INSOLVENCY OF DEVELOPER DURING THE BUILDING PERIOD. If due to insolvency or fraud the Developer does not commence work on a Housing Unit the Underwriter will refund the deposit paid by the Policyholder. If due to insolvency or fraud the Developer fails to complete the Housing Unit after work has commenced the Underwriter will at its sole option:
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  • Drawings Submitted During the Contract Term Where required to develop, maintain and deliver diagrams or other technical schematics regarding the scope of work, Contractor shall do so on an ongoing basis at no additional charge, and must, as a condition of payment, update drawings and plans during the Contract term to reflect additions, alterations, and deletions. Such drawings and diagrams shall be delivered to the Authorized User’s representative.

  • Evaluation During the Probationary Period 1. At or about the time of the delivery of a probationary letter, the evaluator shall hold a personal conference with the probationary teacher to discuss performance deficiencies and the remedial measures to be taken.

  • OPERATION OF PROPERTY DURING AGREEMENT PERIOD The Seller will continue to operate the Property and any business conducted on the Property in the manner operated prior to the Agreement and will take no action that would adversely impact the Property, tenants, lender, or business, if any. Any changes, such as renting vacant space, that materially affects the Property or the Buyer's intended use will be permitted only with the Buyer's consent.

  • Drawings Submitted During the Contract Term Where required to develop maintain and deliver diagrams or other technical schematics regarding the scope of work, Contractor shall do so on an ongoing basis at no additional charge, and must, as a condition of payment, update drawings and plans during the Contract term to reflect additions, alterations, and deletions. Such drawings and diagrams shall be delivered to the Authorized User’s representative.

  • OPERATING DURING CLOSURE PERIOD If permission is granted to operate during a closure period listed in Clause 1-25 ACTIVITY TIMING RESTRICTION, Purchaser shall provide a maintenance plan to include further protection of state resources. Purchaser shall obtain written approval from the Contract Administrator for the maintenance plan, and shall put preventative measures in place before operating during the closure period. Purchaser is required to maintain all haul roads at their own expense including those listed in Contract Clause C-060 DESIGNATED ROAD MAINTAINER. If other operators are using, or desire to use these designated maintainer roads, a joint operating plan must be developed. All parties shall follow this plan.

  • Insurance during Concession Period The Concessionaire shall effect and maintain at its own cost, during the Construction Period and the Operation Period, such insurances for such maximum sums as may be required under the Financing Agreements, and the Applicable Laws, and such insurances as may be necessary or prudent in accordance with Good Industry Practice. The Concessionaire shall also effect and maintain such insurances as may be necessary for mitigating the risks that may devolve on the Authority as a consequence of any act or omission of the Concessionaire during the Construction Period. The Concessionaire shall procure that in each insurance policy, the Authority shall be a co- insured and that the insurer shall pay the proceeds of insurance into the Escrow Account. For the avoidance of doubt, the level of insurance to be maintained by the Concessionaire after repayment of Senior Lenders‟ dues in full shall be determined on the same principles as applicable for determining the level of insurance prior to such repayment of Senior Lenders‟ dues.

  • C4 Contract Price During Extension of the Initial Contract Period C4.1 Subject to the Pricing Schedule and the provision in clause F6 (Variation), the Contract Price shall apply for the Initial Contract Period and following an extension pursuant to clause F8 (Extension of Initial Contract Period), to the date of expiry of the extended period, or such earlier date of termination or partial termination of the agreement in accordance with the Law or the provisions of the Contract. C5 Euro

  • Built-up Area The built-up area for the Designated Apartment or any other Unit shall mean the Carpet Area of such Unit and Balcony area and 50% (fifty percent) of the area covered by those external walls which are common between such Unit/Balcony and any other Unit/Balcony and the area covered by all other external walls of the such Unit/Balcony.

  • Employee Leaving During the Notice Period If the employment of an employee is terminated (other than for misconduct) before the notice period expires, the employee shall be entitled to the same benefits and payments under this clause had the employee remained with the employer until the expiry of such notice. Provided that in such circumstance the employee shall not be entitled to payment in lieu of notice.

  • Withdrawals during Concession Period 31.3.1 The Concessionaire shall, at the time of opening the Escrow Account, give irrevocable instructions, by way of an Escrow Agreement, to the Escrow Bank instructing, inter alia, that deposits in the Escrow Account shall be appropriated in the following order every month, or at shorter intervals as necessary, and if not due in a month then appropriated proportionately in such month and retained in the Escrow Account and paid out therefrom in the month when due:

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