INDEMNIFICATION FOR DAMAGES, TAXES AND CONTRIBUTIONS. CONTRACTOR A. Any and all cl ai ms, demands, l osses, damages, def ense cost s , or li xxxxx x x of any ki nd or xxx xxx whi ch COUNTY may sust ai n or i ncur or whi ch may be i mposed upon i t f or i nj ury t o or deat h of persons, or damage t o propert y as a resul t of , xxx s i ng out of , or i n any manner connect ed wi t h t he CONTRACTOR' S perf ormance under t he t erms of t hi s Agreement , except i ng any li xxxxx x x xxx s i ng out of t he sol e negli gence of t he COUNTY. Such coverage shall be pri xxxx coverage as respect s COUNTY and any i nsurance or sel f- i nsurance mai nt ai xxx by COUNTY shall be excess of CONTRACTOR' S i nsurance coverage and shall not cont ri but e t o i t . I f CONTRACTOR ut ili zes one or more subcont ract ors i n t he perf ormance of t hi s Agreement , CONTRACTOR shall obt ai n and mai n- t ai n Independent Cont ract or' s Insurance as t o each subcont ract or or ot herwi se provi de evi dence of i nsurance coverage f or each subcont ract or equi val ent t o t hat requi red of CONTRACTOR i n t hi s Agreement , unl ess CONTRACTOR and COUNTY bot h i ni t i al here
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Independent Contractor Agreement
A. Any and all cl ai ms, demands, l osses, damages, def ense cost s , or li xxxxx x x of any ki nd or xxx xxx whi ch COUNTY may sust ai n or i ncur or whi ch may be i mposed upon i t f or i nj ury t o or deat h of persons, or damage t o propert y as a resul t of , xxx s i ng out of , or i n any manner connect ed wi t h t he CONTRACTOR' S perf ormance under t he t erms of t hi s Agreement , except i ng any li xxxxx x x xxx s i ng out of t he sol e negli gence of t he COUNTY. Such coverage shall be pri xxxx coverage as respect s COUNTY and h
( 1) I f any i nsurance or sel f- i nsurance mai nt ai xxx by COUNTY shall be excess of CONTRACTOR' S i nsurance coverage and shall not cont ri but e t o i t . I f CONTRACTOR ut ili zes one or more subcont ract ors i n t he perf ormance of t hi s Agreement , CONTRACTOR shall obt ai n and mai n- t ai n Independent Cont ract or' s Insurance as t o each subcont ract or or ot herwi se provi de evi dence of i nsurance coverage f or each subcont ract or equi val ent t o t hat requi red of CONTRACTOR i n t hi s Agreement i s provi ded on a "Cl ai ms Made" rat her t han "Occurrence" f orm, unl ess CONTRACTOR agrees t o mai nt ai n t he requi red coverage f or a peri od of t hree ( 3) years aft er t he expi rat i on of t hi s Agreement ( herei xxxx xx "post agreement cover- age") and COUNTY any ext ensi ons thereof . CONTRACTOR may mai nt ai n t he requi red post agreement coverage by renewal or purchase of pri or act s or t ail cover- age. Xxx s provi s i on i s cont i ngent upon post agreement coverage bei ng bot h avail abl e and reasonabl y aff ordabl e i ni n rel at i on t o t he coverage provi ded duri ng t he t erm of t hi s Agreement . For purposes of i nt erpret i ng t hi s re- qui rement , a cost not exceedi ng 100% of t he l ast annual xxxx xx premi um
( 2) All requi red Aut omobil e and Comprehensi ve or Commerci al General Li xxxxx x x Insurance shall be endorsed t o cont ai n t he f oll owi ng xx xxxx: "The Count y of Sant a Xxxx, i t s off i ci al s , empl oyees, agent s and vol unt eers are added as an addi t i al hereonal i nsured as re- spect s t he operat i ons and act i vi t i es of , or on xxxxx f of , t he named i nsured perf ormed under Agreement wi t h t he Count y of Sant a
( 3) All requi red i nsurance poli ci es shall be endorsed t o cont ai n the f oll owi ng xx xxxx: "Thi s i nsurance shall not be cancel ed unt il aft er t hi rt y ( 30) days pri or wri tt en not i ce has been gi ven t o: Xxxxx Fiscal .
Appears in 1 contract
A. Any and all cl ai ms, demands, l osses, damages, def ense cost s , or li xxxxx x x of any ki nd or xxx xxx whi ch COUNTY may sust ai n or i ncur or whi ch may be i mposed upon i t f or i nj ury t o or deat h of persons, or damage t o propert y as a resul t of , xxx s i ng out of , or i n any manner connect ed wi t h t he CONTRACTOR' S perf ormance under t he t erms of t hi s Agreement , except i ng any li xxxxx x x xxx s i ng out of t he sol e negli gence of t he COUNTY. Such coverage shall be pri xxxx coverage as respect i n- demni f i cat i on i ncl udes any damage t o t he person( s COUNTY ) , or propert y( i es) of CONTRACTOR and any i nsurance thi rd persons.
