RETENTION AND AUDIT OF RECORDS. CONTRACTOR shall retain records pertinent to this Agreement for a period of not less than five (5) years after final payment under this Agreement or until a final audit report is accepted by COUNTY, whichever occurs first. CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to be subject to the examination and audit by the Santa Xxxx County Auditor-Controller, the Auditor General of the State of California, or the designee of either for a period of five (5) years after final payment under this Agreement.
RETENTION AND AUDIT OF RECORDS. Each party shall maintain records pertaining to its performance of this MOU and related Course Agreements as may be required by federal and state law. Each party may review and obtain a copy of the other party's pertinent records subject to federal and state privacy statutes.
RETENTION AND AUDIT OF RECORDS. (A) The Grantee shall maintain all records relating to this Agreement, including but not limited to invoices, payrolls, etc. These records must be available at all reasonable times at no charge to the Commission and/or its representatives during the period of this Agreement and any extension thereof, and for three (3) years after the date of final payment made under this Agreement.
(B) The Grantee shall submit to the Commission such data, reports, documents, and other information relating to the Grantee's activities as the Commission may require at any time.
(C) At any time during or after the grant period provided in this Agreement, the Commission may inspect, copy and audit all records possessed by or available to the Grantee, which may be pertinent to this Agreement. If the Commission notifies the Grantee of its specific intention to inspect, copy or audit any of these records, then the Grantee shall retain all of the records pertinent to this Agreement until the Commission notifies the Grantee that it has completed its inspection, copying or audit.
RETENTION AND AUDIT OF RECORDS. Each Party shall maintain records pertaining to its performance of this Agreement and related Course Agreements as may be required by federal and state law. Each Party may review and obtain a copy of the other Party's pertinent records subject to federal and state privacy statutes.
RETENTION AND AUDIT OF RECORDS. DISTRICT shall retain records pertinent to this Agreement for a period of not less than five (5) years.
RETENTION AND AUDIT OF RECORDS. Contractor shall maintain records pertinent to this agreement for a period of not less than five (5) years after the final payment under this agreement or until a final audit report is accepted by the County, whichever occurs first. The Contractor hereby agrees to be subject to the examination and audit by authorized Federal, State, or County representatives or their designee for a period of five (5) years after the final payment under this agreement.
RETENTION AND AUDIT OF RECORDS. For the purpose of determining compliance with Public Contract Code 10115, et seq. and Title 21, Texas Code of Regulations, Chapter 21, Section 2500 et seq., if applicable and other matters connected with the performance of the contract pursuant to Government Code 8546.7: CONSULTANT, subconsultants, and the CITY shall maintain all books, documents, papers, accounting records, and other evidence pertaining to the performance of the contract, including but not limited to, the costs of administering the Agreement. All parties shall make such materials available at their respective offices at all reasonable times during the Agreement period and for five (5) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement or until a final audit report is accepted by CITY, whichever occurs first. The CITY and any state or federal auditor, or any duly authorized representative of the state or federal government shall have access to any books, records, and documents of the CONSULTANT that are pertinent to the Agreement for audit, examinations, excerpts, and transactions, and copies thereof shall be furnished if requested. Subcontracts in excess of $25,000 shall contain this provision.
RETENTION AND AUDIT OF RECORDS. Contractor shall retain records pertinent to Contract for a period of not less than five (5) years after final payment under Contract or until a final audit report is accepted by County, whichever occurs first. Contractor hereby agrees to be subject to the examination and audit by the County Auditor-Controller, the Auditor General of the State of California, or the designee of either for a period of five (5) years after final payment under Contract.
RETENTION AND AUDIT OF RECORDS. CONTRACTOR shall retain records pertinent to this Agreement for a period of not less than five (5) years after final payment under this Agreement or until a final audit report is accepted by COUNTY, whichever occurs first. CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to make all fiscal, administrative, programmatic and client records available to the Santa Xxxx County Auditor-Controller, the State of California the Federal Government if providing funding for this contract, the Human Resources Agency, or any authorized representative thereof, upon request, during the term of this contract and for a period of five (5) years after final payment under this contract for monitoring and audit purposes and to verify CONTRACTOR'S compliance with the of this contract.
RETENTION AND AUDIT OF RECORDS. CONTRACTOR shall ret ai n records pert i nent t o t hi s Agreement f or a peri od of not l ess t han f i ve ( 5) years aft er f i nal payment under t hi s Agreement or unt il a f i nal audi t report i s accept ed by COUNTY, whi chever occurs f i rst . CONTRACTOR hereby agrees t o be subj ect t o t he exami nat i on and audi t by t he Sant a Xxxx Count y Audi t or- Cont rol - l er, t he Audi t or General of t he St at e of Cali f orni a, or t he desi gnee of ei t her f or a peri od of f i ve ( 5) years aft er f i nal payment under thi s Agreement .