Instructions for Part II. For each MBE/WBE procurement made under this financial assistance agreements during the reporting period, provide the following information: 1. Check whether this procurement was made by the recipient, sub-recipient/SRF loan recipient, or the prime contractor. 2. Check either the MBE or WBE column. If a firm is both an MBE and WBE, the recipient may choose to count the entire procurement towards EITHER its MBE or WBE accomplishments. The recipient may also divide the total amount of the procurement (using any ratio it so chooses) and count those divided amounts toward its MBE and WBE accomplishments. If the recipient chooses to divide the procurement amount and count portions toward its MBE and WBE accomplishments, please state the appropriate amounts under the MBE and WBE columns on the form. The combined MBE and WBE amounts for that MBE/WBE contractor must not exceed the “Value of the Procurement” reported in column #3 3. Dollar value of procurement. 4. Date of procurement, shown as month, day, year. Date of procurement is defined as the date the contract or procurement was awarded, not the date the contractor received payment under the awarded contract or procurement, unless payment occurred on the date of award. (Where direct purchasing is the procurement method, the date of procurement is the date the purchase was made) 5. Using codes at the bottom of the form, identify type of product or service acquired through this procurement (e.g., enter 1 if construction, 2 if supplies, etc.). 6. Name, address, and telephone number of MBE/WBE firm.
Appears in 8 contracts
Samples: Standard Grant Agreement, Standard Grant Agreement, Standard Grant Agreement
Instructions for Part II. For each MBE/WBE procurement made under this financial assistance agreements during the reporting period, provide the following information:
1. Check whether this procurement was made by the recipient, sub-recipient/SRF loan recipient, or the prime contractor.
2. Check either the MBE or WBE column. If a firm is both an MBE and WBE, the recipient may choose to count the entire procurement towards EITHER its MBE or WBE accomplishments. The recipient may also divide the total amount of the procurement (using any ratio it so chooses) and count those divided amounts toward its MBE and WBE accomplishments. If the recipient chooses to divide the procurement amount and count portions toward its MBE and WBE accomplishments, please state the appropriate amounts under the MBE and WBE columns on the form. The combined MBE and WBE amounts for that MBE/WBE contractor must not exceed the “Value of the Procurement” reported in column #3
3. Dollar value of procurement.
4. Date of procurement, shown as month, day, year. Date of procurement is defined as the date the contract or procurement was awarded, not the date the contractor received payment under the awarded contract or procurement, unless payment occurred on the date of award. (Where direct purchasing is the procurement method, the date of procurement is the date the purchase was made)
5. Using codes at the bottom of the form, identify type of product or service acquired through this procurement (e.g., enter 1 if construction, 2 if supplies, etc.).
6. Name, address, and telephone number of MBE/WBE firm. **This data is requested to comply with provisions mandated by: statute or regulations (40 CFR Parts 30, 31, and 33 and/or 2 CFR Parts 200 and 1500); OMB Circulars; or added by EPA to ensure sound and effective assistance management. Accurate, complete data are required to obtain funding, while no pledge of confidentiality is provided. The public reporting and recording burden for this collection of information is estimated to average l hour per response annually. Burden means the total time, effort, or financial resources expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclosure or provide information to or for a Federal agency. This includes the time needed to review instructions; develop, acquire, install, and utilize technology and systems for the purposes of collecting, validating, and verifying information, processing and maintaining information, and disclosing and providing information; adjust the existing ways to comply with any previously applicable instructions and requirements; train personnel to be able to respond to a collection of information; search data sources; complete and review the collection of information; and transmit or otherwise disclose the information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments on the Agency's need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates, and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden, including through the use of automated collection techniques to the Director, OPPE Regulatory Information Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2136), 0000 Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, XX, Xxxxxxxxxx, X.X. 00000. Include the OMB Control number in any correspondence. Do not send the completed form to this address.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Construction Management/General Contractor Agreement, Construction Management/General Contractor Agreement, Standard Grant Agreement
Instructions for Part II. For each MBE/WBE procurement made under this financial assistance agreements during the reporting period, provide the following information:
