Continuing Jurisdiction of the Court Sample Clauses
Continuing Jurisdiction of the Court. The Parties agree that, after entry of Judgment, the Court will retain jurisdiction over the Parties, Action, and the Settlement solely for purposes of (i) enforcing this Agreement and/or Judgment, (ii) addressing settlement administration matters, and (iii) addressing such post-Judgment matters as are permitted by law.
Continuing Jurisdiction of the Court. The Court shall retain jurisdiction over this Lawsuit to resolve any dispute that may arise regarding the Settlement Agreement, the Class Notice, the Final Order, or any other matters relating thereto, including any dispute regarding validity, performance, interpretation, administration, enforcement, enforceability, or termination of the Settlement Agreement.
Continuing Jurisdiction of the Court. The Parties agree that, following entry of the Final Order and Judgement, the Court shall retain jurisdiction under California Code of Civil Procedure section 664.6 with respect to the interpretation, implementation, and enforcement of the terms of this Agreement and all orders and judgments entered in connection therewith, and the Parties, Class Counsel and Defense Counsel submit to the jurisdiction of the Court for purposes of interpreting, implementing, and enforcing the Settlement embodied in this Agreement and all orders and judgments entered in connection therewith.
Continuing Jurisdiction of the Court. The Parties agree that the Court shall retain jurisdiction over the Parties, and over this Agreement, for all purposes, including but not limited to: (i) monitor and enforce compliance with this Agreement, Final Approval and/or any related order of this Court; and/or (ii) resolve any disputes over this Agreement or the administration of the benefits of this Agreement, including disputes over entitlement to payments sought by Class Counsel. The Court shall retain jurisdiction regardless of dismissal.
Continuing Jurisdiction of the Court. The Court shall retain jurisdiction with respect to the interpretation, implementation, and enforcement of the terms of this Agreement and all orders and judgments entered in connection therewith, and the Parties and their counsel hereto submit to the jurisdiction of the Court for purposes of interpreting, implementing, and enforcing the resolution embodied in this Agreement and all orders and judgments entered in connection therewith. In granting Final Approval, the Court shall enjoin all actions in any jurisdiction against the Released Parties as is necessary to preserve the Court’s jurisdiction.
Continuing Jurisdiction of the Court. The Parties agree that, after entry of Judgment, pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 664.6,the Court will retain jurisdiction over the Parties, Action, and the Settlement solely for purposes of with respect to the interpretation, implementation, and enforcement of the terms of this Agreement and all orders and judgment entered in connection therewith, and the Parties and their counsel hereto submit to the jurisdiction of the Superior Court for purposes of (i)
Continuing Jurisdiction of the Court. The Parties agree that after entry of Final Judgment, pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 664.6, the Court will retain jurisdiction over the Parties, Action, and the Settlement solely for purposes of and with respect to the interpretation, implementation, and enforcement of the terms of this Agreement and all orders and judgment entered in connection therewith, and the Parties and their counsel hereto submit to the jurisdiction of the Court for purposes of (i) enforcing DocuSign Envelope ID: F64C3099-664C-46CD-92EA-3B7E0828E6A7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 81087311-B519-48B5-808F-AD077270FDD5 this Agreement and/or Final Judgment, (ii) addressing Settlement administration matters, and (iii) addressing such post-Final Judgment matters as are permitted by law.
Continuing Jurisdiction of the Court. 20.1. Following and pursuant to the Final Approval Order, the Court will retain continuing and exclusive jurisdiction, to the fullest extent allowed under the law, over the Settlement, the Settlement Fund, the Cost Fund, the Parties and their counsel, all Class and Settlement Members and any person making a claim against any part of the Settlement Fund or Cost Fund, the Settlement Trustee, the Administrator , the Notice Agent, and the Lien Resolution Administrator, with respect to the terms of the Settlement Agreement and the Plan of Distribution.
20.2. Any disputes or controversies arising out of, or related to, the interpretation, implementation, administration, and enforcement of this Settlement Agreement will be made by motion to the Court.
20.3. The Court will be requested to appoint the Settlement Trustee as a Special Master under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 53 charged and empowered to oversee and handle the Plan of Distribution on the Court’s behalf.
20.4. All Parties, Settlement Class Members, Class Counsel, any person making a claim against any part of the Settlement Fund or Cost Fund, the Settlement Trustee, the Administrator and Lien Administrator are hereby deemed to have submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of this Court for any suit, action, proceeding, or dispute arising out of, or relating to this Settlement Agreement or the Plan of Distribution.
20.5. The terms of the Settlement Agreement will be incorporated into the Final Approval Order of the Court, which will allow that Final Approval Order to serve as an enforceable injunction by the Court for purposes of the Court’s continuing jurisdiction related to the Settlement Agreement.
Continuing Jurisdiction of the Court. A. The Parties agree to dismiss the Action against State Defendants with prejudice with respect to Plaintiffs’ claims, and to dismiss, without prejudice, the claims of the putative Marchus Way Class, other than Student Plaintiffs, against State Defendants. The Parties expressly agree that the Court will retain jurisdiction under Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 664.6. The motion for the Court to enter judgment pursuant to the terms of the Agreement and retain jurisdiction related thereto pursuant to Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 664.6(a) shall expressly state that the Agreement is conditioned upon continued Court jurisdiction to enforce the settlement until performance in full of the terms of the Agreement.
B. Before filing any motion or lawsuit to enforce the terms of this Agreement, the party seeking relief shall contact counsel for the opposing party to discuss thoroughly, preferably in person or by videoconference, the substance of the contemplated motion and any potential resolution.
1. The Parties agree to meet and confer within five (5) days of notice of the alleged breach (the “Notice of Alleged Breach”), but may, at their option, meet and confer before that.
2. The Parties also agree that if State Defendants advise Plaintiffs in writing as part of the meet-and-confer process that they are willing to take action to cure the alleged breach of the Agreement in order to informally resolve the dispute, State Defendants shall be given a thirty (30)-day period to cure the alleged breach following the meet-and-confer conference (the “30-Day Grace Period”).
C. Any affected party or beneficiary, or their guardian, may file a motion to request enforcement of the Agreement under Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 664.6 at any time after the 30-Day Grace Period if they believe State Defendants have not cured Plaintiffs’ Notice of Alleged Breach.
Continuing Jurisdiction of the Court. Upon final approval by the Court or after the Final Settlement Approval Hearing, the Parties will present the Final Approval Order to the Court for its approval. After entry of the Final Approval Order, the Court will have continuing jurisdiction solely for purposes of addressing: (a) Non-Claimant Settlement Class administration matters; and