Insurance Restoration of Improvements and Eminent Domain Sample Clauses

Insurance Restoration of Improvements and Eminent Domain 
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Related to Insurance Restoration of Improvements and Eminent Domain

  • CONDITION OF IMPROVEMENTS The risk of destruction or substantial damage by fire or Act of God prior to delivery of deed is assumed by Seller. Xxxxxx agrees that on possession, the Real Estate shall be in the same condition as it is on the date of this contract, except for ordinary wear and tear. If the Real Estate should be damaged or destroyed by fire or other casualty and if, prior to Closing, the real Estate shall not be repaired or restored by and at the Sellers expense, to a condition as good as it was prior to the damage or destruction, then Purchaser, at his option, may terminate this contract by written notice to Seller and the Down Payment Shall be returned to Purchaser. While this contract is pending, Sellers shall not change any existing lease or enter into any new lease, nor make any substantial alterations or repairs without the consent of the Purchaser. In addition, the Purchaser also has an insurable interest in the property from date of this contract. Purchaser is hereby notified that insurance should be placed upon the property immediately to protect Purchasers’ interest.

  • Construction of Improvements (A) Lessee warrants and agrees that the Building will be constructed on the Leased Premises, and all other improvements to the land, including the parking lot, approaches, and service areas, will be constructed in all material respects by Lessee substantially in accordance with the plot, plans, and specifications heretofore submitted to Lessor.

  • Protection of Improvements So far as practicable, Purchaser shall protect Specified Roads and other improvements (such as roads, trails, telephone lines, ditches, and fences):

  • Completion of Improvements Within 90 days of completion of any construction herein permitted, Company will cause to be prepared and delivered to Authority record documents as required under the Tenant Work Permit process, including but not limited to as-builts, legal descriptions, boundary surveys, and certified final cost of construction. The submission of record document electronic media will be in accordance with Authority’s Standard Procedure for computer aided design and drafting and drawings, as may be revised from time to time.

  • Preservation, Maintenance, and Protection of the Property Inspections. Borrower will not destroy, damage, or impair the Property, allow the Property to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Property. Whether or not Borrower is residing in the Property, Borrower must maintain the Property in order to prevent the Property from deteriorating or decreasing in value due to its condition. Unless Lender determines pursuant to Section 5 that repair or restoration is not economically feasible, Borrower will promptly repair the Property if damaged to avoid further deterioration or damage. If insurance or condemnation proceeds are paid to Lender in connection with damage to, or the taking of, the Property, Borrower will be responsible for repairing or restoring the Property only if Xxxxxx has released proceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restoration in a single payment or in a series of progress payments as the work is completed, depending on the size of the repair or restoration, the terms of the repair agreement, and whether Borrower is in Default on the Loan. Lender may make such disbursements directly to Borrower, to the person repairing or restoring the Property, or payable jointly to both. If the insurance or condemnation proceeds are not sufficient to repair or restore the Property, Borrower remains obligated to complete such repair or restoration. Lender may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. If Lender has reasonable cause, Xxxxxx may inspect the interior of the improvements on the Property. Lender will give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to such an interior inspection specifying such reasonable cause.

  • Personal Property Insurance Lessee shall obtain, at Lessee's sole cost and expense, a policy of fire and extended coverage insurance including coverage for direct physical loss special form, and a sprinkler leakage endorsement insuring the personal property of Lessee. The proceeds from any personal property damage policy shall be payable to Lessee. All insurance policies required in 6 C) and 6 D) above shall: (i) provide for a certificate of insurance evidencing the insurance required herein, being deposited with Lessor ten (10) days prior to the Commencement Date, and upon each renewal, such certificates shall be provided 15 days prior to the expiration date of such coverage, (ii) be in a form reasonably satisfactory to Lessor and shall provide the coverage required by Lessee in this Lease, (iii) be carried with companies with the a Best Rating of A minimum, (iv) specifically provide that such policies shall not be subject to cancellation or reduction of coverage, except after 30 days prior written notice to Lessor, (v) name Lessor, Lessor's lender, and any other party with an insurable interest in the Premises as additional insureds by endorsement to policy, and (vi) shall be primary. Lessee agrees to pay to Lessor, as additional Rent, on demand, the full cost of the insurance policies referenced in 6 A) and 6 B) above as evidenced as insurance xxxxxxxx to Lessor which shall be included in the CAC. If Lessee does not occupy the entire Premises, the insurance premiums shall be allocated to the portion of the Premises occupied by Lessee on a pro-rata square footage or other equitable basis, as determined by Lessor. It is agreed that Lessee's obligation under this paragraph shall be prorated to the reflect the Commencement Date and the end of the Lease Term. Lessor and Lessee hereby waive any rights each may have against the other related to any loss or damage caused to Lessor or Lessee as the case may be, or to the Premises or its contents, and which may arise from any risk covered by fire and extended coverage insurance and those risks required to be covered under Lessee's personal property insurance. The parties shall provide that their respective insurance policies insuring the property or the personal property include a waiver of any right of subrogation which said insurance company may have against Lessor or Lessee, as the case may be.