1. Check whether this procurement was made by the recipient, sub-recipient/SRF loan recipient, or the prime contractor.
2. Check either the MBE or WBE column. If a firm is both an MBE and WBE, the recipient may choose to count the entire procurement towards EITHER its MBE or WBE accomplishments. The recipient may also divide the total amount of the procurement (using any ratio it so chooses) and count those divided amounts toward its MBE and WBE accomplishments. If the recipient chooses to divide the procurement amount and count portions toward its MBE and WBE accomplishments, please state the appropriate amounts under the MBE and WBE columns on the form. The combined MBE and WBE amounts for that MBE/WBE contractor must not exceed the “Value of the Procurement” reported in column #3
3. Dollar value of procurement.
4. Date of procurement, shown as month, day, year. Date of procurement is defined as the date the contract or procurement was awarded, not the date the contractor received payment under the awarded contract or procurement, unless payment occurred on the date of award. (Where direct purchasing is the procurement method, the date of procurement is the date the purchase was made)
5. Using codes at the bottom of the form, identify type of product or service acquired through this procurement (e.g., enter 1 if construction, 2 if supplies, etc.).
6. Name, address, and telephone number of MBE/WBE firm. **This data is requested to comply with provisions mandated by: statute or regulations (40 CFR Parts 30, 31, and 33 and/or 2 CFR Parts 200 and 1500); OMB Circulars; or added by EPA to ensure sound and effective assistance management. Accurate, complete data are required to obtain funding, while no pledge of confidentiality is provided. The public reporting and recording burden for this collection of information is estimated to average l hour per response annually. Burden means the total time, effort, or financial resources expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclosure or provide information to or for a Federal agency. This includes the time needed to review instructions; develop, acquire, install, and utilize technology and systems for the purposes of collecting, validating, and verifying information, processing and maintaining information, and disclosing and providing information; adjust the existing ways to comply with any previously applicable instructions and requirements; train personnel to be able to respond to a collection of information; search data sources; complete and review the collection of information; and transmit or otherwise disclose the information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments on the Agency's need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates, and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden, including through the use of automated collection techniques to the Director, OPPE Regulatory Information Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2136), 0000 Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, XX, Xxxxxxxxxx, X.X. 00000. Include the OMB Control number in any correspondence. Do not send the completed form to this address. DEP Agreement No.: MN008 This report is submitted in accordance with the reporting requirements of DEP Agreement No. MN008 and accurately reflects the activities associated with the project. Signature of Xxxxxxx’s Grant Manager Date DEP Agreement No.: MN_008 Agreement Effective Dates: Grantee: Xxxxxxx’s Grant Manager: Mailing Address: Payment Request No. Date of Payment Request: Performance Period (Start date – End date): Task/Deliverable No(s). Task/Deliverable Amount Requested: $ XXXXX EXPENDITURES SUMMARY SECTION CATEGORY OF EXPENDITURE (As authorized) AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST TOTAL CUMULATIVE PAYMENT REQUESTS MATCHING FUNDS FOR THIS REQUEST TOTAL CUMULATIVE MATCHING FUNDS Complete Grantee’s Certification of Payment Request on Page 2 to certify that the amount being requested for reimbursement above was for items that were charged to and utilized only for the above cited grant activities.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Standard Grant Agreement
Instructions for Part II. For each MBE/WBE procurement made under this financial assistance agreements during the reporting period, provide the following information:
1. Check whether this procurement was made by the recipient, sub-recipient/SRF loan recipient, or the prime contractor.
2. Check either the MBE or WBE column. If a firm is both an MBE and WBE, the recipient may choose to count the entire procurement towards EITHER its MBE or WBE accomplishments. The recipient may also divide the total amount of the procurement (using any ratio it so chooses) and count those divided amounts toward its MBE and WBE accomplishments. If the recipient chooses to divide the procurement amount and count portions toward its MBE and WBE accomplishments, please state the appropriate amounts under the MBE and WBE columns on the form. The combined MBE and WBE amounts for that MBE/WBE contractor must not exceed the “Value of the Procurement” reported in column #3
3. Dollar value of procurement.
4. Date of procurement, shown as month, day, year. Date of procurement is defined as the date the contract or procurement was awarded, not the date the contractor received payment under the awarded contract or procurement, unless payment occurred on the date of award. (Where direct purchasing is the procurement method, the date of procurement is the date the purchase was made)
5. Using codes at the bottom of the form, identify type of product or service acquired through this procurement (e.g., enter 1 if construction, 2 if supplies, etc.).
