in Certification Status Sample Clauses

in Certification Status. If a DBE subcontractor ceases to be certified at any time during the life of the contract, any participation by that DBE after the firm ceases to be certified will not count as DBE participation.
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Related to in Certification Status

  • Certification Status The Engineer certifies that it is not:

  • CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Under Section 231.006, Family Code, the vendor or applicant certifies that the individual or business entity named in this contract, bid, or application is not ineligible to receive the specified grant, loan, or payment and acknowledges that this contract may be terminated and payment may be withheld if this certification is inaccurate. The contractor understands that it is the contractor’s responsibility to verify whether a child support obligor who is more than 30 days delinquent is the sole proprietor, partner, shareholder or owner with an ownership interest of at least 25%.

  • Antitrust Certification Statements (Tex Government Code § 2155.005) By submission of this bid or proposal, the Bidder certifies that: I affirm under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Texas that: (1) I am duly authorized to execute this contract on my own behalf or on behalf of the company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual (Company) listed below; (2) In connection with this bid, neither I nor any representative of the Company has violated any provision of the Texas Free Enterprise and Antitrust Act, Tex. Bus. & Comm. Code Chapter 15; (3) In connection with this bid, neither I nor any representative of the Company has violated any federal antitrust law; (4) Neither I nor any representative of the Company has directly or indirectly communicated any of the contents of this bid to a competitor of the Company or any other company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual engaged in the same line of business as the Company.

  • LITIGATION STATEMENT CHECK ONE [ ] The undersigned bidder has had no litigation and/or judgments entered against it by any local, state or federal entity and has had no litigation and/or judgments entered against such entities during the past ten (10) years. [ ] The undersigned bidder, BY ATTACHMENT TO THIS FORM, submits a summary and disposition of individual cases of litigation and/or judgments entered by or against any local, state or federal entity, by any state or federal court, during the past ten (10) years. COMPANY NAME AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) TITLE Failure to check the appropriate blocks above may result in disqualification of your bid. Likewise, failure to provide documentation of a possible conflict of interest, or a summary of past litigation and/or judgments, may result in disqualification of your bid. E VERIFICATION CERTIFICATION Contract No.Y20-1058-MV I hereby certify that I will utilize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s E-Verify system in accordance with the terms governing the use of the system to confirm the employment eligibility of the individuals classified below. In accordance with s. 837.06, Florida Statutes, I understand and acknowledge that whoever knowingly makes a false statement in writing with the intent to mislead a public servant in the performance of his or her official duties shall be guilty of a misdemeanor in the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083, Florida statutes. All persons, including subcontractors and their workforce, who will perform work under Contract No.Y20-1058-MV, Heavy Equipment Parts and Labor, within the state of Florida. NAME OF CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: TITLE: DATE: RELATIONSHIP DISCLOSURE FORM FOR USE WITH PROCUREMENT ITEMS, EXCEPT THOSE WHERE THE COUNTY IS THE PRINCIPAL OR PRIMARY BIDDER For procurement items that will come before the Board of County Commissioners for final approval, this form shall be completed by the Bidder and shall be submitted to the Procurement Division by the Bidder. In the event any information provided on this form should change, the Bidder must file an amended form on or before the date the item is considered by the appropriate board or body. Part I INFORMATION ON BIDDER: Legal Name of Bidder: Business Address (Street/P.O. Box, City and Zip Code): Business Phone: ( ) Facsimile: ( ) INFORMATION ON XXXXXX’S AUTHORIZED AGENT, IF APPLICABLE: (Agent Authorization Form also required to be attached) Name of Bidder’s Authorized Agent: Business Address (Street/P.O. Box, City and Zip Code): Business Phone: ( ) Facsimile: ( ) Part II IS THE BIDDER A RELATIVE OF THE MAYOR OR ANY MEMBER OF THE BCC? YES NO IS THE MAYOR OR ANY MEMBER OF THE BCC THE BIDDER’S EMPLOYEE? YES NO IS THE BIDDER OR ANY PERSON WITH A DIRECT BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE OUTCOME OF THIS MATTER A BUSINESS ASSOCIATE OF THE MAYOR OR ANY MEMBER OF THE BCC? YES NO If you responded “YES” to any of the above questions, please state with whom and explain the relationship. (Use additional sheets of paper if necessary) Part III

  • Resume Self-Certification Form When submitting a response to an RFQ the Contractor shall submit with its response a completed and signed Resume Self-Certification Form (Contract Exhibit F) to the Customer for each proposed Staff member identified in the RFQ response.

