Individual Account with Payable-on-Death Designation. Upon your death, the POD beneficiary will be entitled to the funds in the account (subject to the terms of this Agreement) upon proof of your death and the POD beneficiary’s identification. Unless otherwise indicated on your Signature Card, if you designate more than one POD beneficiary on the account, each will be entitled to his or her (or its) equal share of the funds in the account, which will be determined by dividing the amount of the funds in the account by the number of POD beneficiaries designated on the account, and will own those funds without right of survivorship.
Individual Account with Payable-on-Death Designation. Upon your death, the POD beneficiary will be entitled to the funds in the account (subject to the terms of this Agreement) upon proof of your death and the POD beneficiary’s identification. If you designate more than one POD beneficiary on the account, each will be entitled to his or her (or its) equal share of the funds in the account, which will be determined by dividing the amount of the funds in the account by the number of POD beneficiaries designated on the account, and will own those funds without right of survivorship. • Joint Account Without Payable-on-Death Designation. When one owner dies, his or her interest in the account and the funds in the account are owned by the surviving owner or owners
Individual Account with Payable-on-Death Designation. Upon the death of the owner, ownership passes to the designated POD beneficiary(ies) and is not part of the deceased owner’s estate.
Individual Account with Payable-on-Death Designation. Upon the death of the owner, ownership passes to the designated POD “beneficiary(ies)”.
Individual Account with Payable-on-Death Designation. Upon your death, the POD beneficiary will be entitled to the funds in the account (subject to the terms of this Membership Agreement) upon proof of your death and the POD beneficiary’s identification. If you designate more than one POD beneficiary on the account, each will be entitled to his or her (or its) equal share of the funds in the account, which will be determined by dividing the amount of the funds in the account by the number of POD beneficiaries designated on the account, and each will own those funds without right of survivorship. You understand that it is your responsibility (and not ours) to inform your legal representative(s) about your account(s) with us.
Individual Account with Payable-on-Death Designation. Upon your death,thePODbeneficiary will be entitled to thefunds in the account (subjecttotheterms of this Agreement)upon proof ofyourdeathandthe PODbeneficiary’sidentification. IfyoudesignatemorethanonePOD beneficiary ontheaccount,eachwill be entitledto his or her (orits)equal share of the funds in the account, which will be determined by dividing the amount of thefunds in theaccount by thenumberof PODbeneficiaries designated on the account, and will own those funds without right of survivorship.