6. Name, address, and telephone number of MBE/WBE firm. **This data is requested to comply with provisions mandated by: statute or regulations (40 CFR Parts 30, 31, and 33 and/or 2 CFR Parts 200 and 1500); OMB Circulars; or added by EPA to ensure sound and effective assistance management. Accurate, complete data are required to obtain funding, while no pledge of confidentiality is provided. The public reporting and recording burden for this collection of information is estimated to average l hour per response annually. Burden means the total time, effort, or financial resources expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclosure or provide information to or for a Federal agency. This includes the time needed to review instructions; develop, acquire, install, and utilize technology and systems for the purposes of collecting, validating, and verifying information, processing and maintaining information, and disclosing and providing information; adjust the existing ways to comply with any previously applicable instructions and requirements; train personnel to be able to respond to a collection of information; search data sources; complete and review the collection of information; and transmit or otherwise disclose the information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments on the Agency's need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates, and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden, including through the use of automated collection techniques to the Director, OPPE Regulatory Information Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2136), 0000 Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, XX, Xxxxxxxxxx, X.X. 00000. Include the OMB Control number in any correspondence. Do not send the completed form to this address. Invoices for cost reimbursement contracts must be supported by an itemized listing of expenditures by category (salary, travel, expenses, etc.). Supporting documentation must be provided for each amount for which reimbursement is being claimed indicating that the item has been paid. Check numbers may be provided in lieu of copies of actual checks. Each piece of documentation should clearly reflect the dates of service. Only expenditures for categories in the approved contract budget should be reimbursed. Listed below are examples of the types of documentation representing the minimum requirements:
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Grant Agreement
Instructions for Part II. For each MBE/WBE procurement made under this financial assistance agreements during the reporting period, provide the following information:
1. Check whether this procurement was made by the recipient, sub-recipient/SRF loan recipient, or the prime contractor.
2. Check either the MBE or WBE column. If a firm is both an MBE and WBE, the recipient may choose to count the entire procurement towards EITHER its MBE or WBE accomplishments. The recipient may also divide the total amount of the procurement (using any ratio it so chooses) and count those divided amounts toward its MBE and WBE accomplishments. If the recipient chooses to divide the procurement amount and count portions toward its MBE and WBE accomplishments, please state the appropriate amounts under the MBE and WBE columns on the form. The combined MBE and WBE amounts for that MBE/WBE contractor must not exceed the “Value of the Procurement” reported in column #3
3. Dollar value of procurement.
4. Date of procurement, shown as month, day, year. Date of procurement is defined as the date the contract or procurement was awarded, not the date the contractor received payment under the awarded contract or procurement, unless payment occurred on the date of award. (Where direct purchasing is the procurement method, the date of procurement is the date the purchase was made)
5. Using codes at the bottom of the form, identify type of product or service acquired through this procurement (e.g., enter 1 if construction, 2 if supplies, etc.).
6. Name, address, and telephone number of MBE/WBE firm. **This data is requested to comply with provisions mandated by: statute or regulations (40 XXX Xxxxx 00, 00, xxx 00 xxx/xx 0 XXX Parts 200 and 1500); OMB Circulars; or added by EPA to ensure sound and effective assistance management. Accurate, complete data are required to obtain funding, while no pledge of confidentiality is provided. The public reporting and recording burden for this collection of information is estimated to average l hour per response annually. Burden means the total time, effort, or financial resources expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclosure or provide information to or for a Federal agency. This includes the time needed to review instructions; develop, acquire, install, and utilize technology and systems for the purposes of collecting, validating, and verifying information, processing and maintaining information, and disclosing and providing information; adjust the existing ways to comply with any previously applicable instructions and requirements; train personnel to be able to respond to a collection of information; search data sources; complete and review the collection of information; and transmit or otherwise disclose the information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments on the Agency's need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates, and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden, including through the use of automated collection techniques to the Director, OPPE Regulatory Information Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2136), 0000 Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, XX, Xxxxxxxxxx, X.X. 00000. Include the OMB Control number in any correspondence. Do not send the completed form to this address. Grantee Name: Alachua County Grantee Address: 00 XX 0xx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx, Xx 00000 Grantee’s Grant Manager: Xxxxxx Xxxxx Telephone No.: 000-000-0000 Project Number and Title: NF033– Fertilizer Social Marketing Campaign and Load Reduction Calculations This report is submitted in accordance with the reporting requirements of DEP Agreement No. NF033 and accurately reflects the activities associated with the project. Signature of Grantee’s Grant Manager Date Rev. 5/30/2017 Complete this form to disclose lobbying activities pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1352 (See reverse for public burden disclosure.) Approved by OMB 0348-0046
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Standard Grant Agreement