Image Patching Sample Clauses

Image Patching. If during images creation or installation, an update of software must be made, then Lenovo will work with HCBOE technical staff to test the updates, and upon success deploy the updated software or images, as appropriate, to computers regardless of where they are in the imaging process (e.g., awaiting imaging, being imaged, and awaiting shipment, already delivered). Lenovo has the capability to bring the necessary network hardware onsite at HCBOE facilities to deploy updates to computers without the need to collect, update, and re-deploy. Computers can remain in the field with the updates pushed out, decreasing downtime.

Related to Image Patching

  • Local Circuit Switching Capability, including Tandem Switching Capability 4.2.1 Local circuit switching capability is defined as: (A) line-side facilities, which include, but are not limited to, the connection between a loop termination at a main distribution frame and a switch line card; (B) trunk-side facilities, which include, but are not limited to, the connection between trunk termination at a trunk-side cross-connect panel and a switch trunk card; (C) switching provided by remote switching modules; and (D) all features, functions, and capabilities of the switch, which include, but are not limited to: (1) the basic switching function of connecting lines to lines, line to trunks, trunks to lines, and trunks to trunks, as well as the same basic capabilities made available to BellSouth’s customers, such as a telephone number, white page listings, and dial tone; and (2) all other features that the switch is capable of providing, including but not limited to customer calling, customer local area signaling service features, and Centrex, as well as any technically feasible customized routing functions provided by the switch. Any features that are not currently available but are technically feasible through the switch can be requested through the BFR/NBR process. 4.2.2 Notwithstanding BellSouth’s general duty to unbundle local circuit switching, BellSouth shall not be required to unbundle local circuit switching for Louisville Telephone when Louisville Telephone serves an end-user with four (4) or more voice-grade (DS-0) equivalents or lines served by BellSouth in one of the following MSAs: Atlanta, GA; Miami, FL; Orlando, FL; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill, NC; Greensboro-Winston Salem-High Point, NC; Nashville, TN; and New Orleans, LA, and BellSouth has provided non- discriminatory cost based access to the Enhanced Extended Link (EEL) throughout Density Zone 1 as determined by NECA Tariff No. 4 as in effect on January 1, 1999. 4.2.3 In the event that Louisville Telephone orders local circuit switching for an end user with four (4) or more DS0 equivalent lines within Density Zone 1 in an MSA listed above, BellSouth shall charge Louisville Telephone the market based rates in Exhibit B for use of the local circuit switching functionality for the affected facilities.

  • Workstation/Laptop encryption All workstations and laptops that process and/or store DHCS PHI or PI must be encrypted using a FIPS 140-2 certified algorithm which is 128bit or higher, such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). The encryption solution must be full disk unless approved by the DHCS Information Security Office.

  • Access Toll Connecting Trunk Group Architecture 9.2.1 If ECI chooses to subtend a Verizon access Tandem, ECI’s NPA/NXX must be assigned by ECI to subtend the same Verizon access Tandem that a Verizon NPA/NXX serving the same Rate Center Area subtends as identified in the LERG. 9.2.2 ECI shall establish Access Toll Connecting Trunks pursuant to applicable access Tariffs by which it will provide Switched Exchange Access Services to Interexchange Carriers to enable such Interexchange Carriers to originate and terminate traffic to and from ECI’s Customers. 9.2.3 The Access Toll Connecting Trunks shall be two-way trunks. Such trunks shall connect the End Office ECI utilizes to provide Telephone Exchange Service and Switched Exchange Access to its Customers in a given LATA to the access Tandem(s) Verizon utilizes to provide Exchange Access in such LATA. 9.2.4 Access Toll Connecting Trunks shall be used solely for the transmission and routing of Exchange Access to allow ECI’s Customers to connect to or be connected to the interexchange trunks of any Interexchange Carrier which is connected to a Verizon access Tandem.

  • Computer Equipment Recycling Program If this Contract is for the purchase or lease of computer equipment, then Contractor certifies that it is in compliance with Subchapter Y, Chapter 361 of the Texas Health and Safety Code related to the Computer Equipment Recycling Program and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality rules in 30 TAC Chapter 328.

