Increase in Cumulative Gross Annual Household Income. If the Cumulative Gross Annual Household Income of a Household occupying a Rental Dwelling Unit rises after the Household enters into a Tenancy Agreement and exceeds the Maximum Income applicable to the Rental Dwelling Unit the Household is occupying, the Owner will help such Household find alternate housing that is more appropriately suited to their increased Cumulative Gross Annual Household Income but is still affordable, and in doing so will make reasonable efforts to find a suitable alternative Dwelling Unit for the Household to rent, either in the Rental Air Space Parcel, in another rental building operated by the Owner in New Westminster, or if there are no available Dwelling Units in any rental buildings operated by the Owner in the New Westminster, then in another rental building in the Owner’s rental building portfolio outside of New Westminster and may, at its discretion, terminate the Household’s existing Tenancy Agreement pursuant to section 49.1(2) of the RTA on the basis that the Household ceases to qualify for the Dwelling Unit because the Household’s Cumulative Gross Annual Household Income exceeds the Maximum Income provided that: the Owner has on two separate occasions, offered to enter into a Tenancy Agreement for a different Dwelling Unit in the Rental Air Space Parcel or in another rental building operated by the Owner in the New Westminster or, if there are no available Dwelling Units in the Rental Air Space Parcel or in any of the Owner’s rental buildings in New Westminster, in another Dwelling Unit in the Owner’s rental building portfolio outside of New Westminster, more suitable for the Household’s increased income; and on each occasion, the Household has refused to accept the Owner’s offer; or the Household’s Cumulative Gross Annual Household Income exceeds the maximum cumulative gross annual household income to qualify for housing operated by the Owner or the Public Housing Body contracted by the Owner.