  • LEED Certification Landlord may, in Landlord’s sole and absolute discretion, elect to apply to obtain or maintain a LEED certification for the Project (or portion thereof), or other applicable certification in connection with Landlord’s sustainability practices for the Project (as such sustainability practices are to be determined by Landlord, in its sole and absolute discretion, from time to time). In the event that Landlord elects to pursue such an aforementioned certification, Tenant shall, at Tenant’s sole cost and expense, promptly cooperate with the Landlord’s efforts in connection therewith and provide Landlord with any documentation it may need in order to obtain or maintain the aforementioned certification (which cooperation may include, but shall not be limited to, Tenant complying with certain standards pertaining to the purchase of materials used in connection with any Alterations or improvements undertaken by the Tenant in the Project, the sharing of documentation pertaining to any Alterations or improvements undertaken by Tenant in the Project with Landlord, and the sharing of Tenant’s billing information pertaining to trash removal and recycling related to Tenant’s operations in the Project).

  • Registration Statement The Registration Statement shall have become effective under the Securities Act and no stop order suspending the effectiveness of the Registration Statement shall have been issued and no proceedings for that purpose shall have been initiated or threatened by the SEC.

  • Mission Statement a. Employees are the most valuable resource in the City’s effective and efficient delivery of services to the public. The parties have a commitment to prevent drug or alcohol impairment in the workplace and to xxxxxx and maintain a drug and alcohol free work environment. The parties also have a mutual interest in preventing accidents and injuries on the job and, by doing so, protecting the health and safety of employees, co-workers, and the public.

  • Required Confidential Information Status Form CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION SUBMITTED IN RESPONSE TO COMPETITIVE PROCUREMENT REQUESTS OF EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION 8 AND TIPS (ESC8) IS GOVERNED BY TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, CHAPTER 552 If you consider any portion of your proposal to be confidential information and not subject to public disclosure pursuant to Chapter 552 Texas Gov’t Code or other law(s), you must attach a copy of all claimed confidential materials within your proposal and put this COMPLETED form as a cover sheet to said materials then scan, name “CONFIDENTIAL” and upload with your proposal submission. (You must include all the confidential information in the submitted proposal. The copy uploaded is to indicate which material in your proposal, if any, you deem confidential in the event the receives a Public Information Request.) ESC8 and TIPS will follow procedures of controlling statute(s) regarding any claim of confidentiality and shall not be liable for any release of information required by law. Upon your claim and your defense to the Office of Texas Attorney General is required to make the final determination whether the information submitted by you and held by ESC8 and TIPS is confidential and exempt from public disclosure. Tobii Dynavox LLC Name of company Xxxx Xxxxxxxx, President, North American Market Printed Name and Title of authorized company officer declaring below the confidential status of material 0000 Xxxxxxx Xx., Suite 400 Pittsburgh PA 15203 800-344-1778 Address City State ZIP Phone ALL VENDORS MUST COMPLETE THE ABOVE SECTION. I DO CLAIM parts of my proposal to be confidential and DO NOT desire to expressly waive a claim of confidentiality of all information contained within our response to the solicitation. The attached contains material from our proposal that I classify and deem confidential under Texas Gov't Code Sec. 552 or other law(s) and I invoke my statutory rights to confidential treatment of the enclosed materials. ATTACHED ARE COPIES OF PAGES OF CLAIMED CONFIDENTIAL MATERIAL FROM OUR PROPOSAL THAT WE DEEM TO BE NOT PUBLIC INFORMATION AND WILL DEFEND THAT CLAIM TO THE TEXAS ATTORNEY GENERAL IF REQUESTED WHEN A PUBLIC INFORMATION REQUEST IS MADE FOR OUR PROPOSAL. Signature Date 2/3/2020 OR I DO NOT CLAIM any of my proposal to be confidential, complete the section below.

  • Non-Discrimination Statement and Certification In accordance with Federal civil rights law, all U.S. Departments, including the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible Agency or USDA's TARGET Center at (000) 000-0000 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (000) 000-0000. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at How to File a Program Discrimination Complaint and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (000) 000-0000. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 0000 Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, XX, Xxxxxxxxxx, X.X. 00000-0000; (2) fax: (000) 000-0000; or (3) email: (Title VI of the Education Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975; Title 7 CFR Parts 15, 15a, and 15b; the Americans with Disabilities Act; and FNS Instruction 113-1, Civil Rights Compliance and Enforcement – Nutrition Programs and Activities) All U.S. Departments, including the USDA are equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender. Not a negotiable term. Failure to agree by answering YES will render your proposal non-responsive and it will not be considered. I certify that in the performance of a contract with TIPS or its members, that our company will conform to the foregoing anti-discrimination statement and comply with the cited and all other applicable laws and regulations. Yes

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