  • Safety Glasses Section 1. The City shall supply prescription safety glasses with plastic lenses to employees who are required to wear safety glasses and who are members of the classifications contained in Appendix C to this contract. Safety glasses which are authorized must be industrial grade safety glasses which meet or exceed the requirements of ANSI Specification Z87. 1. All employees who are required to wear safety glasses shall also be required to wear side xxxxxxx, either permanent or snap-on, whenever an eye hazard exists. Solid tinted glasses will not be approved unless required by prescription. Photogray, progressive, scratch coating and/or anti-glare lenses may be considered for those employees who primarily work outdoors or as prescribed. In the event that additional classes are identified as needing either prescription safety glasses or protective eyewear, such classes may be added to the classification list in Appendix C upon approval of PAGE and the City. Section 2. The City agrees to pay the full cost of required prescription safety glasses, with frames not to exceed $75.00. This excludes the cost of the eye examination which will be the responsibility of the employee. The effected employees will be allowed one (1) replacement of safety glasses every two (2) years. In the event the safety glasses become lost, unserviceable, or broken on the job, the employee must present a written request for replacement to the Department Head and Human Resources Director. If the employee breaks his safety glasses while on the job, the Department shall replace the glasses at no cost to the employee. The replacement of lost glasses or glasses that are broken off the job will be at the discretion of the Department Head and Human Resources Director. If an employee has been provided safety glasses by the City, the employee shall be permitted to retain possession of the glasses after separation from the City without reimbursing the City for any costs associated with the glasses. Section 3. An employee who is required to wear prescription safety glasses must present a written request to his department head or designated representative. Section 4. The employee must obtain a current prescription and the employee is authorized the use of sick leave not to exceed two (2) hours to accomplish this examination. The employee will obtain a purchase order from the Department Head prior to ordering the safety glasses. The employee will present the purchase order to the appropriate vendor when ordering. The vendor will contact the appropriate Department Head when the glasses are ready for delivery. The Department Head will then notify the employee who will present himself at the vendor for fitting and pickup. Section 5. In the event a probationary employee has been issued safety glasses and terminates his employment with the City for any reason during the probationary period, he shall be required to reimburse the City for any expenses incurred in the purchase of safety glasses.

  • User Generated Content 10.1 As a user to this website, You may be allowed to post any User Generated Content (“User Content”) and You agree, by submitting your contribution, you xxxxx XX Group a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sublicensable right and license to use, reproduce, edit, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivate works from, distribute, perform, play, make available to the public, and exercise all copyright and publicity rights with respect to your contribution worldwide and/or to incorporate your contribution in other works in any media, now known or later developed, for the full terms of any rights that may exist in your contribution. 10.2 You also hereby grant other user of TM Website a non-exclusive license to access your User Content through the access and/or use of TM Website, and to use such User Content only as permitted through the functionality of TM Website. 10.3 You understand and agree that TM may retain and store, but not display, distribute, or perform, server copies of User Content that has been removed or deleted. The above licenses granted to TM, by You in User Content is irrevocable. 10.4 Further to the foregoing paragraph, by submitting your User Content to us, You warrant that:- (a) your User Content is your own original work or have the necessary license, rights, consents, and permissions to use and authorize us to use all patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights in and to any and all User Content to enable TM to use of the User Content in the manner required by us and that you have the right to make it available to us for all the purposes specified above; (b) your User Content is not defamatory, threatening, injurious, insulting character, offensive, abusive, offensive on moral, menacing, religious or political grounds, impair your confidentiality obligations; (c) your User Content does not infringe the law; (d) You shall be solely responsible for your own User Content and the consequences of posting or publishing them; (e) You will not submit material that is copyrighted, protected by trade secret or otherwise subject to third party proprietary rights, including privacy and publicity rights, unless you are the owner of such rights or have permission from their rightful owner to post material and to grant us all of the license rights granted herein; and/or (f) waive any moral rights in your User Content for the purposes of its submission to and publication in TM Website and the purposes specified above. 10.5 You understand that whether or not such User Content is posted, TM does not guarantee any confidentiality with respect to any User Content. TM does not endorse any User Content or any opinion, recommendation, or advice expressed therein, and expressly disclaims any and all liability in connection with User Content. We do not permit activities which will infringe any Intellectual Property Rights including copyright and we will remove all infringing contents and User Content upon notification that such Content or User Content infringes on another’s Intellectual Property Rights. We further reserve the right to remove any Content or User Content without prior notice. 10.6 You understand and agree that we may review and delete any User Content that you posted at any time without notice, without liability and for any reason whatsoever, especially if you breach the terms and conditions herein. 10.7 We reserve the right to investigate and take appropriate legal action, in our sole discretion, against You for the User Content especially if it violates TM policy and report you to the Appropriate Authority.

  • Television Equipment Recycling Program If this Contract is for the purchase or lease of covered television equipment, then Contractor certifies that it is compliance with Subchapter Z, Chapter 361 of the Texas Health and Safety Code related to the Television Equipment Recycling Program.

  • Random Testing Notwithstanding any provisions of the Collective Agreement or any special agreements appended thereto, section 4.6 of the Canadian Model will not be applied by agreement. If applied to a worker dispatched by the Union, it will be applied or deemed to be applied unilaterally by the Employer. The Union retains the right to grieve the legality of any imposition of random testing in accordance with the Grievance Procedure set out in this Collective Agreement.

  • Installation, Maintenance, Testing and Repair Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties, to the extent required by Applicable Law, Interconnection provided by a Party shall be equal in quality to that provided by such Party to itself, any subsidiary, affiliates or third party. If either Party is unable to fulfill its obligations under this Section 14.2, it shall notify the other Party of its inability to do so and will negotiate alternative intervals in good faith. The Parties agree that to the extent required by Applicable Law, the standards to be used by a Party for isolating and clearing any disconnections and/or other outages or troubles shall be at parity with standards used by such Party with respect to itself, any subsidiary, affiliate or third party.

  • Originating Switched Access Detail Usage Data A category 1101XX record as defined in the EMI Telcordia Practice BR-010-200- 010.