Members; Sharing Ratios Sample Clauses

Members; Sharing Ratios. The members of the Company ("Members") are the persons or entities ("Persons") executing this Agreement as of the date hereof as members and each Person that is hereafter admitted to the Company as a member in accordance with this Agreement. If a Member shall have made a Disposition (as defined in Section 2.02) of all or any portion of its interest in the Company ("Membership Interest"), but shall have retained any rights therein, then solely with respect to the Membership Interest (or portion thereof) so disposed, all references to "Member" that appear in Article 4 and Section 9.02(b) shall be deemed to refer to the assignee of such Membership Interest. The sharing percentage of each Member executing this Agreement (the "Sharing Ratio") is set forth on Exhibit A.
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Members; Sharing Ratios. As used herein, the term “Member” means the Initial Member and each Person (as defined in the Act) that is admitted to the Company as a Member in accordance with this Agreement. The term “Membership Interest” shall mean a Member’s limited liability company interest in the Company. The Membership Interests shall be represented by membership units (“Membership Units”) evidencing ownership in the Company. Each Membership Interest shall have associated with it a “Sharing Ratio” (herein so called) that establishes the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of each Member’s Membership Interest to the Membership Interests of all of the Members. The Sharing Ratio of any Member at a particular time shall be determined by dividing the Membership Units held by such Member by all Membership Units then outstanding. The current Sharing Ratio of the Initial Member is 100%. Each Member’s name, number of Membership Units and Sharing Ratio is set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. Upon issuance, transfer or cancellation of any Membership Unit, Exhibit A shall be updated by the Company to reflect the same.
Members; Sharing Ratios. As of the effective date of this Agreement, there is only one member of the Company. It is contemplated, however, that this Company will also have additional Members, including a Member, or Members, that is a private foundation, organized under the state law of its origin, a non-profit organization and classified as a tax-exempt private foundation by the Internal Revenue Service (a “Non- profit Member”). Each Person that is hereafter admitted to the Company as a Member, including a Non-profit Member, shall become a Member, as provided in Section 2.04, herein. Each Member, including the current sole Member and any other Member hereinafter admitted to the Company, as provided in this Agreement, shall share in the profits, losses and distributions of the Company, in accordance with their percentage ownership of Member Interests.
Members; Sharing Ratios. The name and the business mailing address of the Sole Member, as of the date hereof, is as follows: Name Address Noble NBD Cayman LP Ste. 3D, Landmark Square 00 Xxxxx Xxxxx XX Xxx 00000 Xxxxx Xxxxxx, XXX-0000 Cayman Islands
Members; Sharing Ratios 

Related to Members; Sharing Ratios

  • Members Capital Contributions Each Member shall contribute the amount as pledged, or as determined by the Manager and the Member, as the Member’s Initial Capital Contribution upon not less than 48 hours’ notice by the Manager. An Exhibit A may be amended from time to time by the Manager in its sole discretion to represent the current state of Capital Contributions by Members who may join to this Operating Agreement during the course of the business of the Company. The Manager may instead maintain the Capital Contributions, capital accounts and names of Members using its own office systems and personnel without updating or attaching an Exhibit A to this Operating Agreement.

  • Return of Contribution Nonrecourse to Other Members Except as provided by law, upon dissolution, each member shall look solely to the assets of the Company for the return of the member's capital contribution. If the Company property remaining after the payment or discharge of the Company's debts and liabilities is insufficient to return the cash contribution of one or more members, such member or members shall have no recourse against any other member or the Board.

  • Capital Contributions; Percentage Interest The Members shall make contributions to the Company in an amount approved by the Members. No Member shall be required or permitted to make any additional contributions without the consent of all of the Members. The percentage interest of each Member in the Company shall be as set forth in the books and records of the Company, as amended from time to time by Managing Member consent.

  • Percentage Interests If the number of outstanding Partnership Units increases or decreases during a taxable year, each Partner’s Percentage Interest shall be adjusted by the General Partner effective as of the effective date of each such increase or decrease to a percentage equal to the number of Partnership Units held by such Partner divided by the aggregate number of Partnership Units outstanding after giving effect to such increase or decrease. If the Partners’ Percentage Interests are adjusted pursuant to this Section 4.6, the Profits and Losses for the taxable year in which the adjustment occurs shall be allocated between the part of the year ending on the day when the adjustment occurs and the part of the year beginning on the following day either (i) as if the taxable year had ended on the date of the adjustment or (ii) based on the number of days in each part. The General Partner, in its sole and absolute discretion, shall determine which method shall be used to allocate Profits and Losses for the taxable year in which the adjustment occurs. The allocation of Profits and Losses for the earlier part of the year shall be based on the Percentage Interests before adjustment, and the allocation of Profits and Losses for the later part shall be based on the adjusted Percentage Interests.

  • Capital Contributions Capital Accounts The capital contribution of the Sole Member is set forth on Annex A attached hereto. Except as required by applicable law, the Sole Member shall not at any time be required to make additional contributions of capital to the Company. The capital accounts of the members shall be adjusted for distributions and allocations made in accordance with Section 8.

  • ALLOCATION OF CONTRIBUTIONS You may place your contributions in one fund or in any combination of funds, although your employer may place restrictions on investment in certain funds.

  • Rollover Contributions Generally, a rollover is a movement of cash or assets from one retirement plan to another. If you are required to take minimum distributions because you are age 70½ or older, you may not roll over any required minimum distributions. Both the distribution and the rollover contribution are reportable when you file your income taxes. You must irrevocably elect to treat such contributions as rollovers. IRA-to-IRA Rollover: You may withdraw, tax free, all or a portion of your Traditional IRA if you contribute the amount withdrawn within 60 days from the date you receive the distribution into the same or another Traditional IRA as a rollover. To complete a rollover of a SIMPLE IRA distribution to your Traditional IRA, at least two years must have elapsed from the date on which you first participated in any SIMPLE IRA plan maintained by the employer, and you must contribute the distribution within 60 days from the date you receive it. Only one IRA distribution within any 12-month period may be rolled over in an IRA-to-IRA rollover transaction. The 12-month waiting period begins on the date you receive an IRA distribution that you subsequently roll over, not on the date you complete the rollover transaction. If you roll over the entire amount of an IRA distribution (including any amount withheld for federal, state, or other income taxes that you did not receive), you do not have to report the distribution as taxable income. Any amount not properly rolled over within the 60-day period will generally be taxable in the year distributed (except for any amount that represents basis) and may be, if you are under age 59½, subject to the premature distribution penalty tax. Employer Retirement Plan-to-Traditional IRA Rollover (by Traditional IRA Owner): Eligible rollover distributions from qualifying employer retirement plans may be rolled over, directly or indirectly, to your Traditional IRA. Qualifying employer retirement plans include qualified plans (e.g., 401(k) plans or profit sharing plans), governmental 457(b) plans, 403(b) arrangements and 403(a) arrangements. Amounts that may not be rolled over to your Traditional IRA include any required minimum distributions, hardship distributions, any part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments, or distributions consisting of Xxxx 401(k) or Xxxx 403(b) assets. To complete a direct rollover from an employer plan to your Traditional IRA, you must generally instruct the plan administrator to send the distribution to your Traditional IRA Custodian. To complete an indirect rollover to your Traditional IRA, you must generally request that the plan administrator make a distribution directly to you. You typically have 60 days from the date you receive an eligible rollover distribution to complete an indirect rollover. Any amount not properly rolled over within the 60-day period will generally be taxable in the year distributed (except for any amount that represents after-tax contributions) and may be, if you are under age 59½, subject to the premature distribution penalty tax. If you choose the indirect rollover method, the plan administrator is typically required to withhold 20% of the eligible rollover distribution amount for purposes of federal income tax withholding. You may, however, make up the withheld amount out of pocket and roll over the full amount. If you do not make up the withheld amount out of pocket, the 20% withheld (and not rolled over) will be treated as a distribution, subject to applicable taxes and penalties. Conduit IRA: You may use your IRA as a conduit to temporarily hold amounts you receive in an eligible rollover distribution from an employer’s retirement plan. Should you combine or add other amounts (e.g., regular contributions) to your conduit IRA, you may lose the ability to subsequently roll these funds into another employer plan to take advantage of special tax rules available for certain qualified plan distribution amounts. Consult your tax advisor for additional information. Employer Retirement Plan-to-Traditional IRA Rollover (by Inherited Traditional IRA Owner): Please refer to the section of this document entitled “Inherited IRA”. Traditional IRA-to-Employer Retirement Plan Rollover: If your employer’s retirement plan accepts rollovers from IRAs, you may complete a direct or indirect rollover of your pre-tax assets in your Traditional IRA into your employer retirement plan. If you are required to take minimum distributions because you are age 70½ or older, you may not roll over any required minimum distributions. Rollover of Exxon Xxxxxx Settlement Income: Certain income received as an Exxon Xxxxxx qualified settlement may be rolled over to a Traditional IRA or another eligible retirement plan. The amount contributed cannot exceed the lesser of $100,000 (reduced by the amount of any qualified settlement income contributed to an eligible retirement plan in prior tax years) or the amount of qualified settlement income received during the tax year. Contributions for the year can be made until the due date for filing your return, not including extensions.

  • Contribution Allocation The Advisory Committee will allocate deferral contributions, matching contributions, qualified nonelective contributions and nonelective contributions in accordance with Section 14.06 and the elections under this Adoption Agreement Section 3.04.

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