Examples of Your Responsibility in a sentence
I agree to follow, and be bound by, Your Responsibility Code promulgated by the National Ski Areas Association and posted at this ski area.
It is Your Responsibility to ensure that you understand how Margin is calculated and to check your Open Positions, and all other relevant factors used to calculate Margin.
See Section 1.13 - Your Responsibility to Pay Your Providers for more information.
It is Your Responsibility to ensure that You understand how Account liquidity works and the impact that this could have on Your positions and your Account.
I acknowledge the risks in the sport of skiing can be greatly reduced by taking lessons, abiding by the Skier Responsibility Code (known as Your Responsibility Code), obeying the Wisconsin Skier Safety Act, and using common sense.
I agree to (a) visibly display the Pass when boarding lifts and/or accessing trails; (b) present the Pass to any resort authorized representative upon request; and (c) refrain from reckless skiing, riding or participating in conduct that is not consistent with safe and prudent skiing/snowboarding, violates "Your Responsibility Code" or the law, acknowledging that the Pass may thereafter be revoked without refund or for violation of such codes, laws or for other inappropriate or disruptive behavior.
This is well captured by the empirical study of securitization related to Israeli national gas, conducted by Fichhendler and Nathan (2014), who cast their net widely in a meticulous content analysis of committee public hearings.
All costs incurred up until this stage will become Your Responsibility.
I acknowledge that the risks in the sport of skiing can be greatly reduced by taking lessons, abiding by the Skier Responsibility Code (known as Your Responsibility Code), and using common sense.
Your Responsibility to Report Family Changes Since SHARP may be unaware of family changes that might affect you and your family member’s eligibility for the Plan or the proper administration of the Plan, it is your responsibility to report change in eligibility of general family or other status to SHARP within 30 days of the change.