Keryx Release Sample Clauses

Keryx Release. Upon BioVectra Disposition of a Batch of Product Manufactured under this Agreement, Keryx shall review such Batch’s Batch Documentation in order to determine that the Product complies with the Manufacturing Requirements and is ready for shipment. Keryx’s Quality department will review the documentation provided by BioVectra for any Batch of Product, and will provide BioVectra with the documentation of lot disposition or, otherwise, with its justified objections to issuing the certificate of lot disposition in accordance with the Quality Agreement (hereinafter, “Keryx Release”).
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Related to Keryx Release

  • ADEA Release You acknowledge that you are knowingly and voluntarily waiving and releasing any rights you have under the ADEA, and that the consideration given for the waiver and releases you have given in this Agreement is in addition to anything of value to which you were already entitled. You further acknowledge that you have been advised, as required by the ADEA, that: (a) your waiver and release does not apply to any rights or claims that arise after the date you sign this Agreement; (b) you should consult with an attorney prior to signing this Agreement (although you may choose voluntarily not to do so); (c) you have twenty-one (21) days to consider this Agreement (although you may choose voluntarily to sign it sooner); (d) you have seven (7) days following the date you sign this Agreement to revoke this Agreement (in a written revocation sent to me); and (e) this Agreement will not be effective until the date upon which the revocation period has expired, which will be the eighth day after you sign this Agreement provided that you do not revoke it (the “Effective Date”).

  • Waiver and Release Subject to the last sentence of the first paragraph of this Section 1, Executive, on his own behalf and on behalf of his heirs, executors, administrators, attorneys and assigns, hereby unconditionally and irrevocably releases, waives and forever discharges the Company and each of its affiliates, parents, successors, predecessors, and the subsidiaries, directors, owners, members, shareholders, officers, agents, and employees of the Company and its affiliates, parents, successors, predecessors, and subsidiaries (collectively, all of the foregoing are referred to as the “Employer”), from any and all causes of action, claims and damages, including attorneys’ fees, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen, presently asserted or otherwise arising through the date of his signing of this Release, concerning his employment or separation from employment. Subject to the last sentence of the first paragraph of this Section 1, this Release includes, but is not limited to, any payments, benefits or damages arising under any federal law (including, but not limited to, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Executive Order 11246, the Family and Medical Leave Act, and the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act, each as amended); any claim arising under any state or local laws, ordinances or regulations (including, but not limited to, any state or local laws, ordinances or regulations requiring that advance notice be given of certain workforce reductions); and any claim arising under any common law principle or public policy, including, but not limited to, all suits in tort or contract, such as wrongful termination, defamation, emotional distress, invasion of privacy or loss of consortium. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Release to the contrary, this Release does not encompass, and Executive does not release, waive or discharge, the obligations of the Company (a) to make the payments and provide the other benefits contemplated by the Employment Agreement, or (b) under any restricted stock agreement, option agreement or other agreement pertaining to Executive’s equity ownership, or (c) under any indemnification or similar agreement with Executive. Executive understands that by signing this Release, he is not waiving any claims or administrative charges which cannot be waived by law. He is waiving, however, any right to monetary recovery or individual relief should any federal, state or local agency (including the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) pursue any claim on his behalf arising out of or related to his employment with and/or separation from employment with the Company. Executive further agrees without any reservation whatsoever, never to xxx the Employer or become a party to a lawsuit on the basis of any and all claims of any type lawfully and validly released in this Release.

