Ongoing Jurisdiction (1) Each of the Courts shall retain exclusive jurisdiction over the Proceeding commenced in its jurisdiction, the Parties to that Proceeding and the Class Counsel Fees in that Proceeding. (2) No Party shall ask a Court to make any order or give any direction in respect of any matter of shared jurisdiction unless that order or direction is conditional upon a complementary order or direction being made or given by the other Court with which it shares jurisdiction over that matter. (3) Notwithstanding Sections 15.5(1) and 15.5(2), the Ontario Court shall exercise jurisdiction with respect to implementation, administration, interpretation and enforcement of the terms of this Settlement Agreement, and the Plaintiffs, Settlement Class Members and Settling Defendants attorn to the jurisdiction of the Ontario Court for such purposes. Issues related to the administration of this Settlement Agreement, the Trust Account, and other matters not specifically related to the Quebec Action shall be determined by the Ontario Court.