B. Any and all Federal , St at e and Local t axes, charges, f ees, or sel f- i nsurance mai nt ai xxx by COUNTY shall be excess of CONTRACTOR' S i nsurance coverage and shall not cont ri but e i ons requi red t o be pai d wi t h respect t o CONTRACTOR and CON- TRACTOR' S off i t . I f CONTRACTOR ut ili zes one or more subcont ract ors cers, empl oyees and agent s engaged i n t he perf ormance of t hi s Agreement ( i ncl udi ng, CONTRACTOR shall obt ai n wi t hout li mi t at i on, unempl oyment i nsurance, soci al securi t y and mai n- payroll t ai n Independent Cont ract or' s Insurance as t o each subcont ract or or ot herwi se provi de evi dence of i nsurance coverage f or each subcont ract or equi val ent t o t hat requi red of CONTRACTOR i n t hi s Agreement , unl ess CONTRACTOR and COUNTY bot h i ni t i al hereax wi thhol di ng) .
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement to Provide Additional Safety and Power Equipment for the Sheriff’s Office Swat Van
A. Any and all cl ai ms, demands, l osses, damages, def ense cost s , or li xxxxx x x of any ki nd or xxx xxx whi ch COUNTY may sust ai n or i ncur or whi ch may be i mposed upon i t f or i nj ury t o or deat h of persons, or damage t o propert y as a resul t of , xxx s i ng out of , or i n any manner connect ed wi t h t he CONTRACTOR' S perf ormance under t he t erms of t hi s Agreement , except i ng any li xxxxx x x xxx s i ng out of t he sol e negli gence of t he COUNTY. Such Such
B. Other Insurance Provi si ons
( 1) I f any i nsurance coverage requi red i n t hi s Agreement i s provi ded on a "Cl ai ms Made" rat her t han "Occurrence" f orm, CONTRACTOR agrees t o mai nt ai n t he requi red coverage f or a peri od of t hree ( 3) years aft er t he expi rat i on of t hi s Agreement ( herei xxxx xx ' post agreement cover- age") and any ext ensi ons thereof . CONTRACTOR may mai nt ai n t he requi red post agreement coverage by renewal or purchase of pri or act s or t ail cover- age. Xxx s provi s i on i s cont i ngent upon post agreement coverage bei ng bot h avail abl e and reasonabl y aff ordabl e i n rel at i on t o t he coverage provi ded duri ng the t erm of thi s Agreement . For purposes of i nt erpret i ng t hi s re- qui rement , a cost not exceedi ng 100% of t he l ast annual xxxx xx premi um duri ng t he t erm of t hi s Agreement i n order t o purchase pri or act s or t ail coverage f or post agreement coverage shall be pri xxxx coverage deemed t o be reasonabl e.
( 2) All requi red Aut omobil e and Comprehensi ve or Commerci al General Li xxxxx x x Insurance shall be endorsed t o cont ai n t he f oll owi xx xx aus e: "The Count y of Sant a Xxxx, i t s off i ci al s , empl oyees, agent s and vol unt eers are added as respect an addi t i onal i nsured as re- spect s COUNTY the operat i ons and any act i vi t i es of , or on xxxxx f of , t he named i nsured perf ormed under Agreement wi t h t he Count y of Sant a
( 3) All requi red i nsurance or sel f- poli ci es shall be endorsed t o cont ai n the f oll owi ng xx xxxx: "Thi s i nsurance mai nt ai xxx by shall not be cancel ed unt il aft er t hi rt y ( 30) days pri or wri tt en not i ce has been gi ven t o:"
( 4) CONTRACTOR agrees t o provi de'i t s i nsurance broker( s ) wi t h a f ull copy of t hese i nsurance provi s i ons and provi de COUNTY on or bef ore t he eff ect i ve dat e of t hi s Agreement wi t h Cert i f i cat es of Insurance f or all requi red coverages. All Cert i f i cat es of Insurance shall be excess deli v- ered or sent t o: demni f i cat i on i ncl udes any damage t o t he person( s ) , or propert y( i es) of CONTRACTOR' S i nsurance coverage CONTRACTOR and shall not thi rd persons.
B. Any and all Federal , St at e and Local t axes, charges, f ees, or cont ri but e i ons requi red t o be pai d wi t h respect t o CONTRACTOR and CON- TRACTOR' S off i t . I f CONTRACTOR ut ili zes one or more subcont ract ors cers, empl oyees and agent s engaged i n t he perf ormance of t hi s Agreement ( i ncl udi ng, CONTRACTOR shall obt ai n wi t hout li mi t at i on, unempl oyment i nsurance, soci al securi t y and mai n- payroll t ai n Independent Cont ract or' s Insurance as t o each subcont ract or or ot herwi se provi de evi dence of i nsurance coverage f or each subcont ract or equi val ent t o t hat requi red of CONTRACTOR i n t hi s Agreement , unl ess CONTRACTOR and COUNTY bot h i ni t i al hereax wi thhol di ng) .
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement With Robert Olson Associates for Preparation of a Five Year County Fire Master Plan