  • Pre-Release Subject to the further terms and provisions of this Section 2.10, the Depositary, its Affiliates and their agents, on their own behalf, may own and deal in any class of securities of the Company and its Affiliates and in ADSs. In its capacity as Depositary, the Depositary may (i) issue ADSs prior to the receipt of Shares (each such transaction a "Pre-Release Transaction") as provided below and (ii) Deliver Shares upon the receipt and cancellation of ADSs that were issued in a Pre-Release Transaction, but for which Shares may not yet have been received. The Depositary may receive ADSs in lieu of Shares under (i) above and receive Shares in lieu of ADSs under (ii) above. Each such Pre-Release Transaction will be (a) subject to a written agreement whereby the person or entity (the "Applicant") to whom ADSs or Shares are to be Delivered (1) represents that at the time of the Pre-Release Transaction the Applicant or its customer owns the Shares or ADSs that are to be Delivered by the Applicant under such Pre-Release Transaction, (2) agrees to indicate the Depositary as owner of such Shares or ADSs in its records and to hold such Shares or ADSs in trust for the Depositary until such Shares or ADSs are Delivered to the Depositary or the Custodian, (3) unconditionally guarantees to deliver to the Depositary or the Custodian, as applicable, such Shares or ADSs, and (4) agrees to any additional restrictions or requirements that the Depositary deems appropriate, (b) at all times fully collateralized with cash, United States government securities or such other collateral as the Depositary deems appropriate, (c) terminable by the Depositary on not more than five (5) Business Days' notice and (d) subject to such further indemnities and credit regulations as the Depositary deems appropriate. The Depositary will normally limit the number of ADSs and Shares involved in such Pre-Release Transactions at any one time to thirty percent (30%) of the ADSs outstanding (without giving effect to ADSs outstanding under (i) above), provided, however, that the Depositary reserves the right to disregard such limit from time to time as it deems appropriate. The Depositary may also set limits with respect to the number of ADSs and Shares involved in Pre-Release Transactions with any one person on a case by case basis as it deems appropriate. The Depositary may retain for its own account any compensation received by it in conjunction with the foregoing. Collateral provided pursuant to (b) above, but not the earnings thereon, shall be held for the benefit of the Holders (other than the Applicant).

  • Complete Release Executive agrees to release EDS from all claims or demands Executive may have against EDS, including, but not limited to, any claims related to Executive's employment with EDS or separation from that employment and any claims for attorney's fees and costs. This Agreement includes, without limitation, a release of any rights or claims Executive may have under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, as amended, which prohibits age discrimination in employment; Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, which prohibits discrimination in employment based on race, color, national origin, religion or sex; the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, which prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities; the Fair Labor Standards Act, as amended, which regulates matters regarding compensation; the Family and Medical Leave Act, as amended, which regulates matters regarding certain types of leaves; or any other federal, state or local laws or regulations that in any way relate to the employment of individuals and/or prohibit employment discrimination of any form. This Agreement also includes, without limitation, a release by Executive of any related or unrelated wrongful discharge claims, contractual claims, tort claims or any other actions. This Agreement covers both claims that Executive knows about and those he/she may not know about. Executive expressly waives any right to assert after signing this Agreement that any claim, demand, obligation, or cause of action has through ignorance, oversight, or for any other reason, been omitted from the scope of Subsection 5 of Section III of this Agreement. Executive further promises never to file a lawsuit, demand, action or otherwise assert any claims that are released in Subsection 5 of Section III of this Agreement (excluding a lawsuit filed by Executive solely for purposes of challenging the validity of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act waiver). This Agreement does not include a release of (i) Executive's right, if any, to benefits Executive may be entitled to under any EDS plan qualified under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, including the EDS Retirement Plan and EDS 401(k) Plan, and COBRA benefits pursuant to Internal Revenue Code section 4980B, (ii) any rights or claims Executive may have under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act which arise after the date Executive signs this Agreement, (iii) any rights pursuant to this Agreement, (iv) Executive's right, if any, to benefits Executive may be entitled to under the EDS Executive Deferral Plan, (v) any rights pursuant to any indemnification agreements between Executive and EDS, or (vi) Executive's right, if any, to benefits Executive may be entitled to under any applicable directors and officers or other liability insurance policies.

