO-coordinated stakeholders’ workshop for dossier finalization were delayed until June to accommodate various schedules. The workshop dates are set for June 12th and 13th and [Redacted] will travel to Dhaka to work with MOHFW and Act | East consultant from June 6th onwards. • Act | East consultant in Bangladesh and [Redacted] coordinated available data, existing dossier drafts and perceived gaps ahead of the visit. Upcoming activities requiring COVID protocols: • Act | East regional dossier consultant, [Redacted], will travel to Bangladesh June 6-13 to work with the MOHFW on the dossier draft and attend the WHO-coordinated stakeholders’ workshop. COVID-19 data monitoring sources: WHO: xxxxx:// National: xxxxx:// Lao PDR Highlights: • WHO CO prepared and submitted an official letter of submission for the LF dossier for the Minister of Health’s signature. Once that letter is signed, the dossier will be officially submitted. It is expected to be ready by the end of the first week of June. Viet Nam Upcoming activities: • VNEH, FHF and Act | East supported a trachoma dossier workshop on May 20th. VNEH officials at the national level and regional officials from Ha Xxxxx province attended the workshop from the government. Act | East was represented by [Redacted] and the FHF Viet Nam team. Other participants included the WHO Country Office, USAID Viet Nam, and ITI. The workshop clarified the process of reviews and approvals required within the MOH and set out a clear timeline for the process. There are still gaps in surgery data required for the dossier data to be considered complete. This data is held at the regional level. Act | East will coordinate with VNEH to ensure that those data gaps are filled before the second dossier workshop, which will take place in FY23. COVID-19 data monitoring sources: WHO: xxxxx:// May 2022 TANZANIA Act | East Partner: RTI International Total population: 57.6 million (2022) COP: [Redacted] Districts: 184 RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases: LF (119), TRA (71), OV (28), SCH (184), STH (184) TABLE: Activities supported by USAID in FY22 LF OV SCH STH Trachoma Mapping N/A OV Elimination mapping: 0/4 districts OV Exclusion mapping: 0/2 districts N/A N/A Desk review: 0/6 districts MDA 0/6 districts Round 1: 9/9 districts Round 2: 0/28 districts 0/35 districts 0/41 districts 0/9 districts (0/10 EUs) DSAs (#EUs) Re-Pre-TAS : 1/1 district TAS1 : 0/1 EU TAS3 : 9/23 EUs iTAS: 7/7 EUs Pre-stop MDA survey (epi): 0/2 districts Stop-MDA survey (epi & ent): 0/3 districts iTAS: 7/7 EUs 0/4 districts N/A TIS: 1/1 EU TSS: 2/2 EUs XXXXX ▪ Coverage evaluation survey (CES) in 9 districts: 4/4 LF, 4/4 OV, 0/1 TRA ▪ Trachoma DSA outcome investigation in 3/6 districts ▪ Trachoma MDA microplanning in 8/10 EUs HSS ▪ Develop M&E plan for the sustainability activities in the NTD Master Plan ▪ Launch NTD Master Plan and Sustainability Plan ▪ Support TZNTDCP integration into the health sector planning SWAp TWG ▪ Support Comprehensive Council Health Plan (CCHP) development ▪ Strengthen federal and district capacity for planning, budgeting, and resource mobilization ▪ Advocacy Strategy Implementation: 1 high-level national and 1 regional/district level meeting ▪ GESI iDARE/behavior change activity in 5 districts (4 TRA, 2 OV) Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: • Act | East supported NTDCP to conduct OV MDA in 9 district councils. • Act | East plans to support NTDCP to conduct OV pre-stop MDA survey in 2 district councils (revised from 1 district council). • Act | East supported NTDCP to conduct microplanning for trachoma MDA in 8 EUs.

