Medicaid Sample Clauses

Medicaid. If and when the Resident’s assets/funds have fallen below the Medicaid eligibility levels, and the Resident otherwise satisfies the Medicaid eligibility requirements and is not entitled to any other third party coverage, the Resident may be eligible for Medicaid (often referred to as the “payor of last resort”). THE RESIDENT, RESIDENT REPRESENTATIVE AND SPONSOR AGREE TO NOTIFY THE FACILITY AT LEAST THREE (3) MONTHS PRIOR TO THE EXHAUSTION OF THE RESIDENT’S FUNDS (APPROXIMATELY $50,000) AND/OR INSURANCE COVERAGE TO CONFIRM THAT A MEDICAID APPLICATION HAS OR WILL BE SUBMITTED TIMELY AND ENSURE THAT ALL ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN MET. THE RESIDENT, RESIDENT REPRESENTATIVE AND/OR SPONSOR AGREE TO PREPARE AND FILE AN APPLICATION FOR MEDICAID BENEFITS PRIOR TO THE
Medicaid the Wisconsin Medical Assistance program operated by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services under Title XIX of the Federal Social Security Act, Wis. Stats. ch. 49 and related state and federal rules and regulations. The term “Medicaid” will be used consistently in this contract. However, “Medicaid” is also known as “MA,” “Medical Assistance,” and “Wisconsin Medical Assistance Program” or “WMAP.”
Medicaid. A program authorized by Title XIX of the federal Social Security Act, and jointly financed by the federal and State governments and administered by the State.
MedicaidThe program of medical care coverage set forth in Title XIX of the Social Security Act and the regulations issued pursuant thereto or as thereafter amended.
Medicaid. If and when the Resident’s assets/funds have fallen below the Medicaid eligibility levels, and the Resident otherwise satisfies the Medicaid eligibility requirements, and the Resident is not entitled to any other third-party coverage, the Resident should be eligible for Medicaid (see Attachment “B”), often referred to as the “payor of last resort.” THE RESIDENT, DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE AND/OR SPONSOR AGREE TO NOTIFY THE FACILITY AT LEAST THREE (3) MONTHS PRIOR TO THE EXHAUSTION OF THE RESIDENT’S FUNDS AND/OR INSURANCE COVERAGE TO CONFIRM THAT THE RESIDENT, DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE AND/OR SPONSOR HAS OR WILL SUBMIT A TIMELY MEDICAID APPLICATION AND ENSURE THAT ALL ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN MET. THE RESIDENT, DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE AND/OR SPONSOR AGREE TO APPLY FOR MEDICAID BENEFITS PRIOR TO THE EXHAUSTION OF THE RESIDENT’S RESOURCES. Services reimbursed under Medicaid are outlined in Attachment “A” to this Agreement. If the Resident’s care is covered by Medicaid, the Resident, Designated Representative and/or Sponsor agree to remit to the Facility the Resident’s Net Available Monthly Income or “NAMI” on a timely basis, pursuant to the Resident’s Medicaid budget (see Attachment “B”). The Resident’s NAMI, as determined by Medicaid, generally equals his or her income (for example Social Security income, pension income, etc.) which is available to offset the cost of care after all allowable deductions have been made. The Facility has no control over the determination of NAMI amounts. When the Resident is awaiting the issuance of a Medicaid budget, the Resident, Designated Representative and/or Sponsor shall remit the anticipated NAMI to the Facility in a timely manner as discussed more fully below.
Medicaid. The medical assistance program established by Title XIX of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. Sections 1396 et seq., and any statutes succeeding thereto.
Medicaid. A state medical assistance program under Title XIX of the United States Social Security Act, Grants to States for Medical Assistance Programs. Medical Emergency (Emergency Medical Condition). Means the sudden and, at the time, unexpected onset of physical or mental health condition, including severe pain, manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity, regardless of the final diagnosis that is given, that would lead a prudent layperson, possessing an average knowledge of medicine and health, to believe:
Medicaid. The Covered Benefits payable by us under this Agreement, on behalf of a Member who is qualified for Medicaid, will be paid to the state Human Services Department, or its designee, when: • The Human Services Department has paid or is paying benefits on behalf of the Member under the state's Medicaid program pursuant to Title XIX and/or Title XXI of the Federal Social Security Act. • The payment for the services in question has been made by the state Human Services Department to the Medicaid Practitioner/Provider.
MedicaidThe Practice does not bill or seek reimbursement from Medicaid. Patients who are Medicaid beneficiaries understand that they are joining the Practice under private contract. Therefore, the Patient is responsible for Membership fees and/or fees for any additional products or services which the Practice provides to you under this Agreement. Neither the Practice nor the Patient may submit charges for such fees to Medicaid for reimbursement. Prescriptions, lab testing, imaging, etc., which are not personally provided by the Practice, may be submitted by the Patient to Medicaid for reimbursement consideration.