  • Release of Claims In return for the benefits conferred under the Employment Agreement and this Agreement (which Employee acknowledges Company has no legal obligation to provide if Employee does not enter into this Agreement), Employee, on behalf of Employee and Employee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, hereby releases and forever discharges Company and its past, present and future affiliates, future parent companies, subsidiaries, predecessors, successors and assigns, and each of their past, present and future shareholders, officers, directors, employees, agents and insurers, from any and all claims, actions, causes of action, disputes, liabilities or damages, of any kind, which may now exist or hereafter may be discovered, specifically including, but not limited to, any and all claims, disputes, actions, causes of action, liabilities or damages, arising from or relating to Employee's employment with Company, or the termination of such employment, except for any claim for payment or performance pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. This release includes, but is not limited to, any claims that Employee might have for reemployment or reinstatement or for additional compensation or benefits and applies to claims that Employee might have under either federal, state or local law dealing with employment, contract, tort, wage and hour, or civil rights matters, including, but not limited to, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act, similar state laws, and any regulations under such laws. This release shall not affect any accrued rights Employee may have under any medical insurance, workers compensation or retirement plan because of Employee's prior employment with Company. EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT THROUGH THIS RELEASE EMPLOYEE IS GIVING UP ALL RIGHTS AND CLAIMS OF EVERY KIND AND NATURE WHATSOEVER, KNOWN OR UNKNOWN, CONTINGENT OR LIQUIDATED, THAT EMPLOYEE MAY HAVE AGAINST COMPANY AND THE OTHER PERSONS NAMED ABOVE, EXCEPT FOR THE RIGHTS SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED ABOVE.

  • Your Release of Claims You hereby agree and acknowledge that, by signing this Agreement and accepting the Severance Pay, and for other good and valuable consideration, you are waiving your right to assert any and all forms of legal claims against the Company1 of any kind whatsoever, whether known or unknown, arising from the beginning of time through the date you execute this Agreement (the “Execution Date”). You acknowledge that as of Execution Date, you have not filed any complaints, claims, charges, actions, grievances or arbitrations against the Company or otherwise contacted any U.S. federal, state or local governmental agency or commission that has applicable jurisdiction to regulate the Company (each a “Government Agency”) regarding the Company, except to the extent you (i) have already informed the Company in writing prior to the Execution Date, or (ii) are permitted by law to opt against such disclosure; and further, you are not aware of any unlawful conduct in relation to the business of the Company, except to the extent you have already informed the Company in writing prior to the Execution Date. Except as set forth below, your waiver and release herein is intended to bar any form of legal claim, complaint or any other form of action (jointly referred to as “Claims”) against the Company seeking any form of relief including, without limitation, equitable relief (whether declaratory, injunctive or otherwise), the recovery of any damages, or any other form of monetary recovery whatsoever (including, without limitation, back pay, front pay, compensatory damages, emotional distress damages, punitive damages, attorneys’ fees and any other costs) against the Company, for any alleged action, inaction or circumstance existing or arising through the Execution Date. 1 For purposes of this Agreement, the Company includes Sera Prognostics, Inc. and any of its divisions, affiliates (which means all persons and entities directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by or under common control with the Company), parents, subsidiaries and all other related entities, and its and their former and current directors, officers, employees, trustees, agents, successors and assigns.

