Lifetime Monthly Income. You will receive a monthly income which consists of a guaranteed and a non-guaranteed amount at the end of each Policy month. The first monthly income will start from the end of the Policy month immediately after the end of the premium payment term until the policy matures, as long as the Life insured is alive and the policy is in force. The monthly income is a percentage of the Yearly Premium depending on the premium payment term, divided by 12.
Lifetime Monthly Income. You will receive lifetime monthly income which consists of a guaranteed and non-guaranteed amount at the end of each Policy month, starting from the 2nd Policy anniversary onwards, as long as Your policy is valid. The monthly income is derived as a percentage of the single Premium paid. Guaranteed Monthly Income (Percentage of Single Premium p.a.) Non-Guaranteed Monthly Income (Percentage of Single Premium p.a.) 3rd Policy Year Onwards 0.50% 1.45% 2.90% You may deposit Your monthly income with Us to earn a non-guaranteed interest. We may change the interest rate at any time by giving You 30 days’ written notice. You may withdraw the deposits with Us at any time with no charges but the minimum withdrawal amount each time is the lesser of either S$1,000 or the entire deposit amount. Before We make any payments, any amounts owing to Us will first be deducted. If You did not state Your choice of monthly income payout option, the default option is to deposit Your monthly income with Us to earn a non-guaranteed interest. You can write in to Us to change Your option 14 days before Your monthly income payout.
Lifetime Monthly Income. You will receive lifetime monthly income which consists of a guaranteed and non-guaranteed amount at the end of each Policy month, starting from the 1st policy anniversary onwards, as long as your policy is valid. The monthly income is derived as a percentage of the Face value. Guaranteed Monthly Income (Percentage of Face value) Non-Guaranteed Monthly Income (Percentage of Face value) 2nd –10th Policy Year 0.27% p.a. to 0.90% p.a. 0.17% p.a. to 0.58% p.a. 0.34% p.a. to 1.15% p.a. 11th – 19th Policy Year 2.24% p.a. 1.44% p.a. 2.87% p.a. 20th – 29th Policy Year 2.26% p.a. 1.49% p.a. 2.98% p.a. 30th Policy Year Onwards 2.30% p.a. 1.50% p.a. 3.00% p.a. You may deposit your monthly income with us to earn a non-guaranteed interest. We may change the interest rate at any time by giving you 30 days’ written notice. You may withdraw the deposits with us at any time with no charges but the minimum withdrawal amount each time is the lesser of either $1,000 or the entire deposit amount. Before we make any payments, any amounts owing to us will first be deducted. If you did not state your choice of monthly income payout option, the default option is to deposit your monthly income with us to earn a non-guaranteed interest. You can write in to Etiqa to change your option 14 days before your monthly income payout.