Alcohol and Drug Testing Employee agrees to comply with and submit to any Company program or policy for testing for alcohol abuse or use of drugs and, in the absence of such a program or policy, to submit to such testing as may be required by Company and administered in accordance with applicable law and regulations.
Medicare Parts A and B of the health care program for the aged and disabled provided by Title XVIII of the United States Social Security Act, as amended from time to time. [MEMBER]. An eligible person who is covered under this Contract (includes Covered Employee[ and covered Dependents, if any)].
HEALTH CARE PLANS Notwithstanding the references to the Pacific Blue Cross Plans in this article, the parties agree that Employers, who are not currently providing benefits under the Pacific Blue Cross Plans may continue to provide the benefits through another carrier providing that the overall level of benefits is comparable to the level of benefits under the Pacific Blue Cross Plans.
Prescription Drugs The agreement may impose a variety of limits affecting the scope or duration of benefits that are not expressed numerically. An example of these types of treatments limit is preauthorization. Preauthorization is applied to behavioral health services in the same way as medical benefits. The only exception is except where clinically appropriate standards of care may permit a difference. Mental disorders are covered under Section A. Mental Health Services. Substance abuse disorders are covered under
Alcohol and Drugs Service Provider agrees that the presence of alcohol and drugs are prohibited on the Work Site and while performing their Services. If the Service Provider or any of their agents, employees, or subcontractors are determined to be present or with alcohol or drugs in their possession, this Agreement shall terminate immediately.
Health Promotion and Health Education Both parties to this Agreement recognize the value and importance of health promotion and health education programs. Such programs can assist employees and their dependents to maintain and enhance their health, and to make appropriate use of the health care system. To work toward these goals:
Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace City reserves the right to deny access to, or require Contractor to remove from, City facilities personnel of any Contractor or subcontractor who City has reasonable grounds to believe has engaged in alcohol abuse or illegal drug activity which in any way impairs City's ability to maintain safe work facilities or to protect the health and well-being of City employees and the general public. City shall have the right of final approval for the entry or re-entry of any such person previously denied access to, or removed from, City facilities. Illegal drug activity means possessing, furnishing, selling, offering, purchasing, using or being under the influence of illegal drugs or other controlled substances for which the individual lacks a valid prescription. Alcohol abuse means possessing, furnishing, selling, offering, or using alcoholic beverages, or being under the influence of alcohol.
Medicaid If and when the Resident’s assets/funds have fallen below the Medicaid eligibility levels, and the Resident otherwise satisfies the Medicaid eligibility requirements and is not entitled to any other third party coverage, the Resident may be eligible for Medicaid (often referred to as the “payor of last resort”). THE RESIDENT, RESIDENT REPRESENTATIVE AND SPONSOR AGREE TO NOTIFY THE FACILITY AT LEAST THREE (3) MONTHS PRIOR TO THE EXHAUSTION OF THE RESIDENT’S FUNDS (APPROXIMATELY $50,000) AND/OR INSURANCE COVERAGE TO CONFIRM THAT A MEDICAID APPLICATION HAS OR WILL BE SUBMITTED TIMELY AND ENSURE THAT ALL ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN MET. THE RESIDENT, RESIDENT REPRESENTATIVE AND/OR SPONSOR AGREE TO PREPARE AND FILE AN APPLICATION FOR MEDICAID BENEFITS PRIOR TO THE
Medicaid Enrollment Treatment Grantees shall enroll as a provider with Texas Medicaid and Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) and all Medicaid Managed Care organizations in Grantee’s service region within the first quarter of this procurement term and maintain through the procurement term.
Random Drug Testing All employees covered by this Agreement shall be subject to random drug testing in accordance with Appendix D.