  • General Release In consideration of the payments and benefits under this Agreement, with the intention of binding the Executive and the Executive’s heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, the Executive does hereby release, remise, acquit and forever discharge the Company and each of its Affiliates (the “Company Affiliated Group”), and in their capacity as such, their present and former officers, directors, executives, agents, attorneys, employees and employee benefits plans (and the fiduciaries thereof), and the successors, predecessors and assigns of each of the foregoing (collectively, the “Company Released Parties”), of and from any and all claims, actions, causes of action, complaints, charges, demands, rights, damages, debts, sums of money, accounts, financial obligations, suits, expenses, attorneys’ fees and liabilities of whatever kind or nature in law, equity or otherwise, whether accrued, absolute, contingent, unliquidated or otherwise and whether now known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected which the Executive, individually or as a member of a class, now has, owns or holds, or has at any time heretofore had, owned or held, against any of the Company Released Parties in any capacity, including, without limitation, any and all claims (i) arising out of or in any way connected with the Executive’s service to any member of the Company Affiliated Group (or the predecessors thereof) in any capacity, or the termination of such service in any such capacity, (ii) for severance or vacation benefits, unpaid wages, salary or incentive payments, (iii) for breach of contract, wrongful discharge, impairment of economic opportunity, defamation, intentional infliction of emotional harm or other tort, and (iv) for any violation of applicable state and local labor and employment laws (including, without limitation, all laws concerning unlawful and unfair labor and employment practices), any and all claims based on the Executive Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”), any and all claims arising under the civil rights laws of any federal, state or local jurisdiction, including, without limitation, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (“Title VII”), the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (“ADEA”), the Florida Law Against Discrimination and any and all claims under any whistleblower laws or whistleblower provisions of other laws excepting only:

  • Release Agreement As a condition of receiving any of the payments, vesting and benefits set forth in this Section 7 (other than the payment provided for in sub-section 7(a)(i)), the Executive shall be required to execute a mutual release agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A or Exhibit B, as appropriate, and such release agreement must have become effective in accordance with its terms within 60 days following the termination date. The Company, in its sole discretion, may modify the term of the required release agreement to comply with applicable law and may incorporate the required release agreement into a termination agreement or other agreement with the Executive.

  • Waiver and Release of Claims In consideration of, and subject to, the payment to be made to me by ____________ (the “Employer”) of the "Severance Payment" and the “Prorated Target Bonus Amount” (in each case as defined in the Severance Agreement, dated as of _________, entered into between me and the Company (the "Agreement")), I hereby waive any claims I may have for employment or re-employment by the Employer or any parent or subsidiary of the Employer after the date hereof, and I further agree to and do release and forever discharge the Employer and any parent or subsidiary of the Employer, and their respective past and present officers, directors, shareholders, insurers, employees and agents from any and all claims and causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of or relating to my employment with the Employer or any parent or subsidiary of the Employer, or the termination thereof, including, but not limited to, wrongful discharge, breach of contract, tort, fraud, the Civil Rights Acts, Age Discrimination in Employment Act as amended by the Older Workers’ Benefits Protection Act, Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, Americans with Disabilities Act, or any other federal, state or local legislation or common law relating to employment or discrimination in employment or otherwise; provided however, that no claim that I may have against the Employer in any capacity other than as an Employer shall be waived pursuant to this Waiver and Release. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision hereof, nothing in this Waiver and Release of Claims shall adversely affect (i) my rights to ongoing Severance Benefits under the terms of the Agreement; (ii) my rights to benefits (other than severance payments or benefits) under plans, programs and arrangements of the Employer or any parent or subsidiary of the Employer; (iii) my rights to indemnification under any indemnification agreement, applicable law or the certificates of incorporation or bylaws of the Employer or any parent or subsidiary of the Employer, (iv) my rights under any director's and officers' liability insurance policy covering me, (v) my workers compensation rights, or (vi) my unemployment insurance rights. I acknowledge that I have signed this Waiver and Release of Claims voluntarily, knowingly, of my own free will and without reservation or duress, and that no promises or representations have been made to me by any person to induce me to do so other than the promise of payment set forth in the first paragraph above and the Employer’s acknowledgment of my rights reserved under the second paragraph above. I understand that this release will be deemed to be an application for benefits under the Agreement and that my entitlement thereto shall be governed by the terms and conditions of the Agreement and any applicable plan. I expressly hereby consent to such terms and conditions. I acknowledge that (i) I am waiving any rights or claims I might have under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, as amended by the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (“ADEA”); (ii) I have received consideration beyond that to which I was previously entitled; (iii) I have been given forty-five (45) days to review and consider this Waiver and Release of Claims (unless I have signed a written waiver of such review and consideration period); (iv) I have had the opportunity to consult with an attorney or other advisor of my choice and have been advised by the Company to do so if I choose; and (vi) I have been separately furnished a written schedule of all persons, listed by job title and age, within the affected decisional unit who were selected and not selected for the benefits extended by this Agreement, as may be required by the ADEA. I may revoke this Waiver and Release of Claims seven days or less after its execution by providing written notice to the Employer. I acknowledge that it is my intention and the intention of the Employer in executing this Waiver and Release of Claims that the same shall be effective as a bar to each and every claim, demand and cause of action hereinabove specified. In furtherance of this intention, I hereby expressly waive any and all rights and benefits conferred upon me by the provisions of SECTION 1542 OF THE CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE, to the extent applicable to me, and expressly I consent that this Waiver and Release of Claims shall be given full force and effect according to each and all of its express terms and provisions, including as well those related to unknown and unsuspected claims, demands and causes of action, if any, as well as those relating to any other claims, demands and causes of action hereinabove specified. SECTION 1542 provides: "A GENERAL RELEASE DOES NOT EXTEND TO CLAIMS WHICH THE CREDITOR DOES NOT KNOW OR SUSPECT TO EXIST IN HIS OR HER FAVOR AT THE TIME OF EXECUTING THE RELEASE, WHICH IF KNOWN BY HIM OR HER MUST HAVE MATERIALLY AFFECTED HIS OR HER SETTLEMENT WITH THE DEBTOR." I acknowledge that I may hereafter discover claims or facts in addition to or different from those which I now know or believe to exist with respect to the subject matter of this Waiver and Release of Claims and which, if known or suspected at the time of executing this Waiver and Release of Claims, may have materially affected this settlement. Finally, I acknowledge that I have read this Waiver and Release of Claims and understand all of its terms. Signature Name Date Signed EXHIBIT B Assignment and Assumption of Severance Agreement Between ____________ and ______________, As of ___________ ____________ (the “Old Employer”) and ______________ (the “Executive”) have entered into a Severance Agreement dated ______________ (the “Agreement”). The Executive is transferring employment from the Old Employer to ____________ (the “New Employer”), effective ________. The fourth bullet of the Agreement provides that, if the Executive transfers to the Company or an Affiliate, the Old Employer shall assign the Agreement to the Company or Affiliate. To order to carry out the provisions of the fourth bullet of the Agreement –

