Compensating Balance Arrangement The Funds and The Bank of New York have entered into a compensating balance arrangement, which would allow the Funds to compensate the Bank for any overdrafts by maintaining a positive cash balance the next day. Conversely, on any day the Funds maintain a positive balance, they will be allowed to overdraw the account as compensation. In both cases, Federal Reserve requirements, currently 10%, will be assessed. Therefore, all overdrafts must be compensated at 100% of the total and all positive balances will allow for an overdraft of 90% of the total. Balances for the tax-exempt portfolios will be permitted an open-ended roll forward. The taxable portfolios are closed out on a quarterly basis with no carry-over to the subsequent quarter. At the end of each quarter, the average overdraft will be assessed a fee of 1% above the actual Federal Funds rate at the end of the period. Any average positive balance will receive an earnings credit computed at the daily effective 90 day T-bill rate minus 0.25 bps on the last day of the period. Earnings credits will be offset against the Funds’ safekeeping fees. GLOBAL CUSTODY (Non-US Securities Processing) Global Safekeeping Fee Transaction Fee Countries *(in basis points)1 (U.S. Dollars)2 Argentina 17.00 55 Australia 1.50 25 Austria 3.00 40 Bahrain 50.00 140 Bangladesh 50.00 145 Belgium 2.50 35 Bermuda 17.00 70 Botswana 50.00 140 Brazil 12.00 30 Bulgaria 30.00 85 Canada 1.00 10 Chile 20.00 80 China “A” Shares 15.00 80 China “B” Shares 15.00 60 Colombia 50.00 95 Costa Rica 14.00 65 Croatia 25.00 70 Cyprus 15.00 35 Czech Republic 18.00 50 Denmark 2.00 35 Ecuador 30.00 55 Egypt 30.00 85 Estonia 10.00 60 Euromarket/Euroclear3 1.00 10 Euromarket/Clearstream 1.00 10 Finland 3.50 35 France 2.00 30 Germany 1.50 25 Ghana 50.00 140 Greece 9.00 40 Hong Kong 3.00 45 Hungary 20.00 55 Iceland 11.00 35 India 13.00 105 Indonesia 11.00 80 Ireland (Equities) 3.00 33 Ireland (Gov’t Bonds) 1.00 13 Israel 20.00 40 Italy 1.50 35 Ivory Coast 50.00 140 Jamaica 50.00 60 Japan 1.75 20 Jordan 50.00 140 Kazakhstan 53.00 140 Kenya 48.00 140 Latvia 50.00 45 Lebanon 50.00 140 Lithuania 20.00 43 Luxembourg 10.00 80 Malaysia 4.50 45 Malta 20.00 63 Mauritius 25.00 100 Mexico 6.50 30 Morocco 50.00 95 Namibia 50.00 60 Netherlands 2.00 25 New Zealand 2.00 35 Nigeria 50.00 60 Norway 2.50 35 Oman 50.00 140 Pakistan 50.00 140 Peru 50.00 83 Philippines 6.00 60 Poland 15.00 63 Portugal 5.00 50 Qatar 50.00 140 Romania 30.00 80 Russia Equities 40.00 95 Singapore 3.50 45 Slovak Republic 23.00 95 Slovenia 50.00 60 South Africa 2.50 30 South Korea 6.50 45 Spain 2.50 40 Sri Lanka 13.00 70 Swaziland 50.00 60 Sweden 2.00 30 Switzerland 2.00 35 Taiwan 10.00 60 Thailand 5.00 50 Trinidad & Tobago 50.00 53 Tunisia 50.00 53 Turkey 12.50 60 Ukraine 75.00 250 United Kingdom 0.50 10 Uruguay 75.00 83 Venezuela 50.00 140 Zambia 50.00 140 Zimbabwe 50.00 140 Not In Bank/Not in Custody Assets USA4………………………$500 per line per annum $70 per non-USD currency movement Brazil - 15 basis points for annual administrative charges Colombia - USD $600 per month minimum administration charge Ecuador - USD $800 monthly minimum per relationship Egypt - USD $400 monthly minimum per relationship Local taxes, stamp duties or other assessments, including stock exchange fees, postage and insurance for shipping, facsimile reporting, extraordinary telecommunications fees or other unusual expenses, which are unique to a country in which the Funds are investing This Amendment (the “Amendment”) dated as of November 8, 2007 between The Bank of New York (“Custodian”) and the Funds listed on Schedule II to the Custody Agreement, as amended by Exhibit A attached hereto (each a “Fund”).
HHS Single Audit Unit will notify Grantee to complete the Single Audit Determination Form If Grantee fails to complete the form within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of notice, Grantee maybe subject to sanctions and remedies for non-compliance.
What To Do If You Find A Mistake On Your Statement If you think there is an error on your statement, write to us at the address(es) listed on your statement. In your letter, give us the following information: