MEASURE OF RECOVERY. The measure of recovery in the event of loss hereunder shall be the reduction ingross rent and rental value” directly resulting from being untenantable solely and directly due to destruction or damage by the perils insured against to the described building(s), less charges and expenses which do not necessarily continue during the period the building(s) is so untenantable, for not exceeding such length of time as would be required with the exercise of due diligence and dispatch to rebuild, repair or replace such part of the building(s) described as has been destroyed or damaged, commencing with the date of such destruction or damage and limited to a period of 12 consecutive calendar months from the date of such destruction or damage, but not exceeding the actual loss sustained by the Insured resulting from the building(s) being untenantable.
MEASURE OF RECOVERY. This insurance, subject to the limit of the amounts of insurance as stated in the “Declarations Page”, is limited to loss of Gross Profit due to (a) Reduction in Turnover and (b) Increase in Cost of Working and the amount payable shall be: (a) In respect of Reduction in Turnover: The sum produced by applying the Rate of Gross Profit to the amount by which the Turnover during the Indemnity Period shall, in consequence of the destruction or damage by a “breakdown” insured against, fall short of the Standard Turnover; (b) In respect of Increase in Cost of Working: The additional expenditure (subject to clause 5.b.) necessarily and reasonably incurred for the sole purpose of avoiding or diminishing the reduction in Turnover which but for that expenditure would have taken place during the Indemnity Period in consequence of the destruction or damage by a “breakdown” insured against, but not exceeding the sum produced by applying the Rate of Gross Profit to the amount of the reduction thereby avoided; less any sum saved during the Indemnity Period in respect of such of the Insured Standing Charges as may cease or be reduced in consequence of the destruction or damage by the “breakdown” insured against; provided that if the Amount of Insurance be less than the sum produced by applying the Rate of Gross Profit to the Annual Turnover, the amount payable shall be proportionately reduced.
MEASURE OF RECOVERY. The insurance is limited to loss ofgross rents” sustained due to a. Reduction in gross rents and b. Increase in cost of working and the amount payable shall be:
MEASURE OF RECOVERY. The measure of recovery in the event of loss hereunder shall be the reduction in Gross Earnings directly resulting from such interruption of business less charges and expenses which do not necessarily continue during the interruption of business, for not exceeding such length of time as would be required with the exercise of due diligence and dispatch to rebuild, repair or replace such part of the Premises insured as specified in the Declarations Page(s) as has been destroyed or damaged, commencing with the date of such destruction or damage and not limited by the expiration date of this policy, but not exceeding the actual loss sustained by the Insured resulting from such interruption of business. Due consideration shall be given to the continuation of Normal charges and expenses, including payroll, to the extent necessary to resume operations of the Insured with the same quality of service which existed immediately preceding the destruction or damage by a peril insured against.
MEASURE OF RECOVERY. This insurance, subject to the limit of the amounts of insurance as stated in the Declarations Page(s), is limited to loss of Gross Profit due to (a) Reduction in Turnover and (b) Increase in Cost of Working and the amount payable shall be:
MEASURE OF RECOVERY. Each dissenter who is made a party shall be entitled to recover the amount by which the fair value of his shares is found to exceed the amount, if any, previously remitted, plus interest.
MEASURE OF RECOVERY. The measure of recovery in the event of loss hereunder shall be the reduction in "Gross Rent and Rental Value" directly resulting from the Location being untenantable solely as a result of the Accident less charges and expenses which do not necessarily continue during the period the Location is untenantable, for not exceeding such length of time as would be required with the exercise of due diligence and dispatch to rebuild, repair or replace such Insured Property as has been destroyed or damaged by the Accident, beginning with the Commencement of Liability and for a period not exceeding twelve consecutive calendar months thereafter.
MEASURE OF RECOVERY. The measure of recovery in the event of loss hereunder shall be the reduction in Gross Rent and Rental Value directly resulting from being untenantable solely and directly due to destruction or damage by the perils insured against to the building(s) described in the Certificate of Insurance less charges and expenses which do not necessarily continue during the period the building(s) is so untenantable, for not exceeding such length of time as would be required with the exercise of due diligence and dispatch to rebuild, repair or replace such part of the building(s) described in the Certificate of Insurance as has been destroyed or damaged, commencing with the date of such destruction or damage and limited to a period of 12 (Twelve) consecutive calendar months from the date of such destruction or damage, but not exceeding the actual loss sustained by the Insured resulting from the building(s) being untenantable.
MEASURE OF RECOVERY. The measure of recovery in the event of loss hereunder shall be the reduction in Gross Earnings directly resulting from such interruption of business less charges and expenses which do not necessarily continue during the interruption of business, for not exceeding such length of time as would be required with the exercise of due diligence and dispatch to rebuild, repair or replace such part of the property described in the Certificate of Insurance as has been destroyed or damaged, commencing with the date of such destruction or damage and not limited by the date of expiration of this policy, but not exceeding the actual loss sustained by the Insured resulting from such interruption of business. Due consideration shall be given to the continuation of normal charges and expenses, including payroll, to the extent necessary to resume operations of the Insured with the same quality of service which existed immediately preceding the destruction or damage by the perils insured against.
MEASURE OF RECOVERY. The measure of recovery in the event of loss hereunder shall be the reduction in "gross rent and rental value" directly resulting from the described buildings being untenantable solely and directly due to destruction or damage by the perils insured against to the described building(s), when such destruction or damage is covered elsewhere in this policy, less charges and expenses which do not necessarily continue during the period the building(s) is so untenantable, for not exceeding such length of time as would be required with the exercise of due diligence and dispatch to rebuild, repair or replace such part of the building(s) described as has been destroyed or damaged, commencing with the date of such destruction or damage and limited to a period of twelve (12) consecutive calendar months from the date of such destruction or damage, but not exceeding the actual loss sustained by the Insured resulting from the building(s) being untenantable.