  • General Release of Claims Employee knowingly and voluntarily releases and forever discharges the Company from any and all claims, rights, causes of action, demands, fees costs, expenses, including attorneys’ fees, and liabilities of any kind whatsoever, whether known or unknown, against the Company, that Employee has, has ever had or may have as of the date of execution of this Agreement and General Release, including, but not limited to, any alleged violation of: ● The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended; ● The Older Workers Benefit Protection Act of 1990; ● The National Labor Relations Act, as amended; ● Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; ● The Civil Rights Act of 1991; ● Sections 1981 through 1988 of Title 42 of the United States Code, as amended; ● The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended; ● The Immigration Reform and Control Act, as amended; ● The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended; ● The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act, as amended; ● The Occupational Safety and Health Act, as amended; ● The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993; ● All other federal, state or local civil or human rights laws, whistleblower laws, or any other local, state or federal law, regulations and ordinances; ● All public policy, contract, tort, or common laws; and ● All allegations for costs, fees, and other expenses including attorneys’ fees incurred in these matters. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the sole matters to which the Agreement and General Release do not apply are: (i) Employee’s rights of indemnification and directors and officers liability insurance coverage to which the Executive was entitled immediately prior to __________ __, 20__ with regard to the Executive’s service as an officer and director of the Company (including, without limitation, under Article 15 of the Severance Agreement); (ii) Employee’s rights under any tax-qualified pension plan or claims for accrued vested benefits under any other employee benefit plan, policy or arrangement maintained by the Company or under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, as amended; (iii) Employee’s rights under Article 7 or Article 11 of the Severance Agreement, as the case may be; and (iv) Employee’s rights as a stockholder of the Company.

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