MINIMUM CESSION. The minimum amount of reinsurance per cession that THE REINSURER will accept is shown in Schedule A.
MINIMUM CESSION. The minimum amount of reinsurance per cession that the Reinsurer will accept is $10,000.00 and reinsurance will be terminated when the amount reinsured is less than $10,000.00.
MINIMUM CESSION. The Ceding Company will not cede a policy to the Reinsurer unless the amount to be reinsured at issue exceeds the Initial Minimum Cession amount shown in Exhibit B. Reinsurance will be cancelled on any policy when its reinsured net amount at risk falls below the Trivial Amount limit shown in Exhibit B.
MINIMUM CESSION. The minimum amount per cession that can be reinsured with THE REINSURER is $1.
MINIMUM CESSION. The Company will not cede a policy to the Reinsurer unless the amount to be reinsured at issue exceeds the Initial Minimum Cession amount shown in Exhibit C. Reinsurance will be cancelled on any policy when its reinsured net amount at risk falls below the Trivial Amount limit shown in Exhibit C.
MINIMUM CESSION. The minimum amount of reinsurance per cession that AUSA will accept is shown in Schedule A.
MINIMUM CESSION. The Ceding Company will not cede a Policy to the Reinsurer unless the amount to be reinsured at issue exceeds the Minimum Initial Cession Amount.
MINIMUM CESSION. The minimum amount of reinsurance per cession that ANNUITY & LIFE RE will accept is shown in Schedule A.
MINIMUM CESSION. The Company will not cede a policy to the Reinsurer unless the amount to be reinsured at issue exceeds the Initial Minimum Cession amount shown in Exhibit C. For any reinsured policy where the reinsured net amount at risk has fallen below the Trivial Amount limit shown in Exhibit C, the reinsurance on the policy will continue to be reported but the reported reinsured net amount at risk and reinsurance premiums will be zero. If future policy fluctuations cause the reinsured net amount at risk of the policy to rise above the Trivial Amount Limit, the reinsured net amount at risk and reinsurance premiums will resume accordingly.
MINIMUM CESSION. The minimum amount of reinsurance per cession that THE REINSURER will accept is shown in Schedule A. Y-UL/VULII-2005-RGA-PICA-3