Military Use and Operating Rights Sample Clauses

Military Use and Operating Rights. Within Exclusive-Use Areas Article V
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Related to Military Use and Operating Rights

  • Use and Operation 3.1 Permitted Use ......................................................................................................

  • Maintenance and Operation Member-Generator agrees to maintain their system and facilities in accordance with applicable manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedule and standard prudent engineering practices. Member-Generator covenants and agrees to operate their system, facilities and equipment so as to minimize the likelihood for a malfunction or other disturbance, damaging or otherwise affecting or impairing Cooperative’s electrical system. Member-Generator shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, zoning, building codes, safety rules and other environmental regulations or restrictions applicable to the design, installation, operation and maintenance of the Member-Generator's System. Member-Generator must, at least once every year, conduct a test to confirm that Member-Generator’s System automatically ceases to energize the output (interconnection equipment output voltage goes to zero) within two (2) seconds of being disconnected from Cooperative’s electrical system. Disconnecting the Member-Generator’s System from Cooperative’s electrical system at the visible disconnect switch and measuring the time required for the unit to cease to energize the output shall satisfy this test. Member-Generator shall maintain a record of the results of these tests and, upon request by Cooperative, shall provide a copy of the test results to Cooperative. If Member-Generator is unable to provide a copy of the test results upon request, Cooperative shall notify Member- Generator by mail that Member-Generator has thirty (30) days from the date Member-Generator receives the request to provide Cooperative with the results of a test. If Member-Generator does not provide Cooperative with the test results within the thirty (30) day time period or if the test results provided to Cooperative show that Member-Generator’s net metering unit is not functioning correctly, Cooperative may immediately disconnect Member-Generator’s System from Cooperative’s electrical system. If Member-Generator’s equipment ever fails this test, Member-Generator shall immediately disconnect Member-Generator’s System from Cooperative's electrical system. Member-Generator’s System shall not be reconnected to Cooperative's electrical system by the Member-Generator until Member-Generator’s System is repaired and operating in a normal and safe manner. Cooperative shall have the right to have a representative present and informed when any such tests are conducted. Cooperative does not warrant the testing procedures or results by the presence of its representative. Member-Generator is responsible for protecting their equipment from transient high voltage spikes caused by lightning and/or transient low voltage conditions caused by faults or short circuits, and from any other causes or events. Therefore, Cooperative shall not be responsible for damage to Member-Generator’s equipment allegedly caused by transient high voltage spikes caused by lightning and/or transient low voltage conditions caused by faults or short circuits or other causes or events. Member-Generator agrees to notify Cooperative no less than thirty (30) days prior to modification of the components or design of the Member-Generator’s System that in any way may degrade or significantly alter the System’s output characteristics. Member-Generator acknowledges that any such modifications will require submission of a new Application and Agreement to Cooperative.

  • Developer Operating Requirements (a) Developer must comply with all applicable NYISO tariffs and procedures, as amended from time to time.

  • GENERAL WORKING CONDITIONS The District has empowered school communities to make decisions at the school level in return for accountability for results. To maximize the likelihood of success, each school must be permitted to implement programs that meet the needs of its students and community. Through a school-based decision-making process, each school will define the staff working conditions necessary for student success. School leadership teams will create and publish annual “school operational plans” which will outline working conditions of staff in the building. Such operational plans will be subject to the Superintendent’s review and approval.

  • PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDING SERVICES CONTRACTS Work being done under a resulting Authorized User Agreement may be subject to the prevailing wage rate provisions of the New York State Labor Law. Such work will be identified by the Authorized User within the RFQ. See “Prevailing Wage Rates – Public Works and Building Services Contracts’ in Appendix B, Clause 10, OGS General Specifications. Any federal or State determination of a violation of any public works law or regulation, or labor law or regulation, or any OSHA violation deemed "serious or willful" may be grounds for a determination of vendor non-responsibility and rejection of proposal. The Prevailing Wage Case Number for this Contract is PRC# 2014011745. The Prevailing Wage Rates for various occupations and General Provisions of Laws Covering Workers on Article 8 Public Work Contract can be accessed at the following NYS Department of Labor website: xxxxx://  Insert PRC# 2014011745 in the box provided and click Submit.  Click Wage Schedule located underneath the main header of this page. The PDF file may be searched to obtain the Prevailing Wage Rate for a specific occupation. SHORT TERM EXTENSION In the event a replacement Contract has not been issued, any Contract let and awarded hereunder by the State, may be extended unilaterally by the State for an additional period of up to 3 months upon notice to the Contractor with the same terms and conditions as the original Contract including, but not limited to, prices and delivery requirements. With the concurrence of the Contractor, the extension may be for a period of up to 6 months in lieu of 3 months. However, this extension terminates should the replacement Contract be issued in the interim. PROCUREMENT INSTRUCTIONS Authorized Users should refer to the documents attached as Appendix G – Processes and Forms Templates for specific instructions on the usage of this Contract. OGS reserves the right to unilaterally make revisions, changes, additions and/or updates to the documents attached as Appendix G - Processes and Forms Templates without processing a formal amendment and/or modification. SPECIFICATIONS During the term of the Contract, the Authorized User may request Product specifications for particular items that have been included by the Contractor in its Pricing Pages. These specifications will be provided by the Contractor at no cost.

  • Completion of Concrete Pours and Emergency Work 24.14.1 Except as provided in this sub-clause an employee shall not work or be required to work in the rain.

  • For General Conditions Costs Contractor’s Application for Payment shall be submitted on a Schedule of Values approved by the Owner and include complete copies of all receipts, invoices with check vouchers or other evidence of payment, payrolls, and any and all other evidence which Owner or its designated representatives shall deem necessary to support the amount requested. This information is subject to audit and payment for these costs is dependent on Owner’s receipt of accurate and complete records of all transactions. Owner may reduce the amount requested for General Conditions Costs in any Application for Payment if Owner, in its good faith judgment, determines that the unpaid balance of the General Conditions line item in the Schedule of Values is not sufficient to fund necessary General Conditions Costs for the remainder of the Project.

  • Procurement and Property Management Standards The parties to this Agreement shall adhere to the procurement and property management standards established in 2 CFR 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, and to the Texas Uniform Grant Management Standards. The State must pre-approve the Local Government’s procurement procedures for purchases to be eligible for state or federal funds.

  • Procedural and Operational Requirements By accepting and using the Financial Assistance awarded under this Agreement and for this Program Element, LPHA agrees to conduct activities in accordance with the following requirements:

  • Franchise Area The incorporated area (entire existing territorial limits) of the LFA, and such additional areas as may be annexed or acquired.

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