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Highlights. Act | East supported the MOH LF program team to train an additional 27 TAS team members in preparation for the remaining LF surveys planned in FY21. • LF TAS was completed in 8 EUs in February 2021: Terego (TAS1), Agago (TAS2), Erute North, Erute South, Alebtong, Dokolo, Amolatar, and Moroto EUs (TAS3). • Following restart approval from USAIDIn collaboration with NTDCP, Act | East supported the MOH trachoma program team continued to conduct a field pretesting of SBCC/IEC materials and messages in Tanga and Arusha regions from 27 July to 10 August 2022. A final workshop was held with NTDCP from 11th to 19th August in Morogoro to fine-tune materials and messages and incorporate inputs from field pre-planning visit testing before submission to the three districts where TSS is planned in March (Kaabong, Karenga and Amudat) to national review the survey schedule, protocol, and COVID SOPs with district officialscommittee. • Act | East held a workshop with the MOH supported NTDCP to conduct LF and trachoma dossier development meetings from February 10 – 11th August 5-6th and 8-9th, respectively, to incorporate GESI concepts into the NTD training Manuals. The workshop report is currently being finalizedreview compiled dossier data and narrative components. • Act | East supported NTDCP to hold the Tanzania Onchocerciasis Expert Advisory Committee (TOEAC) meeting in Dar es Salaam from August 17-19th. Act | East will incorporate the TOEAC’s recommendations into the revised FY23 work plan. • Act | East supported NTDCP to conduct half-day Technical Working Group meetings for LF, trachoma, OV, SCH and STH on August 22nd. Act | East also supported the Annual Joint Planning Meeting from August 25-26th with key implementing partners. • Act | East supported NTDCP to conduct an SCH and STH Technical Expert Advisory Committee (SSTEAC) meeting on August 24th. Key recommendations included to triangulate WASH coverage data alongside the SCH precision mapping data in 53 districts and to analyze STH prevalence in the surveyed wards to better understand the way forward for STH MDA in wards where SCH MDA will be stopped. It was recommended that these data be analyzed and presented in advance of the next meeting. • In collaboration with NTDCP, Act | East began developing an M&E plan for the MOH NTDCP finalized NTD Master Plan. An initial technical meeting was held in Dodoma from 29th August to 2nd September 2022. Key NTD stakeholders and M&E experts were invited from research and learning institutions, MOH, XXXXXX and partners (RTI, World Vision, Crown Agents, Merck). Key indicators from the terms of reference for a sustainability and master plans were extracted and improved by adding definitions, targets, data sources, reporting frequency and responsible persons. An Act | East-supported consultant who will support is now compiling the development of an advocacy strategy for Uganda’s NTD sustainability plan. Recruitment will begin first draft M&E plan prior to the validation meeting planned in early Marchlate September. Upcoming activitiesactivities requiring COVID protocols: • Conduct In collaboration with NTDCP, Act | East will conduct TAS3 in in 6 EUs (AruaBabati DC, GuluHanang DC, OmoroKiteto DC, KitgumSimanjiro DC, PaderMbulu DC, Amuruand Mbulu TC) in Marchof Manyara region from September 11–23rd. • Conduct TSS in Amudat, Karenga, and Kaabong EUs from March 7-19th. • Finalize data cleaning and analysis for the CES in Moroto. • Recruit the advocacy strategy consultant in coordination with NTDCP. • Hold the NTD National Technical Advisory Committee meeting on March 30th. • Obtain sign-off from the Minister on the TOR for the SCH/STH Expert Committee and organize the first meeting. • The Xxxxxx Center through Act | East will support selection conduct supportive supervision for LF MDA in 6 councils and training of CDDs for upcoming OV MDA in 9 districts observing the MOH COVID-19 SOPs15 councils. • Prepare Pre-MDA activities for SCH/STH MDA are expected to begin in late September once the drugs arrive in country. • In collaboration with NTDCP, Act | East will complete the last round of GESI coaching activities in Manyara and submit the FY21 SAR1Arusha regions (Longido, Monduli, Simanjiro and Kiteto) in September. DRC‌ • The NTD Master Plan M&E plan validation meeting is planned from September 26 – 28th. COVID-19 data monitoring sources: WHO: xxxxx:// National: xxxxx:// August 2022 UGANDA Act | East Partner: RTI International RTI, The Xxxxxx Center, WI-HER, R4D, Save the Children Total population: 85,281,024 41,740,474 (2018 [est.]2019) COP: [Redacted] Districts: 519 districts 134 RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases diseases: LF (# ever endemic districts): Trachoma 64), TRA (6551), OV (32), SCH (92), STH (134) TABLE: Activities supported by USAID in FY21 