  • INDEMNIFICATION, INSURANCE AND PROTECTION OF PROPERTY The following provisions shall only apply if and to the extent Seller’s personnel enter or perform work at premises owned or controlled by Buyer or Buyer’s customer:

  • Construction of Public Improvements a. Upon satisfaction of the conditions set forth in Paragraph 2.1 and the notice requirement set forth below, Developer shall construct the Public Improvements at its own expense in accordance with this Agreement, the Final Plat, the Resolution, the Civil Engineering Construction Plans, the Town’s ordinances, resolutions and regulations and all other applicable laws and regulations. All Public Improvements shall be installed and constructed within the rights- of-way or easements dedicated to the Town. Unless otherwise approved by the Town in writing, all materials used for constructing the Public Improvements shall be materials set forth on the Town’s approved material list. Workmanship and materials shall be of good quality.

  • Property Insurance Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Property insured against loss by fire, hazards included within the term “extended coverage,” and any other hazards including, but not limited to, earthquakes and floods, for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts (including deductible levels) and for the periods that Lender requires. What Lender requires pursuant to the preceding sentences can change during the term of the Loan. The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Xxxxxx’s right to disapprove Borrower’s choice, which right shall not be exercised unreasonably. Lender may require Borrower to pay, in connection with this Loan, either: (a) a one-time charge for flood zone determination, certification and tracking services; or (b) a one-time charge for flood zone determination and certification services and subsequent charges each time remappings or similar changes occur which reasonably might affect such determination or certification. Borrower shall also be responsible for the payment of any fees imposed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in connection with the review of any flood zone determination resulting from an objection by Borrower. If Borrower fails to maintain any of the coverages described above, Lender may obtain insurance coverage, at Lender’s option and Xxxxxxxx’s expense. Lender is under no obligation to purchase any particular type or amount of coverage. Therefore, such coverage shall cover Lender, but might or might not protect Borrower, Borrower’s equity in the Property, or the contents of the Property, against any risk, hazard or liability and might provide greater or lesser coverage than was previously in effect. Borrower acknowledges that the cost of the insurance coverage so obtained might significantly exceed the cost of insurance that Borrower could have obtained. Any amounts disbursed by Xxxxxx under this Section 5 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this Security Instrument. These amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate from the date of disbursement and shall be payable, with such interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment. All insurance policies required by Xxxxxx and renewals of such policies shall be subject to Xxxxxx’s right to disapprove such policies, shall include a standard mortgage clause, and shall name Xxxxxx as mortgagee and/or as an additional loss payee. Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewal certificates. If Lender requires, Borrower shall promptly give to Lender all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices. If Borrower obtains any form of insurance coverage, not otherwise required by Lender, for damage to, or destruction of, the Property, such policy shall include a standard mortgage clause and shall name Xxxxxx as mortgagee and/or as an additional loss payee. In the event of loss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Xxxxxxxx. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any insurance proceeds, whether or not the underlying insurance was required by Lender, shall be applied to restoration or repair of the Property, if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender’s security is not lessened. During such repair and restoration period, Lender shall have the right to hold such insurance proceeds until Xxxxxx has had an opportunity to inspect such Property to ensure the work has been completed to Lender’s satisfaction, provided that such inspection shall be undertaken promptly. Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restoration in a single payment or in a series of progress payments as the work is completed. Unless an agreement is made in writing or Applicable Law requires interest to be paid on such insurance proceeds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on such proceeds. Fees for public adjusters, or other third parties, retained by Borrower shall not be paid out of the insurance proceeds and shall be the sole obligation of Borrower. If the restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender’s security would be lessened, the insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. Such insurance proceeds shall be applied in the order provided for in Section 2. If Xxxxxxxx abandons the Property, Lender may file, negotiate and settle any available insurance claim and related matters. If Xxxxxxxx does not respond within 30 days to a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim, then Xxxxxx may negotiate and settle the claim. The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given. In either event, or if Lender acquires the Property under Section 22 or otherwise, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender (a) Borrower’s rights to any insurance proceeds in an amount not to exceed the amounts unpaid under the Note or this Security Instrument, and (b) any other of Borrower’s rights (other than the right to any refund of unearned premiums paid by Borrower) under all insurance policies covering the Property, insofar as such rights are applicable to the coverage of the Property. Lender may use the insurance proceeds either to repair or restore the Property or to pay amounts unpaid under the Note or this Security Instrument, whether or not then due.

