PRINCIPAL BUILDING AGREEMENT DEFINITIONS Definitions and interpretation (Clause 1). 1 F: ……….… V: ….……… T: ….……... Item
Built-up Area The built-up area for the Designated Apartment or any other Unit shall mean the Carpet Area of such Unit and Balcony area and 50% (fifty percent) of the area covered by those external walls which are common between such Unit/Balcony and any other Unit/Balcony and the area covered by all other external walls of the such Unit/Balcony.
Excellent Above Average Satisfactory Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory 5 4 3 2 1 5. The instructor demonstrates knowledge of the subject matter.
Staffing Levels to deal with Potential Violence The Employer agrees that, where there is a risk of violence, an adequate level of trained employees should be present. The Employer recognizes that workloads can lead to fatigue and a diminished ability both to identify and to subsequently deal with potentially violent situations.
PREVAILING WAGE RATES - PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDING SERVICES CONTRACTS If any portion of work being Bid is subject to the prevailing wage rate provisions of the Labor Law, the following shall apply:
Teaching Staff Assigned to More Than One Building Each Educator who is assigned to more than one building will be evaluated by the appropriate administrator where the individual is assigned most of the time. The principal of each building in which the Educator serves must review and sign the evaluation, and may add written comments. In cases where there is no predominate assignment, the superintendent will determine who the primary evaluator will be.
Dienste Und Materialien Von Drittanbietern (a) Die Apple-Software gewährt möglicherweise Zugang zu(m) iTunes Store, App Store, Apple Books, Game Center, iCloud, Karten von Apple und zu anderen Diensten und Websites von Apple und Drittanbietern (gemeinsam und einzeln als „Dienste“ bezeichnet). Solche Dienste sind möglicherweise nicht in xxxxx Sprachen oder in xxxxx Ländern verfügbar. Die Nutzung dieser Dienste erfordert Internetzugriff und die Nutzung bestimmter Dienste erfordert möglicherweise eine Apple-ID, setzt möglicherweise dein Einverständnis mit zusätzlichen Servicebedingungen voraus und unterliegt unter Umständen zusätzlichen Gebühren. Indem du diese Software zusammen mit einer Apple-ID oder einem anderen Apple-Dienst verwendest, erklärst du dein Einverständnis mit den anwendbaren Servicebedingungen für diesen Dienst, z. B. den neuesten Apple Media Services-Bedingungen für das Land, in dem du auf diese Services zugreifst, die du über die Webseite xxxxx:// internet-services/itunes/ anzeigen und nachlesen kannst
Definition of Building Where Lift Required 1.1 A passenger/materials lift shall be provided on a building which shall, when complete, consist of more than six (6) storey levels excluding the roof, parapets and basement levels (if any), but including the ground floor. (Refer to Sub Clause 2.1 herein.)
Evaluation Cycle: Annual Orientation A) At the start of each school year, the superintendent, principal or designee shall conduct a meeting for Educators and Evaluators focused substantially on educator evaluation. The superintendent, principal or designee shall:
Eindgebruikers binnen de Amerikaanse overheid De Apple software en de bijbehorende documentatie zijn “Commercial Items”, zoals omschreven in 48 C.F.R. §2.101, en bestaan uit “Commercial Computer Software” en “Commercial Computer Software Documentation”, zoals beschreven in 48 C.F.R. §12.212 of 48 C.F.R. §227.7202, afhankelijk xxx xxxxx paragraaf van toepassing is. Overeenkomstig 48 C.F.R. §12.212 of 48 C.F.R. §227.7202-1 tot en met 227.7202-4, afhankelijk xxx xxxxx paragraaf van toepassing is, xxxxxx de “Commercial Computer Software” en “Commercial Computer Software Documentation” aan eindgebruikers binnen de Amerikaanse overheid (a) alleen als “Commercial Items” in licentie gegeven en (b) alleen met de rechten die xxxxxx verleend aan alle andere eindgebruikers conform de voorwaarden die hierin xxxxxx genoemd. Ongepubliceerd: rechten voorbehouden krachtens de auteursrechtwetgeving van de Verenigde Staten.