FY22 LF OV SCH STH Trachoma Mapping Trachoma baseline mapping: 28 EUs, November-January 2021 MDA 1 HZ N/A 9/9 districts (Pweto), January 2021 R1) 3/11 districts (R2) 8/11 districts (R2) N/A N/A 5/5 districts (Oct 2021) 5/5 districts (August 2022) DSAs (#EUs) TISTAS3: 1 HZ (Kilwa), October 2020 TSS: 0 XXXXX 16/16 EUs N/A HSS N/A N/A N/A XXXXX Trachoma coverage evaluation survey (CES) in 3 districts (completed) Data quality assessment in Moroto (completed) NTD data management training using DHIS2 (completed) HSS Develop national NTD program advocacy strategy (completed) Targeted cost analysis National and district funds flow analysis (completed) Finalize and institutionalize GESI MDA training curriculum Develop national SBC packages for NTDs and GESI GESI behavior change activity in two districts SCH/STH partner mapping exercise Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: • None Highlights: • Act | East collected the final data for 26 trachoma baseline surveys, one TIS for Kilwa health zone (HZ), and the last of five rounds of trachoma MDA TAS 3 in Pweto HZ. All activity data were reported officially by the DRC PNLMTN. • The Act | East DRC office closed its final operations and terminated its local contracts on 31 March 2021. • RTI is finalizing its close-out requirements for the Act | East project in DRC. Financial accounts are under review for closing and basic mapping materials (loupes, hand-held devices, power banks, desktop & laptop computers) have been transferred to the DRC PNLMTN. ETHIOPIA Act | East Partner: RTI, Xxxx Xxxxxxx Foundation (FHF), Light for the World (LFTW) Total population: 107,191,789 (2021) COP: [Redacted] Districts: 867 districts RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases (# ever endemic districts): LF (73), TRA (697), OV (222), SCH (421), STH (545) Refugee camps total population: 451,422 (2021) Total camps: 12 TABLE: Activities supported by USAID in FY21 LF OV SCH STH Trachoma MDA 0/5 districts + 0/2 refugee camps (Dec 2020-Sep 2021) • BG (0/3 districts) + BG (0/2 camps)-April/May 2021 • Oromia-FHF (0/1 district)- Feb 2021 0/81 districts + 0/5 refugee camps (Oct 2020- Sep 2021) • BG (0/14 districts) + BG (0/5 camps)- April/May 2021 • Oromia-LFTW (0/67 districts)- May 2021 0/0 districts 0/2 April/May 2021 0/117 districts (Oct 2020-Sep 2021) • Gambella (0/6 districts)- March 2021 • Oromia-FHF- (13/87 districts)- Feb/March 2021) • Oromia-LFTW (19/24 districts)- Feb 2021 DSAs (#EUs) Pre-TAS: (0/7 districts) + 0/3 camps (Oct 2020- Sept 2021) • BG (0/2 districts)- May/June 2021 • Oromia-LFTW (0/5 districts- June 2021 TAS1: 0/16 districts + 0/3 camps (Oct 2020-Sep 2021) • BG (0/5 districts) + 0/3 camps- May/June 2021 • Oromia-LFTW (0/11 districts)- June 2021 TAS2: 0/4 districts-(Oct 2020-Sept 2021) • BG (0/4 districts)-May 2021 TAS3: 0 TIS: 0/122 districts + 0/7 refugee camps (Oct 2020-Sep 2021) • BG (0/2 districts) – Mar 2021 • Gambella (0/3 districts) + (0/7 camps)-Mar 2021 • Oromia-FHF (0/80 districts; 0/45 districts-May 2021; 0/35 districts- April/May/June-2021 • Oromia- LFTW (0/29 districts)- June 2021 TSS: 0/59 districts • BG (0/9 districts) + (0/2 camps)-April 2021 • Gambella (0/4 districts)- April 2021 • Oromia-FHF (0/28 districts) March 2021, LFTW (0/31 districts-June 2021 Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: • FHF completed trachoma MDA in two woredas (districts) of West Arsi Zone, Oromia region. During MDA, all mitigation measures of COVID-19 and SAEs were in place and no SAEs occurred. • LFTW completed trachoma MDA in the eight woredas of West Shewa and 11 woredas of Horogudru Wollega zones of Oromia region. Highlights: • With support from Act| East, Beneshangul Gumuz RHB has revised and resubmitted a FAA package for upcoming MDA. • Act| East submitted a LF TAS-1 survey protocol to the BG and Oromia RHB research and ethical committees for review and approval. • Act| East provided technical support to the Gambella RHB NTD team in relation to the COVID-19 safety protocols and the necessary supervision checklists to be used at the time of MDAs9 additional EUs was completed. • Trachoma MDA is ongoing was completed in Gambella region with plans to complete drug distribution in April 20215 districts. • Act| East participated District funds flow analysis was completed in a half-day NTDs indicator revision workshop organized by FMOH’s Policy 4 districts of Amudat, Moroto, Nakapiripirit and Planning DepartmentNabilatuk. The workshop was designed to xxxxxx a greater understanding of NTD milestones across the FMOH, and it allowed Act | East and other partners to provide feedback on pre-identified indicators. • Act | East participated in the FMOH mid-term review meeting where progress on FY21 activities and the effects of COVID-19 on the NTD program were the main topics. Upcoming activitiesHighlights:

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