  • Limitation of Vendor Indemnification and Similar Clauses This is a requirement of the TIPS Contract and is non-negotiable TIPS, a department of Region 8 Education Service Center, a political subdivision, and local government entity of the State of Texas, is prohibited from indemnifying third-parties (pursuant to the Article 3, Section 52 of the Texas Constitution) except as otherwise specifically provided for by law or as ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction. Article 3, Section 52 of the Texas Constitution states that "no debt shall be created by or on behalf of the State … " and the Texas Attorney General has opined that a contractually imposed obligation of indemnity creates a "debt" in the constitutional sense. Tex. Att'y Gen. Op. No. MW-475 (1982). Thus, contract clauses which require TIPS to indemnify Vendor, pay liquidated damages, pay attorney's fees, waive Vendor's liability, or waive any applicable statute of limitations must be deleted or qualified with ''to the extent permitted by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas." Does Vendor agree? Yes, I Agree Alternative Dispute Resolution Limitations This is a requirement of the TIPS Contract and is non-negotiable. TIPS, a department of Region 8 Education Service Center, a political subdivision, and local government entity of the State of Texas, does not agree to binding arbitration as a remedy to dispute and no such provision shall be permitted in this Agreement with TIPS. Vendor agrees that any claim arising out of or related to this Agreement, except those specifically and expressly waived or negotiated within this Agreement, may be subject to non-binding mediation at the request of either party to be conducted by a mutually agreed upon mediator as prerequisite to the filing of any lawsuit arising out of or related to this Agreement. Mediation shall be held in either Camp or Titus County, Texas. Agreements reached in mediation will be subject to the approval by the Region 8 ESC's Board of Directors, authorized signature of the Parties if approved by the Board of Directors, and, once approved by the Board of Directors and properly signed, shall thereafter be enforceable as provided by the laws of the State of Texas. Does Vendor agree? Yes, Vendor agrees Does Vendor agree? Yes, Vendor agrees No Waiver of TIPS Immunity This is a requirement of the TIPS Contract and is non-negotiable. Vendor agrees that nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of sovereign or government immunity; nor constitute or be construed as a waiver of any of the privileges, rights, defenses, remedies, or immunities available to Region 8 Education Service Center or its TIPS Department. The failure to enforce, or any delay in the enforcement, of any privileges, rights, defenses, remedies, or immunities available to Region 8 Education Service Center or its TIPS Department under this Agreement or under applicable law shall not constitute a waiver of such privileges, rights, defenses, remedies, or immunities or be considered as a basis for estoppel. 5 Does Vendor agree? Yes, Vendor agrees Payment Terms and Funding Out Clause This is a requirement of the TIPS Contract and is non-negotiable. Vendor agrees that TIPS and TIPS Members shall not be liable for interest or late-payment fees on past-due balances at a rate higher than permitted by the laws or regulations of the jurisdiction of the TIPS Member. Funding-Out Clause: Vendor agrees to abide by the applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to Texas Local Government Code § 271.903, or any other statutory or regulatory limitation of the jurisdiction of any TIPS Member, which requires that contracts approved by TIPS or a TIPS Member are subject to the budgeting and appropriation of currently available funds by the entity or its governing body. 2

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